648 research outputs found

    Nearly cloaking the elastic wave fields

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    In this work, we develop a general mathematical framework on regularized approximate cloaking of elastic waves governed by the Lam\'e system via the approach of transformation elastodynamics. Our study is rather comprehensive. We first provide a rigorous justification of the transformation elastodynamics. Based on the blow-up-a-point construction, elastic material tensors for a perfect cloak are derived and shown to possess singularities. In order to avoid the singular structure, we propose to regularize the blow-up-a-point construction to be the blow-up-a-small-region construction. However, it is shown that without incorporating a suitable lossy layer, the regularized construction would fail due to resonant inclusions. In order to defeat the failure of the lossless construction, a properly designed lossy layer is introduced into the regularized cloaking construction . We derive sharp asymptotic estimates in assessing the cloaking performance. The proposed cloaking scheme is capable of nearly cloaking an arbitrary content with a high accuracy

    Determination of singular time-dependent coefficients for wave equations from full and partial data

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    We study the problem of determining uniquely a time-dependent singular potential qq, appearing in the wave equation ∂t2u−Δxu+q(t,x)u=0\partial_t^2u-\Delta_x u+q(t,x)u=0 in Q=(0,T)×ΩQ=(0,T)\times\Omega with T>0T>0 and Ω\Omega a C2 \mathcal C^2 bounded domain of Rn\mathbb R^n, n≥2n\geq2. We start by considering the unique determination of some singular time-dependent coefficients from observations on ∂Q\partial Q. Then, by weakening the singularities of the set of admissible coefficients, we manage to reduce the set of data that still guaranties unique recovery of such a coefficient. To our best knowledge, this paper is the first claiming unique determination of unbounded time-dependent coefficients, which is motivated by the problem of determining general nonlinear terms appearing in nonlinear wave equations

    Uniqueness and factorization method for inverse elastic scattering with a single incoming wave

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    The first part of this paper is concerned with the uniqueness to inverse time-harmonic elastic scattering from bounded rigid obstacles in two dimensions. It is proved that a connected polygonal obstacle can be uniquely identified by the far-field pattern over all observation directions corresponding to a single incident plane wave. Our approach is based on a new reflection principle for the first boundary value problem of the Navier equation. In the second part, we propose a revisited factorization method to recover a rigid elastic body with a single far-field pattern
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