42 research outputs found

    Analysis of Palaeogene strike-slip tectonics along the southern East Greenland margin (Sødalen area)

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    This paper describes structural data collected during field work in southern East Greenland, a region characterised by a complex tectonic history. Here, 3D photogeology based on aerial and oblique photographs using high-resolution photogrammetry of a 150 km2 area in Sødalen in southern East Greenland shows ESE–WNW-trending faults cross-cutting Paleocene rift structures and flexure-related normal faults. The kinematic analysis highlights oblique and left-lateral strike-slip movements along faults oriented 120°. Strike-slip and dip-slip kinematic indicators on the walls of the chilled contacts between alkaline E–W-oriented dykes and the volcanic host rocks suggest that the faults and dykes formed at the same time, or maybe the faults were re-activated at a later stage. Palaeostress analysis, performed by inversion of fault-slip data, shows the presence of three different tectonic events. Coupling the 3D photogeological tool with structural analysis at key localities is a fundamental way to understand better the tectonic history of such a large area

    A new dataset and empirical relationships between magnitude/intensity and epicentral distance for liquefaction in central-eastern Sicily

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    Strong earthquakes can trigger several phenomena inducing soil deformation, such as liquefaction, ground fracturing and landslides, which can often cause more damage than the seismic shaking itself. A research performed on numerous historical accounts reporting descriptions of seismogeological effects in central-eastern Sicily, allowed the authors to update the previous liquefaction datasets. 75 liquefaction-induced phenomena observed in 26 sites, triggered by 14 earthquakes, have been used to define relationships between intensity/magnitude values and epicentral distance from the liquefied sites. The proposed upper bound-curves, at regional scale for central- eastern Sicily, are realized by using the updating liquefaction dataset and also the new CPTI04 Italian earthquake parametric catalogue. These relationships can be useful in hazard assessment to evaluate the minimum energy of an earthquake inducing liquefactions

    Esempi di tettonica traspressiva: strutture e stili deformativi in Sicilia nord-occidentale (Monti di Trabia, Termini Imerese)

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    Dottorato di ricerca in evoluzione geologica di orogeni di tipo mediterraneo. 10. ciclo. Coordinatore e tutore Fabio LentiniConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    From 3D mapping to 3D modelling: a case study from the Skaergaard intrusion, southern East Greenland

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    The powerful 3D mapping tool at the photogrammetry laboratory of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) is ideal for collecting high-quality 3D geological data in remote and inaccessible areas with a high degree of exposure such as Greenland (Vosgerau et al. 2010). So far this 3D mapping tool has been used to visualise and extract very precise geological data from aerial and oblique photographs. In the study reported on here, the 3D mapping tool was used to generate data for 3D geological modelling. The Skaergaard intrusion (Fig. 1) is a well-known Eocene layered gabbro. The study of the intrusion has had great importance for the understanding of magmatic petrology, magma differentiation and fractional crystallisation since the early studies by Wager & Deer (1939). It was chosen for 3D modelling because it is well studied from a petrological point of view and because the shape of the magma chamber was previously modelled in a network of 2D cross sections (Nielsen 2004). In this paper, it is modelled for the first time in 3D using a detailed 1:20 000 scale geological map (McBirney 1989), 1:27 000 scale aerial photographs from 1973, data from drill holes and geophysical data