138 research outputs found

    A human functional protein interaction network and its application to cancer data analysis

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    A high-quality human functional protein interaction network is constructed. Its utility is demonstrated in the identification of cancer candidate genes

    A Viral microRNA Down-Regulates Multiple Cell Cycle Genes through mRNA 5 ' UTRs

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    Global gene expression data combined with bioinformatic analysis provides strong evidence that mammalian miRNAs mediate repression of gene expression primarily through binding sites within the 3β€² untranslated region (UTR). Using RNA induced silencing complex immunoprecipitation (RISC-IP) techniques we have identified multiple cellular targets for a human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) miRNA, miR-US25-1. Strikingly, this miRNA binds target sites primarily within 5β€²UTRs, mediating significant reduction in gene expression. Intriguingly, many of the genes targeted by miR-US25-1 are associated with cell cycle control, including cyclin E2, BRCC3, EID1, MAPRE2, and CD147, suggesting that miR-US25-1 is targeting genes within a related pathway. Deletion of miR-US25-1 from HCMV results in over expression of cyclin E2 in the context of viral infection. Our studies demonstrate that a viral miRNA mediates translational repression of multiple cellular genes by targeting mRNA 5β€²UTRs

    Reactome - a knowledgebase of human biological pathways

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    Pathway curation is a powerful tool for systematically associating gene products with functions. Reactome (www.reactome.org) is a manually curated human pathway knowledgebase describing a wide range of biological processes in a computationally accessible manner. The core unit of the Reactome data model is the Reaction, whose instances form a network of biological interactions through entities that are consumed, produced, or act as catalysts. Entities are distinguished by their molecular identities and cellular locations. Set objects allow grouping of related entities. Curation is based on communication between expert authors and staff curators, facilitated by freely available data entry tools. Manually curated data are subjected to quality control and peer review by a second expert. Reactome data are released quarterly. At release time, electronic orthology inference performed on human data produces reaction predictions in 22 species ranging from mouse to bacteria. Cross-references to a large number of publicly available databases are attached, providing multiple entry points into the database. The Reactome Mart allows query submission and data retrieval from Reactome and across other databases. The SkyPainter tool provides visualization and statistical analysis of user supplied data, e.g. from microarray experiments. Reactome data are freely available in a number of data formats (e.g. BioPax, SBML)

    Myosin V attachment to cargo requires the tight association of two functional subdomains

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    The myosin V carboxyl-terminal globular tail domain is essential for the attachment of myosin V to all known cargoes. Previously, the globular tail was viewed as a single, functional entity. Here, we show that the globular tail of the yeast myosin Va homologue, Myo2p, contains two structural subdomains that have distinct functions, namely, vacuole-specific and secretory vesicle–specific movement. Biochemical and genetic analyses demonstrate that subdomain I tightly associates with subdomain II, and that the interaction does not require additional proteins. Importantly, although neither subdomain alone is functional, simultaneous expression of the separate subdomains produces a functional complex in vivo. Our results suggest a model whereby intramolecular interactions between the globular tail subdomains help to coordinate the transport of multiple distinct cargoes by myosin V

    Leveraging biochemical reactions to unravel functional impacts of cancer somatic variants affecting protein interaction interfaces [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Considering protein mutations in their biological context is essential for understanding their functional impact, interpretation of high-dimensional datasets and development of effective targeted therapies in personalized medicine. Methods: We combined the curated knowledge of biochemical reactions from Reactome with the analysis of interaction-mediating 3D interfaces from Mechismo. In addition, we provided a software tool for users to explore and browse the analysis results in a multi-scale perspective starting from pathways and reactions to protein-protein interactions and protein 3D structures. Results: We analyzed somatic mutations from TCGA, revealing several significantly impacted reactions and pathways in specific cancer types. We found examples of genes not yet listed as oncodrivers, whose rare mutations were predicted to affect cancer processes similarly to known oncodrivers. Some identified processes lack any known oncodrivers, which suggests potentially new cancer-related processes (e.g. complement cascade reactions). Furthermore, we found that mutations perturbing certain processes are significantly associated with distinct phenotypes (i.e. survival time) in specific cancer types (e.g. PIK3CA centered pathways in LGG and UCEC cancer types), suggesting the translational potential of our approach for patient stratification. Our analysis also uncovered several druggable processes (e.g. GPCR signalling pathways) containing enriched reactions, providing support for new off-label therapeutic options. Conclusions: In summary, we have established a multi-scale approach to study genetic variants based on protein-protein interaction 3D structures. Our approach is different from previously published studies in its focus on biochemical reactions and can be applied to other data types (e.g. post-translational modifications) collected for many types of disease

    Reactome: a knowledge base of biologic pathways and processes

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    Reactome, an online curated resource for human pathway data, can be used to infer equivalent reactions in non-human species and as a tool to aid in the interpretation of microarrays and other high-throughput data sets

    VIGET: A web portal for study of vaccine-induced host responses based on Reactome pathways and ImmPort data

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    Host responses to vaccines are complex but important to investigate. To facilitate the study, we have developed a tool called Vaccine Induced Gene Expression Analysis Tool (VIGET), with the aim to provide an interactive online tool for users to efficiently and robustly analyze the host immune response gene expression data collected in the ImmPort/GEO databases. VIGET allows users to select vaccines, choose ImmPort studies, set up analysis models by choosing confounding variables and two groups of samples having different vaccination times, and then perform differential expression analysis to select genes for pathway enrichment analysis and functional interaction network construction using the Reactome’s web services. VIGET provides features for users to compare results from two analyses, facilitating comparative response analysis across different demographic groups. VIGET uses the Vaccine Ontology (VO) to classify various types of vaccines such as live or inactivated flu vaccines, yellow fever vaccines, etc. To showcase the utilities of VIGET, we conducted a longitudinal analysis of immune responses to yellow fever vaccines and found an intriguing complex activity response pattern of pathways in the immune system annotated in Reactome, demonstrating that VIGET is a valuable web portal that supports effective vaccine response studies using Reactome pathways and ImmPort data
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