78 research outputs found

    Chages in parameters of deposits No. 301, 302, 303 of Romashkinskoye oil field in modeling reservoir conditions

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    Parameters of the carbonate rocks of the oil deposits of 301, 302 and 303 of Romashkinskoye field were estimated on 69 core samples. Modelling of reservoir conditions during deposits development was carried out using IFES-1 facility (Republic of Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky, VNIIGIS). We estimated true resistivity, P-wave velocity and the porosity before loading the sample and after load removal. Samples were placed in a chamber and the measurements were made under conditions close to the reservoir ones. Loading configuration intended constant confining pressure (rock pressure) and changes in pore (reservoir) pressure. At each stage of reservoir pressure changing it has been given a certain period (30 min) to complete the transition process. Two months after the measurement (after full restoration of elasto-mechanical properties) we determined gas permeability of samples again. Porosity of Vereckiann rocks was 3-20 %, of Bashkirian - 1.5-21 %, of Protvinskian - 0.2-23 %. We considered two variants of the technology-related loading: soft and hard. In the soft mode pore (reservoir) pressure reduced from maximum (6.56-7.15 MPa) to an average value (2.24-4.0 MPa) and then restore to maximum. In the hard mode pressure reduced from maximum pore (reservoir) pressure to average value, decreased to minimum (1.0-0.2 MPa) and then restored to maximum. We determined that rocks parameters had not significantly changed under soft mode of technology-related loading. Under hard mode of loading porosity decreased, true resistivity and P-wave velocity grew up. Comparative analysis shows that for the majority of collector of the Vereiskian and Bashkirian productive horizons gas permeability is characterized by reduction of porosity. In case of Protvinskian high fractured rocks gas permeability increases sometimes

    Solid state multi-ensemble quantum computer in cavity quantum electrodynamics model

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    The first realization of solid state quantum computer was demonstrated recently by using artificial atoms - transmons in superconducting resonator. Here, we propose a novel quantum computer based on quantum electrodynamic cavity coupling many quantum nodes of controlled atomic ensembles. The quantum computer contains quantum memory and processing nodes. For the first time, we find the optimal practically attainable parameters of the atoms and optical scheme of the computer for realization of the multimode quantum memory for the photonic qubits with efficiency close to 100%. Then we reveal self modes for reversible transfer of the qubits between the quantum memory node and the processing nodes. Also, we find a realization of iSWAP gate via direct coupling of two processing nodes with an operation rate accelerated proportionally to the number of atoms in the nodes. Collective dynamic and static blockade mechanisms are proposed for realization of iSWAP\sqrt {iSWAP} quantum gate in multi atomic ensembles. A large number of the two-qubit gates can be simultaneously realized that opens a possibility for parallel quantum processing in the proposed quantum computer. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Efficient multimode quantum memory based on photon echo in an optimal QED cavity

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    Effective multimode photon echo quantum memory on multiatomic ensemble in the QED cavity is proposed. We obtain the analytical solution for the quantum memory efficiency that can be equal to unity when optimal conditions for the cavity and atomic parameters are held. Detailed analysis of the optimal conditions is performed. Numerical estimation for realistic atomic and cavity parameters demonstrates the high efficiency of the quantum memory for an optically thin resonant atomic system that opens a door for real applications. © 2010 The American Physical Society

    Nanoparticles based on gadolinium(iii) and europium(iii) complexes for biovisualization

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.Complexes Ln(TTA)3 and [Ln(TTA)3·1] (Ln = Eu, Gd; ТТА is thenoyltrifluoroacetyl-acetonate; 1 is 2-(5-chlorophenylene-2-hydroxy)-2-phenylethylene-bis(2-methoxy)phosphine oxide) in individual form, and as a part of a core of the polyelectrolyte stabilized colloids have been studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. The photophysical and colloidal characteristics of the solutions of polyelectrolyte nanoparticles were studied in water, artificial cerebrospinal fluid solution, solution of bovine serum albumin, and human blood serum. A stability of a luminescent response of the nanoparticles in solutions of bovine serum albumin and human blood serum at 37 °С for 2 hours has been revealed. This is a prerequisite for the potential application of studied nanoparticles for biovisualization

    Phosphineoxide-Chelated Europium(III) Nanoparticles for Ceftriaxone Detection

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    The present work demonstrates the optimization of the ligand structure in the series of bis(phosphine oxide) and β-ketophosphine oxide representatives for efficient coordination of Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions with the formation of the complexes exhibiting high Tb3+- and Eu3+-centered luminescence. The analysis of the stoichiometry and structure of the lanthanide complexes obtained using the XRD method reveals the great impact of the bridging group nature between two phosphine oxide moieties on the coordination mode of the ligands with Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions. The bridging imido-group facilitates the deprotonation of the imido- bis(phosphine oxide) ligand followed by the formation of tris-complexes. The spectral and PXRD analysis of the separated colloids indicates that the high stability of the tris-complexes provides their safe conversion into polystyrenesulfonate-stabilized colloids using the solvent exchange method. The red Eu3+-centered luminescence of the tris-complex exhibits the same specificity in the solutions and the colloids. The pronounced luminescent response on the antibiotic ceftriaxone allows for sensing the latter in aqueous solutions with an LOD value equal to 0.974 μM

    Композиты на основе полиуретана и модифицированных нефтяных асфальтенов

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    In this work, polyurethane composites with petroleum asphaltenes and their modified derivatives have been obtained and studied. The changes in the mechanical and thermal characteristics of polyurethane composites depending on the content of asphaltene fillers in concentrations of 1 and 2.5 wt% are shown. The distribution of native and modified asphaltenes in the polymer matrix was assessed using the X‑ray power diffraction method. Composites with native asphaltenes and asphaltenes bearing amino groups showed the best performance in terms of distribution homogeneity in the matrix of polyurethane obtained from 2,4-toluylene diisocyanate (TDI) and polyethylene glycol adipate. It has been shown that the use of carboxylated (CA) and sulfonated (SA) asphaltenes in polyurethane composites leads to incomplete curing of the polymer. A significant decrease in the strength and elongation at break, as well as an increase in material hardness, was recorded for a composite containing 2.5 wt% of sulfonated asphaltene. The use of aminated asphaltenes makes it possible to increase the elongation at break due to additional interaction with TDI at the production of polyurethane composites. Composites with native and sulfonated asphaltenes showed the best thermal stabilityВ работе получены и исследованы полиуретановые композиты с нефтяными асфальтенами и их модифицированными производными. Показаны особенности изменения механических и термических характеристик полиуретановых композитов в зависимости от содержания асфальтеновых наполнителей при степени наполнения 1 и 2.5 мас.%. Распределение нативных и модифицированных асфальтенов в матрице полимера оценивалось с помощью метода порошковой рентгеновской дифракции. Композиты с нативными асфальтенами и асфальтенами, включающими аминогруппы, продемонстрировали лучшие показатели по однородности распределения в матрице полиуретана, полученного из 2,4-толуилендиизоцианата (ТДИ) и полиэтиленгликольадипината. Показано, что использование карбоксилированных CA и сульфированных SA асфальтенов в полиуретановых композитах приводит к неполному отверждению полимера. Значительное снижение показателей прочности и растяжения при разрыве, а также возрастание твердости материала зафиксировано для композита с 2.5 мас.% сульфированных SA асфальтенов. Использование аминированных асфальтенов позволяет увеличить показатель растяжения при разрыве за счет дополнительного взаимодействия с ТДИ при получении полиуретановых композитов. Композиты с нативными и сульфированными SA асфальтенами продемонстрировали наилучшую термостабильност

    Chages in parameters of deposits No. 301, 302, 303 of Romashkinskoye oil field in modeling reservoir conditions

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    Parameters of the carbonate rocks of the oil deposits of 301, 302 and 303 of Romashkinskoye field were estimated on 69 core samples. Modelling of reservoir conditions during deposits development was carried out using IFES-1 facility (Republic of Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky, VNIIGIS). We estimated true resistivity, P-wave velocity and the porosity before loading the sample and after load removal. Samples were placed in a chamber and the measurements were made under conditions close to the reservoir ones. Loading configuration intended constant confining pressure (rock pressure) and changes in pore (reservoir) pressure. At each stage of reservoir pressure changing it has been given a certain period (30 min) to complete the transition process. Two months after the measurement (after full restoration of elasto-mechanical properties) we determined gas permeability of samples again. Porosity of Vereckiann rocks was 3-20 %, of Bashkirian - 1.5-21 %, of Protvinskian - 0.2-23 %. We considered two variants of the technology-related loading: soft and hard. In the soft mode pore (reservoir) pressure reduced from maximum (6.56-7.15 MPa) to an average value (2.24-4.0 MPa) and then restore to maximum. In the hard mode pressure reduced from maximum pore (reservoir) pressure to average value, decreased to minimum (1.0-0.2 MPa) and then restored to maximum. We determined that rocks parameters had not significantly changed under soft mode of technology-related loading. Under hard mode of loading porosity decreased, true resistivity and P-wave velocity grew up. Comparative analysis shows that for the majority of collector of the Vereiskian and Bashkirian productive horizons gas permeability is characterized by reduction of porosity. In case of Protvinskian high fractured rocks gas permeability increases sometimes

    Chages in parameters of deposits No. 301, 302, 303 of Romashkinskoye oil field in modeling reservoir conditions

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    Parameters of the carbonate rocks of the oil deposits of 301, 302 and 303 of Romashkinskoye field were estimated on 69 core samples. Modelling of reservoir conditions during deposits development was carried out using IFES-1 facility (Republic of Bashkortostan, Oktyabrsky, VNIIGIS). We estimated true resistivity, P-wave velocity and the porosity before loading the sample and after load removal. Samples were placed in a chamber and the measurements were made under conditions close to the reservoir ones. Loading configuration intended constant confining pressure (rock pressure) and changes in pore (reservoir) pressure. At each stage of reservoir pressure changing it has been given a certain period (30 min) to complete the transition process. Two months after the measurement (after full restoration of elasto-mechanical properties) we determined gas permeability of samples again. Porosity of Vereckiann rocks was 3-20 %, of Bashkirian - 1.5-21 %, of Protvinskian - 0.2-23 %. We considered two variants of the technology-related loading: soft and hard. In the soft mode pore (reservoir) pressure reduced from maximum (6.56-7.15 MPa) to an average value (2.24-4.0 MPa) and then restore to maximum. In the hard mode pressure reduced from maximum pore (reservoir) pressure to average value, decreased to minimum (1.0-0.2 MPa) and then restored to maximum. We determined that rocks parameters had not significantly changed under soft mode of technology-related loading. Under hard mode of loading porosity decreased, true resistivity and P-wave velocity grew up. Comparative analysis shows that for the majority of collector of the Vereiskian and Bashkirian productive horizons gas permeability is characterized by reduction of porosity. In case of Protvinskian high fractured rocks gas permeability increases sometimes