76 research outputs found
Measuring coupled oscillations using an automated video analysis technique based on image recognition
[EN] The applications of the digital video image to the investigation of physical phenomena have increased enormously in recent years. The advances in computer technology and image recognition techniques allow the analysis of more complex problems. In this work, we study the movement of a damped coupled oscillation system. The motion is considered as a linear combination of two normal modes, i.e. the symmetric and antisymmetric modes. The image of the experiment is recorded with a video camera and analysed by means of software developed in our laboratory. The results show a very good agreement with the theory.This work has received financial support by the Universidad Polit¿ecnica de Valencia (PII20020632), Spain. We would like to thank the R+D+I Linguistic Assistance Office at the Universidad Politècnica de Valencia for their help in revising this paper.Monsoriu Serra, JA.; Gimenez Valentin, MH.; Riera Guasp, J.; Vidaurre, A. (2005). Measuring coupled oscillations using an automated video analysis technique based on image recognition. European Journal of Physics. 26(6):1149-1155. https://doi.org/10.1088/0143-0807/26/6/023S1149115526
Validation of Student Peer Assessment of Effective Oral Communication in Engineering Degrees
© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Peer assessment is a form of collaborative learning in which students evaluate learning products prepared by other students. We present the results of an analysis of the assessment of oral presentations by students. A group of students solves a problem, writes a document with the solution, and makes an oral presentation in class to other students. Another group assesses the written document and oral presentation. To help students perform the assessments, two rubrics are provided along with other guidance documents that help in writing scientific documents and performing oral presentations. The rubric evaluates five factors of oral communication. The results of the student evaluations are compared with the simultaneous evaluations produced by two lecturers. When making a comparison of the global assessment between lecturers and students, we find significant differences. However, when the factor "use of auxiliary resources" is removed, these differences disappear as the factor introduces a difficult to justify dispersion. In addition, the assessment performed by students with and without the help of a rubric is compared and no significant differences are found.Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Vidaurre, A.; Molina Mateo, J.; Riera Guasp, J.; Martínez Sala, RM. (2018). Validation of Student Peer Assessment of Effective Oral Communication in Engineering Degrees. IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal. 13(1):11-16. https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2018.2801897S111613
Students perception of auto-scored online exams in blended assessment: feedback for improvement
[ES] El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha producido un incremento del uso de la Computer Based Assessment (CBA, evaluación basada en ordenadores). en la educación superior. En la última década, ha habido un debate sobre los exámenes online vs los escritos tradicionales. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido verificar si los estudiantes tienen prejuicios sobre los exámenes online con corrección automática, y si ese es el caso, determinar los motivos. El estudio se realizó en el contexto de una evaluación mixta que implicó a 1200 estudiantes matriculados en una asignatura de física de primer curso universitario. De entre ellos, 463 respondieron a una encuesta anónima. Del análisis cuantitativo de la encuesta surgieron tres factores (etiquetados «F1-Learning», «F2-Use of Tool» y «F3-Assessment»), y se estableció una escala aditiva. Hemos encontrado diferencias significativas en el factor «F3-Assessment» en comparación con los otros dos factores, lo que indica una menor aceptación de la herramienta para la evaluación del estudiante. Parece ser que, a pesar de que los estudiantes están acostumbrados a los ordenadores, tienen una falta de confianza en los exámenes online. Para reforzar y matizar los resultados cuantitativos de la encuesta, incluimos una pregunta abierta y realizamos una entrevista a un pequeño grupo de 11 estudiantes. Aunque sus comentarios fueron en general positivos, especialmente sobre la facilidad de uso y sobre su utilidad para conocer el nivel alcanzado durante el proceso de aprendizaje, hubo algunas críticas sobre la claridad de las preguntas y el rigor del sistema de puntuación. Estos dos factores, entre otros, podrían ser la causa de la peor percepción del factor «F3-Assessment» y el origen de las reticencias de los estudiantes a los exámenes online y a la corrección automática.[EN] Development of the information and communication technologies has led to an increase in the use of Computer Based Assessment (CBA) in higher education. In the last decade, there has been a discussion on online versus the traditional pen-and-paper exams. The aim of this study was to verify whether students have reserves about auto-scored online exams, and if that is the case, to determine the reasons. The study was performed in the context of a blended assessment in which 1200 students were enrolled on a first-year physics university course. Among them, 463 answered an anonymous survey, supplemented by information obtained from an open-ended question and from interviews with students. Three factors (labelled `F1-Learning,¿ `F2-Use of Tool,¿ and `F3-Assessment¿) emerged from the quantitative analysis of the survey, and an additive scale was established. We found significant differences in the `F3-Assessment¿ factor compared to the other two factors, indicating a lower acceptance of the tool for student assessment. It seems that even though students are used to computers, they have a lack of confidence in online exams. We carried out an in-depth survey on this topic in the form of an open-ended question and by interviewing a small group of 11 students to confer strength and nuance to the quantitative results of the survey. Although their comments were in general positive, especially on ease-of-use and on its usefulness in indicating the level achieved during the learning process, there was also some criticism of the clarity of questions and the strictness system of marking. These two factors, among others, could have been the cause of the worse perception of F3-Assessment and the origin of the students¿ reluctances of online exams and automatic scoring.This work was supported by the Universitat Politècnica de València through the A15/16 Project (Convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovación y Convergencia de la UPV). We would like to thank the ICE in the Universitat Politècnica de València for their help, through the Innovation and Educational Quality Program and for supporting the team Innovación en Metodologías Activas para el Aprendizaje de la Física (e-MACAFI).Riera Guasp, J.; Ardid Ramírez, M.; Gómez-Tejedor, J.; Vidaurre, A.; Meseguer Dueñas, JM. (2018). Students perception of auto-scored online exams in blended assessment: feedback for improvement. Educacion XX1. 21(2):79-103. https://doi.org/10.5944/ educXX1.19559S7910321
Filtros adaptativos para el tratamiento de la oclusión en el seguimiento de objetos
En este artículo, se estudia un algoritmo rápido y sencillo para el seguimiento de objetos, basado en el cálculo del flujo óptico de un conjunto poco denso de puntos en los distintos fotogramas de un vídeo. Los métodos de este tipo no son capaces de tratar la oclusión de los objetos en movimiento. Para mejorar este comportamiento, se propone
el uso de filtros adaptativos para predecir las velocidades instantáneas esperadas de los objetos. Estas velocidades esperadas se comparan con las calculadas mediante el flujo óptico y se usan como indicadores del buen funcionamiento del método
Some Learning Objects to Explain Kepler s Laws
In this paper, we present some learning objects for the study of Kepler’s laws that graphically show
the orbits and the movements of various planets. One of them shows the orbit of a planet from the point of view of
a fixed planet, showing that the orbit is quite involved. No differentials equations are required, but only elementary
vector calculus. The learning objects have been implemented in Matlab. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput
Appl Eng Educ 21: 1–7, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cae; DOI 10.1002/cae.20446Benítez López, J.; Gimenez Valentin, MH.; Hueso Pagoaga, JL.; Martínez Molada, E.; Riera Guasp, J. (2013). Some Learning Objects to Explain Kepler s Laws. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 21:1-7. doi:10.1002/cae.20446S172
Development of the information and communication technologies has led to an increase in the use of Computer Based Assessment (CBA) in higher education. In the last decade, there has been a discussion on online versus traditional pen-and-paper exams. The aim of this study was to verify whether students have reserves about auto-scored online exams, and if that is the case, to determine the reasons. The study was performed in the context of a blended assessment in which 1200 students were enrolled on a first-year physics university course. Among them, 463 answered an anonymous survey, supplemented by information obtained from an open-ended question and from interviews with students. Three factors (labelled ‘F1-Learning,’ ‘F2-Use of Tool,’ and ‘F3-Assessment’) emerged from the quantitative analysis of the survey, and an additive scale was established. We found significant differences in the ‘F3-Assessment’ factor compared to the other two factors, indicating a lower acceptance of the tool for student assessment. It seems that even though students are used to computers, they have a lack of confidence in online exams. We carried out an in-depth survey on this topic in the form of an open-ended question and by interviewing a small group of 11 students to confer strength and nuance to the quantitative results of the survey. Although their comments were positive in general, especially on ease-of-use and on its usefulness in indicating the level achieved during the learning process, there was also some criticism of the clarity of questions and the strictness of the marking system. These two factors, among others, could have been the cause of the worse perception of F3-Assessment and the origin of the students’ reluctance towards online exams and automatic scoring.El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación haproducido un incremento del uso de la Computer Based Assessment (CBA,evaluación basada en ordenadores). en la educación superior. En la últimadécada, ha habido un debate sobre los exámenes online vs los escritostradicionales. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido verificar si los estudiantes tienen prejuicios sobre los exámenes online con corrección automática, y si ese es el caso, determinar los motivos. El estudio se realizó en el contexto de una evaluación mixta que implicó a 1200 estudiantes matriculados en una asignatura de física de primer curso universitario. De entre ellos, 463 respondieron a una encuesta anónima. Del análisis cuantitativo de la encuesta surgieron tres factores (etiquetados «F1-Learning», «F2-Use of Tool» y «F3-Assessment»), y se estableció una escala aditiva. Hemos encontrado diferenciassignificativas en el factor «F3-Assessment» en comparación con los otrosdos factores, lo que indica una menor aceptación de la herramienta parala evaluación del estudiante. Parece ser que, a pesar de que los estudiantes están acostumbrados a los ordenadores, tienen una falta de confianza en los exámenes online. Para reforzar y matizar los resultados cuantitativos de la encuesta, incluimos una pregunta abierta y realizamos una entrevista a un pequeño grupo de 11 estudiantes. Aunque sus comentarios fueron en general positivos, especialmente sobre la facilidad de uso y sobre su utilidad para conocer el nivel alcanzado durante el proceso de aprendizaje, hubo algunas críticas sobre la claridad de las preguntas y el rigor del sistema de puntuación.Estos dos factores, entre otros, podrían ser la causa de la peor percepción del factor «F3-Assessment» y el origen de las reticencias de los estudiantes a los exámenes online y a la corrección automática
La simulación digital como apoyo para la visualización de procesos ondulatorios
Una de las líneas que venimos desarrollando en la enseñanza de la Física en la E.U.I.T.I. de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, es la de la simulación digital, utilizando animaciones, de procesos físicos relativamente complejos, tales como los ondulatorios. En esta comunicación se muestran mediante el programa ONDAS las posibilidades de este tipo de simulación para explicar conceptos tales como: ondas longitudinales, transversales y mixtas; ondas electromagnéticas; ondas estacionarias; dispersión; absorción; ...One of the guidelines that we are developing in Physics Education in the E.U.I.T.I. in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, is digital simulation, by animations, of relatively complex physical processes, such as wave processes. In this presentation, the program ONDAS shows the possibilities of digital simulation for explaining concepts such as: longitudinal, transverse and mixed waves; electromagnetic waves; standing waves; dispersion; absorption; ..
Results of a university experience, comparing face-toface, online and hybrid teaching in a context of Sarscov19
[EN] The irruption of sarscov19 in the spring of 2020 was a challenge for everyone, particularly university
teaching, where solutions had to be improvised urgently. Technological resources and online teaching
played a fundamental role, and the involvement of students, teachers and administration led to an
acceptable outcome. After the first impact of the pandemic, new alternatives compatible with the
protocols of social distancing and health security were proposed in the planning for the academic year
2020-2021. As in many other universities, a synchronous hybrid learning (SHL) model was offered at
the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), combining online learning and face-to-face (F2F)
activities. In the SHL model, some students attended classes in-person (the room capacity limited the
number according to the minimum distances between people required) and stream for the rest of the
students, who followed the class simultaneously. In addition, the classes were recorded to enable their
asynchronous use. SHL was only used when the conditions were favourable. Vulnerable teachers were
teaching entirely online in their groups. When the number of students in a group was small enough,
teaching was fully F2F, maintaining the online option only for vulnerable or confined students. The
laboratory practices followed a similar hybrid scheme. The tutorials were attended by email or
videoconference, and the exams were preferably in-person, with ad hoc solutions in the cases of
confined or vulnerable students. Between February and June 2021, a pilot experience was carried out
in the Electricity course of the degree in Electronic Engineering and Industrial Automation at the UPV.
Three groups were taught with a different methodology: online, SHL and F2F teaching. Planning,
academic resources, and evaluation were the same in the three groups. All three followed active flipped
classroom methods. In this paper, the student's academic outcomes and the results of opinion surveys
conducted on the activities are presented. Results are analysed in terms of the three
groups/methodologies showing reasonable doubts about the SHL model where, the academic results
and the student's opinions are significantly lower than the other two methodologies. These results could
help to decide the best methodological solution if we had a similar situation in the future.Authors would like to thank the Institute of Education Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de València
(Spain) for supporting the Teaching Innovation Group e-MACAFI and for the financial support through
PIME Project PIME 20-21/220 and PIME Project PIME/2018/B25.Tort-Ausina, I.; Gómez-Tejedor, J.; Molina Mateo, J.; Riera Guasp, J.; Meseguer Dueñas, JM.; Martín-Cabezuelo, R.; Vidaurre, A. (2022). Results of a university experience, comparing face-toface, online and hybrid teaching in a context of Sarscov19. IATED. 896-905. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2022.025889690
Looking at Rattleback
[EN] Celtic or Rattleback Stone is a solid that if it is rotated as top exhibits a surprising behaviour.
Using a stereoscopic camera and digital monitoring techniques, we capture its
movement. According the laws of classical mechanics, justify its evolution “rattling” and
emphasize the high didactic potential that have these amazing systems for engineering students.[ES] La Piedra Celta es un sólido que cuando se le hace girar como peonza exhibe un comportamiento sorprendente. Utilizando una cámara estereoscópica y técnicas de seguimiento digital, capturamos su movimiento. De acuerdo con las leyes clásicas de la mecánica, justificamos su evolución "traqueteante", y destacamos el alto potencial didáctico que para los alumnos de Ingeniería poseen estos sorprendentes sistemas.El presente trabajo se ha realizado con la financiaci´on del Proyecto PAID-SP-2012-0498 del
Vicerrectorado de Investigaci´on, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia. Jaime Riera es miembro
del Equipo de Innovaci´on y Calidad Educativa de la UPV, E-MACAFI.Riera Guasp, J.; Ballester Sarrias, E.; Ginestar Peiro, D.; Hueso Pagoaga, JL. (2014). Mirando la Piedra Celta. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 7:103-110. https://doi.org/10.4995/msel.2014.2124SWORD103110
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