444 research outputs found

    The Italian Case and the Challenges of Migration Theories through an Analysis of Female Migration

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    This article argues that female migratory flows in Italy can be considered as a gender-based method of female empowerment and social mobility of women (both within society and the family structure). In Italy, in the last three decades, the migration flow has changed in terms of magnitude, the subjects involved and the migration methods, making the difference between forced and voluntary migration slippery and confused. In spite of the overwhelming presence of women in migration flows, until recently the general assumption drew the international migrants as young, economically motivated men, totally neglecting the role of women. This article argues that by paying attention to the existing relationship between the women’s social position and migration we can better understand aspects of the process of migration previously neglected. Moreover, this article aims to bridge the gap between the macro analysis (an almost exclusive focus on the structural causes of migration) and the micro dimension (a focus on the migrant as a rational subject). Finally, it aims to underline how deceptively and confused are the no-natural categorises of regular and irregular migrant. In this context, the article analyses the two main entering channels of female migrations in Italy: a specific aspect of the sex industry, namely trafficking for sexual exploitation, and the private care market

    Convenient route to enantiopure Fmoc-protected morpholine-3-carboxylic acid

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    Synthesis of an Amide Library Based on the 6,8-Dioxa-3-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane Scaffold by Direct Aminolysis of Methyl Esters

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    The Correlation Between the Rimsky-Korsakov False Progression and the Coltrane Cycle

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    The goal of my research is to illustrate several shared harmonic devices used by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and John Coltrane. I also seek to offer new analyses of these devices as used by John Coltrane in his compositions between1958 and 1961. They are analyzed as singular harmonic devices first codified by Korsakov

    Il "Libro del Cortegiano". Studi per l'edizione critica

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    Studio del ms. Laurenziano Ashburnhamiano 409. Collazione del ms. Laurenziano con l'editio princeps (Venezia, 1528). Approfondimento degli aspetti ecdotici, filologico-linguistici, bibliografici e storico-culturali. Repertorio bibliografico dell'opera: edizioni italiane e straniere dal 1528 al 1900

    The innervation of human muscularis mucosae: an ultrastructural study

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    The muscularis mucosae, a thin band of smooth muscle located at the base of the gastrointestinal mucosa, has been the topic of very few studies .The muscularis mucosae might regulate the absorptive and secretory functions of the gut through movements of the mucosal surface (1).The autonomic innervation of this tissue is almost completely unknown.Therefore we have carried out an ultrastructural study on nerve fibers of muscolaris mucosae by using archived mucosal rectal biopsies of children of different age , examined in the past for the diagnosis of neurometabolic disease and resulted negative. Nerve fibers of muscularis mucosae were unmyelinated. They contain several axons with the characteristics of intervaricose tract completely or almost surrounded by Schwann cells . Other axons in the nerve fibers appear as varicosities partly covered with Schwann cell cytoplasm or naked, and filled with vesicles and mitochondria .The vesicles in the same varicosity appear pleomorphic: small clear-core vesicles , dense -core of small diameter or less often dense-core of larger type. The membrane of muscle cells often protruded toward the varicosity . No synaptic specialization was observed.With very low frequency we found varicosities in intimate contact with the plasmalemma . Pleomorphic vesicles inside the same varicosity suggest a complex neurotransmission based on the release of classical transmitter and cotransmitters.The physiological relevance of these nerves remains unclear. Strips of longitudinal muscularis mucosae isolated from the human, guinea pig and rat colon responded with concentration-dependent contractions to the application of several spasmogens (1). In the human muscularis mucosae, neurokinin A was most potent, followed by carbachol, prostaglandin F2 and acetylcholine. These findings suggest the possibility that the muscularis mucosae is innervated by excitatory cholinergic nerves (1).On the other hand in oesophagus exogenously applied adrenaline inhibited spontaneous activities of the muscularis mucosae motor activity. Adrenergic nerves might inhibit spontaneous motility via the inhibition of cholinergic neurotransmission. VIP- , NPY-, CGRP- and galanin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in the human esophageal muscularis mucosae but their function remains unknown (2)

    The nerve fiber relationship with human arrector pili muscle cells: electron microscopy findings

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    Introduction. The arrector pili muscle has been the topic of several morphological studies for the different modality of association with the follicural unit, belonging to different body region ,employing reconstructed tridimensional images of serial histological sections. However up to date no ultrastructural study on the nerve fibers and their relationship with smooth muscle cells of the human muscle has been carried out.This is a very important issue to understand the anatomical bases supporting the neuroeffector mechanism modulating piloerection in normal and pathological condition. Materials and methods. Arm skin biopsies from children suspected for metabolic diseases but resulted negative to previous microscope observation, were reexamined for the presence of arrector pili smooth muscle cells under a transmission electron microscopy.(Philips,CM10). Results. The smooth muscle cells appear in a more or less narrow relationship with axonal varicosities of unmyelinated nerve fibers localized near muscle plasmalemma . At neuromuscular region the Schwann envelope appears partially or totally retracted from axonal varicosities and a variable intercellular gap (0,15-0,3 um) remained between axonal and plasmalemmal membrane. The plasmalemma shows irregular profile with frequently protruded tract ,with towards the axon.The axon contained vesicles different for diameter and content : large dense core vesicles ,small dense core, and clear vesicles. Conclusion. The ultrastructural morphology of arrector pili muscle myoneural junction ,appears quite different  from that of the skin epithelial and myoneural junctions ,according to the neuroeffector mechanism modulating piloerection
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