14 research outputs found

    Testing a fault tolerant mixed-signal design under TID and heavy ions

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    This work presents results of three distinctradiation tests performed upon a fault tolerant data acqui-sition system comprising a design diversity redundancytechnique. The first and second experiments are Total Ion-izing Dose (TID) essays, comprising gamma and X-rayirradiations. The last experiment considers single eventeffects, in which two heavy ion irradiation campaignsare carried out. The case study system comprises threeanalog-to-digital converters and two software-based vot-ers, besides additional software and hardware resourcesused for controlling, monitoring and memory manage-ment. The applied Diversity Triple Modular Redundancy(DTMR) technique, comprises different levels of diversity(temporal and architectural). The circuit was designed ina programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC), fabricated in a130nm CMOS technology process. Results show that thetechnique may increase the lifetime of the system underTID if comparing with a non-redundant implementation.Considering the heavy ions experiments the system wasproved effective to tolerate 100% of the observed errorsoriginated in the converters, while errors in the process-ing unit present a higher criticality. Critical errors occur-ring in one of the voters were also observed. A secondheavy ion campaign was then carried out to investigatethe voters reliability, comparing the the dynamic cross sec-tion of three different software-based voter schemes im-plemented in the considered PSoC

    58Co: study of an odd-odd nucleus in the pf shell

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos do estudo da estrutura do núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de raios gama em linha. Este núcleo foi produzido a partir da reação de fusão-evaporação \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n), com energia de feixe de 33 MeV incidindo em três alvos de 200\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\', realizada no acelerador Pelletron da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram feitas medidas em coincidência \'gama\'\'gama\'-partícula com o espectrômetro de raios \'gama\' Saci-Pererê, composto de 4 detectores de GeHP com blindagem Compton, e um sistema auxiliar para detectar partículas carregadas, consistindo de 11 telescópios cintiladores \'delta\'E-E tipo phoswich. Foram encontradas quarenta e sete transições novas que depopulam trinta e sete novos estados. O esquema de níveis proposto foi estendido até uma energia de excitação de 8 MeV e momento angular de \'J POT. pi\'=\'11 POT. +\'. A atribuição dos valores de spins foi baseada na razão DCO (Correlação Direcional de Estados Orientados). Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com os calculados pelo Modelo de Camadas em Larga Escala (LSSM) utilizando os códigos MSHELL e Antoine, assim como a interação residual GXPF1, desenvolvida para ser usada na camada pf Foram interpretados dezenove estados excitados a partir do LSSM. Foram medidas também as vidas médias para treze estados excitados do \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' utilizando o Método de Deslocamento Doppler Atenuado (DSAM). Para este estudo, o núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' foi produzido a partir da reação \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) com energia de feixe de 36 MeV, usando um alvo de 770\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\' prensado em um suporte de Pb. Os valores experimentais também foram comparados aos cálculos do LSSM. Probabilidades de transição reduzidas B(Ml), e portanto as vidas médias, foram bem reproduzidas pelo modelo teórico para cinco níveis identificados. Os níveis de energia observados apresentaram funções de onda com grande mistura de configurações sendo a principal dada por \'pi\'\'f POT -1 IND. 7/2\' (PRODUTO VETORIAL) v \'p POT 2 IND. 3/2\' \'f POT 1 IND. 5/2\',. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos estados excitados do núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' tem um comportamento esférico e são bem reproduzidos considerando excitações de partícula únicaThe excited states in the doubly odd nucleus \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' have been studied using inbeam gama-ray spectroscopy. The \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus has been produced with the fusionevaporation reaction \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) at 33 MeV bombarding energy, using the SMV Pelletron accelerator of the University of São Paulo. Gamrna-gamma-charged particle coincidences were measured with the Saci-Pererê gama-ray spectrometer composed of 4 Compton-suppressed GeHP and an ancillary charged-particle detector system composed of 11 plastic phoswich scintillator ~E-E telescopes. We have found 47 new gama-transitions de-populating 37 new excited states. A level scheme extending up to an excitation energy of about 8.0 MeV and spin \'J POT. pi\'=\'11 POT. +\' has been proposed. The spin assignments were based on the DCO (Directional Correlation from Oriented States) ratios. The experimental results were compared with Large Scale Shell Model (LSSM) calculations performed with the MSHELL and Antoine codes using the GXPFl effective interaction, developed for use in the pf shell. We have interpreted 19 excited states in the frame of the LSSM. We have measured also the lifetimes for 13 excited states of the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus. The lifetimes were measured with the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM). For this study the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nuclei were populated with the reaction \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) at 36 MeV bombarding energy, using a target consisting of a 770\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\' foil with Pb backing. The experimental values were also compared with the LSSM calculations. Experimental B(M1) reduced transition probabilities, and thus the lifetimes, are well reproduced by the theoretical model for fi v e o f the identified levels. The observed levels presented wave functions with large configuration mixing with the main configuration being \'pi\'\'f POT -1 IND. 1/2\' (PRODUTO VETORIAL) v \'p POT 2 IND. 3/2\' \'f POT 1 IND. 5/2\',. The results indicate that most of the excited states in the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus has a spherical behavior and is well reproduced considering single-particle excitations

    Measures of critical exponents of diamond films using atomic force microscopy

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    Neste trabalho investigamos a dinâmica de crescimento de filmes de diamante sintetizados por meio de deposição química a vapor ativada por plasma de microondas (CVD). A caracterização foi feita utilizando, fundamentalmente, microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Analisamos o comportamento da rugosidade dos filmes como função da escala de observação e do tempo de deposição. Dessa maneira verificamos a existência de leis de potência para o crescimento e determinamos os expoentes críticos associados a essas leis. Os resultados obtidos estão em bom acordo com o processo de crescimento descrito pela equação estocástica KPZ. Os mecanismos principais são a deposição aleatória de partículas na superfície, o crescimento lateral e a dessorção.Diamond films have been grown by Microwave Plasma assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). The characterization has been made mainly by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). We could analyze the roughness behavior with the scale of observation and with the deposition time. We could determine the critical exponents associated with these laws. The results suggest that the growth process is in good agreement with the stochastic growth equation known as KPZ. The most important mechanisms are the random deposition, the lateral growth and the desorption

    58Co: study of an odd-odd nucleus in the pf shell

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados obtidos do estudo da estrutura do núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de raios gama em linha. Este núcleo foi produzido a partir da reação de fusão-evaporação \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n), com energia de feixe de 33 MeV incidindo em três alvos de 200\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\', realizada no acelerador Pelletron da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram feitas medidas em coincidência \'gama\'\'gama\'-partícula com o espectrômetro de raios \'gama\' Saci-Pererê, composto de 4 detectores de GeHP com blindagem Compton, e um sistema auxiliar para detectar partículas carregadas, consistindo de 11 telescópios cintiladores \'delta\'E-E tipo phoswich. Foram encontradas quarenta e sete transições novas que depopulam trinta e sete novos estados. O esquema de níveis proposto foi estendido até uma energia de excitação de 8 MeV e momento angular de \'J POT. pi\'=\'11 POT. +\'. A atribuição dos valores de spins foi baseada na razão DCO (Correlação Direcional de Estados Orientados). Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com os calculados pelo Modelo de Camadas em Larga Escala (LSSM) utilizando os códigos MSHELL e Antoine, assim como a interação residual GXPF1, desenvolvida para ser usada na camada pf Foram interpretados dezenove estados excitados a partir do LSSM. Foram medidas também as vidas médias para treze estados excitados do \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' utilizando o Método de Deslocamento Doppler Atenuado (DSAM). Para este estudo, o núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' foi produzido a partir da reação \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) com energia de feixe de 36 MeV, usando um alvo de 770\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\' prensado em um suporte de Pb. Os valores experimentais também foram comparados aos cálculos do LSSM. Probabilidades de transição reduzidas B(Ml), e portanto as vidas médias, foram bem reproduzidas pelo modelo teórico para cinco níveis identificados. Os níveis de energia observados apresentaram funções de onda com grande mistura de configurações sendo a principal dada por \'pi\'\'f POT -1 IND. 7/2\' (PRODUTO VETORIAL) v \'p POT 2 IND. 3/2\' \'f POT 1 IND. 5/2\',. Os resultados indicam que a maior parte dos estados excitados do núcleo \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' tem um comportamento esférico e são bem reproduzidos considerando excitações de partícula únicaThe excited states in the doubly odd nucleus \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' have been studied using inbeam gama-ray spectroscopy. The \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus has been produced with the fusionevaporation reaction \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) at 33 MeV bombarding energy, using the SMV Pelletron accelerator of the University of São Paulo. Gamrna-gamma-charged particle coincidences were measured with the Saci-Pererê gama-ray spectrometer composed of 4 Compton-suppressed GeHP and an ancillary charged-particle detector system composed of 11 plastic phoswich scintillator ~E-E telescopes. We have found 47 new gama-transitions de-populating 37 new excited states. A level scheme extending up to an excitation energy of about 8.0 MeV and spin \'J POT. pi\'=\'11 POT. +\' has been proposed. The spin assignments were based on the DCO (Directional Correlation from Oriented States) ratios. The experimental results were compared with Large Scale Shell Model (LSSM) calculations performed with the MSHELL and Antoine codes using the GXPFl effective interaction, developed for use in the pf shell. We have interpreted 19 excited states in the frame of the LSSM. We have measured also the lifetimes for 13 excited states of the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus. The lifetimes were measured with the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM). For this study the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nuclei were populated with the reaction \'ANTPOT. 51 V\'(ANTPOT. 10 B\', p2n) at 36 MeV bombarding energy, using a target consisting of a 770\'mü\'g/\'cm POT. 2\' foil with Pb backing. The experimental values were also compared with the LSSM calculations. Experimental B(M1) reduced transition probabilities, and thus the lifetimes, are well reproduced by the theoretical model for fi v e o f the identified levels. The observed levels presented wave functions with large configuration mixing with the main configuration being \'pi\'\'f POT -1 IND. 1/2\' (PRODUTO VETORIAL) v \'p POT 2 IND. 3/2\' \'f POT 1 IND. 5/2\',. The results indicate that most of the excited states in the \'ANTPOT. 58 CO\' nucleus has a spherical behavior and is well reproduced considering single-particle excitations

    Measures of critical exponents of diamond films using atomic force microscopy

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    Neste trabalho investigamos a dinâmica de crescimento de filmes de diamante sintetizados por meio de deposição química a vapor ativada por plasma de microondas (CVD). A caracterização foi feita utilizando, fundamentalmente, microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Analisamos o comportamento da rugosidade dos filmes como função da escala de observação e do tempo de deposição. Dessa maneira verificamos a existência de leis de potência para o crescimento e determinamos os expoentes críticos associados a essas leis. Os resultados obtidos estão em bom acordo com o processo de crescimento descrito pela equação estocástica KPZ. Os mecanismos principais são a deposição aleatória de partículas na superfície, o crescimento lateral e a dessorção.Diamond films have been grown by Microwave Plasma assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). The characterization has been made mainly by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). We could analyze the roughness behavior with the scale of observation and with the deposition time. We could determine the critical exponents associated with these laws. The results suggest that the growth process is in good agreement with the stochastic growth equation known as KPZ. The most important mechanisms are the random deposition, the lateral growth and the desorption

    Boosting the total ionizing dose tolerance of digital switches by using OCTO SOI MOSFET

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    This paper performs an experimental comparative study of the total ionizing dose effects due to the x-ray radiation between the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) manufactured with octagonal gate geometry and the standard counterpart. Our main focus is on integrated transceivers for wireless communications and smart-power dc/dc converters for mobile electronics, where the transistor is used as the key switching element. It is shown that this innovative layout can reduce the total ionizing dose (TID) effects due to the special characteristics of the OCTO SOI MOSFET bird’s beak regions, where longitudinal electrical field lines in these regions are not parallel to the drain and source regions. Consequently, the parasitic MOSFETs associated with these regions are practically deactivated

    Boosting the Radiation Hardness and Higher Reestablishing Pre-Rad Conditions by Using OCTO Layout Style for MOSFETs

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    This manuscript has the objective to perform an experimental comparative analysis of the total ionizing dose influence in the Silicon-On-Insulator Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor implemented with the octagonal gate shape (OCTO) and the standard one (rectangular gate shape) counterpart, after a X-ray radiation exposure. The back-gate bias technique is applied in these devices to reestablish the threshold voltage and subthreshold slope that were degraded by the ionizing radiation effects. Since the octagonal layout style maintains a better electrical performance after radiation, a smaller back-gate bias to recover the pre-rad operation is required in comparison to the conventional counterpart. This is mainly because the parasitic transistors in the bird's beak region are practically deactivated by the particular octagonal gate geometry

    Improving the X-ray radiation tolerance of the analog ICs by using OCTO layout style

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    This paper investigates and compares experimentally the total ionizing dose (TID) effects in the main analog parameters of the fully depleted (FD) OCTO Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI)n-type Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) (OSM), that presents an octagonal gate geometry, versus its conventional (rectangular gate geometry) counterpart (CSM). The main analog parameters taken into account in this study are the drain current in saturation region (IDSsat), the maximum transconductance (gm-max), the transconductance (gm) over the drain current (IDS) ratio (gm/IDS), the unity voltage gain frequency (fT), intrinsic voltage gain (AV) and Early voltage (VEA). This work demonstrates that OCTO layout style achieved the same relative variation due the TID effects as the conventional for the main analog parameters, but keeping the higher electrical performance related to the LCE and PAMDLE effects. In addition the OSM had a higher tolerance in terms of gm-max, IDSsat and VEA relative variation and fT and AV performance in strong inversion regime

    Comparative Experimental Study of X-Ray Radiation Effects in the Threshold Voltage between the OCTO and Conventional SOI nMOSFETs

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    This paper describes a comparative experimental study of the influence of Total Ionizing Dose (TID), due the X-ray radiation, in the threshold voltage (VTH) of the OCTO (OSM) and Conventional SOI nMOSFET (CSM). The threshold voltage becomes more negative at high X-ray doses in both devices. The impact of trapped charge in the buried oxide becomes more evident on the conventional device, while the octagonal device exhibits a lower change of the threshold values than the conventional, considering the same gate die area (Ag) and bias conditions