53 research outputs found


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    En la actualidad, la biología molecular moderna experimenta un aumento hacia enfoques "-ómicas», y, en particular, la genómica y la (meta) genómica como herramientas emergentes para el estudio de genes que codifican las enzimas a nivel de microorganismos individuales y comunidades imposibles de cultivar y, microorganismos sin explorar hasta ahora. Durante los últimos años, hemos visto enormes avances en nuestra capacidad para aislar microbios y analizar los genomas individuales, y la información proporcionada por estas secuencias es bastante sorprendente en lo que respecta a descifrar nuevas enzimas con nuevas actividades. Los métodos moleculares, en particular, (meta) genómica, se aplican ampliamente para caracterizar nuevos biocatalizadores. La (meta) genómica es la aplicación de modernas técnicas de la genómica al estudio de las comunidades de organismos microbianos directamente en sus ambientes naturales, evitando la necesidad de aislamiento y cultivo en el laboratorio de las especies individuales. Desde entonces, la (meta) genómica ha revolucionado la biotecnología desviando el interés lejos de cepas microbianas individuales hacia el 99% de las especies microbianas que actualmente se estima no se puede cultivar. Analizaremos las diferentes estrategias para aislar nuevas enzimas y como la aplicación directa de la (meta) genómica sobre las comunidades microbianas y sus enzimas revierte en una amplia gama de aplicaciones biomédicas, industriales y ambientales

    Novel Ethanol- and 5-Hydroxymethyl Furfural-Stimulated β-Glucosidase Retrieved From a Brazilian Secondary Atlantic Forest Soil Metagenome

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    Beta-glucosidases are key enzymes involved in lignocellulosic biomass degradation for bioethanol production, which complete the final step during cellulose hydrolysis by converting cellobiose into glucose. Currently, industry requires enzymes with improved catalytic performance or tolerance to process-specific parameters. In this sense, metagenomics has become a powerful tool for accessing and exploring the biochemical biodiversity present in different natural environments. Here, we report the identification of a novel β-glucosidase from metagenomic DNA isolated from soil samples enriched with decaying plant matter from a Secondary Atlantic Forest region. For this, we employed a functional screening approach using an optimized and synthetic broad host-range vector for library production. The novel β-glucosidase – named Lfa2 – displays three GH3-family conserved domains and conserved catalytic amino acids D283 and E487. The purified enzyme was most active in pH 5.5 and at 50°C, and showed hydrolytic activity toward several pNP synthetic substrates containing β-glucose, β-galactose, β-xylose, β-fucose, and α-arabinopyranose, as well as toward cellobiose. Lfa2 showed considerable glucose tolerance, exhibiting an IC50 of 300 mM glucose and 30% of remaining activity in 600 mM glucose. In addition, Lfa2 retained full or slightly enhanced activity in the presence of several metal ions. Further, β-glucosidase activity was increased by 1.7-fold in the presence of 10% (v/v) ethanol, a concentration that can be reached in conventional fermentation processes. Similarly, Lfa2 showed 1.7-fold enhanced activity at high concentrations of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural, one of the most important cellulase inhibitors in pretreated sugarcane bagasse hydrolysates. Moreover, the synergistic effect of Lfa2 on Bacillus subtilis GH5-CBM3 endoglucanase activity was demonstrated by the increased production of glucose (1.6-fold). Together, these results indicate that β-glucosidase Lfa2 is a promissory enzyme candidate for utilization in diverse industrial applications, such as cellulosic biomass degradation or flavor enhancement in winemaking and grape processing

    Mining Novel Constitutive Promoter Elements in Soil Metagenomic Libraries in Escherichia coli

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    Although functional metagenomics has been widely employed for the discovery of genes relevant to biotechnology and biomedicine, its potential for assessing the diversity of transcriptional regulatory elements of microbial communities has remained poorly explored. Here, we experimentally mined novel constitutive promoter sequences in metagenomic libraries by combining a bi-directional reporter vector, high-throughput fluorescence assays and predictive computational methods. Through the expression profiling of fluorescent clones from two independent soil sample libraries, we have analyzed the regulatory dynamics of 260 clones with candidate promoters as a set of active metagenomic promoters in the host Escherichia coli. Through an in-depth analysis of selected clones, we were able to further explore the architecture of metagenomic fragments and to report the presence of multiple promoters per fragment with a dominant promoter driving the expression profile. These approaches resulted in the identification of 33 novel active promoters from metagenomic DNA originated from very diverse phylogenetic groups. The in silico and in vivo analysis of these individual promoters allowed the generation of a constitutive promoter consensus for exogenous sequences recognizable by E. coli in metagenomic studies. The results presented here demonstrates the potential of functional metagenomics for exploring environmental bacterial communities as a source of novel regulatory genetic parts to expand the toolbox for microbial engineering

    Biochemical diversity of carboxyl esterases and lipases from Lake Arreo (Spain): a metagenomic approach

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    The esterases and lipases from the α/β hydrolase superfamily exhibit an enormous sequence diversity, fold plasticity, and activities. Here, we present the comprehensive sequence and biochemical analyses of seven distinct esterases and lipases from the metagenome of Lake Arreo, an evaporite karstic lake in Spain (42°46=N, 2°59=W; altitude, 655 m). Together with oligonucleotide usage patterns and BLASTP analysis, our study of esterases/lipases mined from Lake Arreo suggests that its sediment contains moderately halophilic and cold-adapted proteobacteria containing DNA fragments of distantly related plasmids or chromosomal genomic islands of plasmid and phage origins. This metagenome encodes esterases/lipases with broad substrate profiles (tested over a set of 101 structurally diverse esters) and habitat-specific characteristics, as they exhibit maximal activity at alkaline pH (8.0 to 8.5) and temperature of 16 to 40°C, and they are stimulated (1.5 to 2.2 times) by chloride ions (0.1 to 1.2 M), reflecting an adaptation to environmental conditions. Our work provides further insights into the potential significance of the Lake Arreo esterases/lipases for biotechnology processes (i.e., production of enantiomers and sugar esters), because these enzymes are salt tolerant and are active at low temperatures and against a broad range of substrates. As an example, the ability of a single protein to hydrolyze triacylglycerols, (non)halogenated alkyl and aryl esters, cinnamoyl and carbohydrate esters, lactones, and chiral epoxides to a similar extent was demonstrated.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project CSD2007-00005), the European Community project MAGICPAH (FP7-KBBE-2009-245226), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Government of Canada through Genome Canada, Ontario Genomics Institute, and Ontario Research Fund (2009-OGI-ABC-1405 and ORF-GL2-01-004). M.-E.G. thanks the CSIC for a JAE fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Taxonomic and functional metagenomic profiling of the microbial community in the anoxic sediment of a sub-saline Shallow Lake (Laguna de Carrizo, Central Spain)

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    The phylogenetic and functional structure of the microbial community residing in a Ca2+-rich anoxic sediment of a sub-saline shallow lake (Laguna de Carrizo, initially operated as a gypsum (CaSO4 × 2 H2O) mine) was estimated by analyzing the diversity of 16S rRNA amplicons and a 3.1 Mb of consensus metagenome sequence. The lake has about half the salinity of seawater and possesses an unusual relative concentration of ions, with Ca2+ and SO 4 2- being dominant. The 16S rRNA sequences revealed a diverse community with about 22% of the bacterial rRNAs being less than 94.5% similar to any rRNA currently deposited in GenBank. In addition to this, about 79% of the archaeal rRNA genes were mostly related to uncultured Euryarchaeota of the CCA47 group, which are often associated with marine and oxygen-depleted sites. Sequence analysis of assembled genes revealed that 23% of the open reading frames of the metagenome library had no hits in the database. Among annotated genes, functions related to (thio) sulfate and (thio) sulfonate-reduction and iron-oxidation, sulfur-oxidation, denitrification, synthrophism, and phototrophic sulfur metabolism were found as predominant. Phylogenetic and biochemical analyses indicate that the inherent physical–chemical characteristics of this habitat coupled with adaptation to anthropogenic activities have resulted in a highly efficient community for the assimilation of polysulfides, sulfoxides, and organosulfonates together with nitro-, nitrile-, and cyanide-substituted compounds. We discuss that the relevant microbial composition and metabolic capacities at Laguna de Carrizo, likely developed as an adaptation to thrive in the presence of moderate salinity conditions and potential toxic bio-molecules, in contrast with the properties of previously known anoxic sediments of shallow lakes.This research was supported by the Spanish CSD2007-00005 project and FEDER funds. M-E.G. thanks the CSIC for a JAE fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    TtgV Bound to a Complex Operator Site Represses Transcription of the Promoter for the Multidrug and Solvent Extrusion TtgGHI Pump

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    The TtgGHI efflux pump of Pseudomonas putida extrudes a variety of antibiotics and solvents. We show that the ttgGHI operon is transcribed in vitro and in vivo from a single promoter and not from two overlapping promoters as previously proposed. The expression of this promoter is controlled by the TtgV repressor, whose operator expands through four helical turns that overlap the −10 region of the promoter. We also show that TtgV is released from its operator on binding of effectors such as aliphatic alcohols. Mutational analysis of the ttgGHI promoter revealed that substitutions at −13, −12, and −8 yielded promoters that were unable to drive transcription whereas certain mutations at −9, −11, and −6 to −3 increased expression in vivo. The cause of the increased expression was either a decrease in the affinity of the TtgV protein for its operator or an increase in the affinity of RNA polymerase for the mutant promoters

    TtgV Bound to a Complex Operator Site Represses Transcription of the Promoter for the Multidrug and Solvent Extrusion TtgGHI Pump

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    The TtgGHI efflux pump of Pseudomonas putida extrudes a variety of antibiotics and solvents. We show that the ttgGHI operon is transcribed in vitro and in vivo from a single promoter and not from two overlapping promoters as previously proposed. The expression of this promoter is controlled by the TtgV repressor, whose operator expands through four helical turns that overlap the 10 region of the promoter. We also show that TtgV is released from its operator on binding of effectors such as aliphatic alcohols. Mutational analysis of the ttgGHI promoter revealed that substitutions at 13, 12, and 8 yielded promoters that were unable to drive transcription whereas certain mutations at 9, 11, and 6 to 3 increased expression in vivo. The cause of the increased expression was either a decrease in the affinity of the TtgV protein for its operator or an increase in the affinity of RNA polymerase for the mutant promoters.eThis work was supported by EU project QLK3-CT-2001-00435, grant RGY 0021/2002 from The Human Frontier Science Program, and funds from the Junta de Andalucía to Research Group CVI-191.Peer reviewe