26 research outputs found

    A prospective study of off-label use of, abuse of, and dependence on nicotine inhaler

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    Objective: To determine the incidence of off-label use of, abuse of, and dependence on prescription nicotine inhaler. Design: Prospective telephone and internet interviews for six months. Participants: 535 new inhaler users. Main outcome: Structured interview about off-label use (that is, use of inhaler for non-cessation reasons or concurrent use of inhaler and cigarettes) and Diagnostic and statistical manual, fourth edition (DSM-IV) and International classification of diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10) criteria for abuse and dependence Results: Although many used inhaler and cigarettes concurrently at some time (43–55%), few used inhaler for non-cessation reasons (4–9%) and few persisted in off label use (8–16%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 5% to 19%). No participant met ICD-10 criteria for harmful use/abuse (95% CI 0% to 3.3%). Eight subjects (1.4%) appeared to meet DSM-IV or ICD-10 criteria for dependence on inhaler, but none were found dependent in a clinical expert interview (95% CI 0% to 3.3%). Conclusions: Although transient concurrent use of inhaler and cigarettes often occurs, use for non-cessation reasons, abuse and dependence are rare

    High concentrations of transuranics and natural radioactive elements in the branchial hearts of the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris

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    Data are reported which show elevated levels of plutonium and americium in the branchial hearts of the common cephalopod Octopus vulgaris. These levels were verified in both a laboratory experiment and in environmental samples. At the same time data for certain naturally-occurring radioactive isotopes of thorium, polonium and lead are given for comparison. Attention is directed to the potential of these small organs as monitors of transuranics and, probably, certain other elements in the marine environment

    Tissue lipid content and fatty acid composition of Penaeus monodon Fabricius broodstock from the wild

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    Tissues (hepatopancreas, muscle, gonad) of wild Penacus mordon females with ovaries in different stages of development and males were analyzed for Upid content and fatty acid composition. Hepatopancreatic tissue had the highest mean levels of lipid at 15.72–25.20% in females and averaged 46.20 ± 1.53% in males. Levels of Lipid in the muscle were low with no marked variation throughout the maturation s-es. Ovarian lipid levels increased significantly at stage II (early maturing ovaries) and remained high through stage IV (fully mature ovaries). Peak lipid level was found at stage III (late maturing ovaries) and coincided with a decline in hepatopancreas lipid. Ovarian and hepatopancreatic lipids declined drastically in spent females. Profiles of fatty acid in the tissues consistently showed the presence of PUFA 204n-6, 20:5n-3 and 22611-3, with high levels in the polar lipid fraction of vitellogenic ovaries. These values were reflected in the male testis and spawned eggs. The finding suggest storage and utilization of lipids for maturation and spawning processes and that the phospholipids were mainly responsible for increases in ovarian lipids. The type of fatty acids present in maturing prawn ovaries is indicative of their importance in reproductive physiology