135 research outputs found

    Early Learning of Programming

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    The aim of the thesis is to explore the field of early learning of programming, particularly to compare and test the existing programmes in practice. To this purpose, activities for the popularisation of early learning of programming were explored. An overview of websites using new and attractive interactive approaches for knowledge acquisition and reinforcement was made. The importance of early learning of programming was emphasized and a comparison was made between the programmes developed for this purpose and suitable for basic school students. The programmes were tested with a group of basic school students attending a programming summer school. In their final projects, the newly acquired knowledge of programming was integrated with interactive learning of mathematics. It turned out that there is an extraordinary interest in learning of programming among the basic school students and that the selected programmes are an excellent tool for achieving this goal

    Early Learning of Programming

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    The aim of the thesis is to explore the field of early learning of programming, particularly to compare and test the existing programmes in practice. To this purpose, activities for the popularisation of early learning of programming were explored. An overview of websites using new and attractive interactive approaches for knowledge acquisition and reinforcement was made. The importance of early learning of programming was emphasized and a comparison was made between the programmes developed for this purpose and suitable for basic school students. The programmes were tested with a group of basic school students attending a programming summer school. In their final projects, the newly acquired knowledge of programming was integrated with interactive learning of mathematics. It turned out that there is an extraordinary interest in learning of programming among the basic school students and that the selected programmes are an excellent tool for achieving this goal

    Profesorici Marjetki Vrščaj v slovo

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    Comparison of 3D models of a paleolithic wooden point

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    The subject of this dissertation was to investigate the importance of informatics, computer technologies, computing methods, computer programming, 3D models and 3D graphical software tools in archaeology and in interdisciplinary archaeological treatises, analyzes and evaluations of the artefacts and the past cultural heritage using case study. The task is focused primarily on the comparison and analysis of the parameters five 3D models of the paleolithic wooden artefact in the given formats (PLY and STL), which were made in the time interval 2009{2018. A comparative analysis of the data and parameters of all 3D models was carried out with open source software CloudCompare. The obtained results and the comparisons made confirmed the initial hypothesis of changes that occurred on the artefact after the discovery and exclusion from its natural environment. The differences and changes found (for example: bending and deformation, changes in texture and cross-section, color, etc.) highlighted the danger of unwanted changes and degradation of archaeological remains of land and underwater cultural heritage after their removal from the natural conditions of the site. However, the selected software fulfilled the expectations of its suitability and usefulness for archaeological analysis and for evaluation of the cultural heritage in general

    Identification of forest areas with indirect and direct protection function

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    Na območju gozdnogospodarskih enot Tržič in Jezersko smo določili območja s poudarjeno funkcijo varovanja gozdnih zemljišč in sestojev ter zaščitno funkcijo gozda. Območja s poudarjeno zaščitno funkcijo pred padajočim kamenjem in snežnimi plazovi smo določili na podlagi kriterijev, ki jih uporabljajo v srednjeevropskih državah. Najprej smo določili območja naravnih nevarnosti z največjim dosegom in potencialno ogroženo infrastrukturo, ki se nahaja v teh območjih (stavbe, javne ceste, območje smučišča). Gozdu, ki leži med virom naravne nevarnosti (npr. virom padajočega kamenja, območjem proženja snežnih plazov) in ogroženo infrastrukturo (npr. cesto, stavbo) smo opredelili zaščitno funkcijo in določili stopnjo naravne nevarnosti. Območja s poudarjeno varovalno funkcijo smo glede na veljavne kriterije za valorizacijo gozdnega prostora določili na podlagi digitalnega modela višin (12,5 m x 12,5 m) in razpoložljivih strokovnih podlag. Prostorske analize smo izvedli v programih MapInfo 10.5 in ArcGIS 10.0, za delo pa uporabili razpoložljive prostorske podatke (npr. kataster snežnih plazov, pedološko karto območja največje višine snežne odeje). Ugotovili smo, da je površina območja s poudarjeno varovalno funkcijo za 80 %, površina območij z zaščitno funkcijo pa za 46 % večja od površin, ki so bile določene s karto funkcij Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije. V predelih s poudarjeno zaščitno funkcijo pred padajočim kamenjem smo na podlagi sestojnih kazalnikov prikazali določanje primernosti stanja gozda za zaščito pred padajočim kamenjem in na podlagi odstopanja strukture sestojev od želenega stanja predlagali prioritete za ukrepanje.We delineated forests with direct and indirect protection function in forest management units Tržič and Jezersko. We adopted the methodology of delineation of forests with direct protection function against rockfall and avalanches from other Central European countries. Firstly we modeled the maximum reach of natural hazards and identified infrastructure threatened by natural hazards. We assigned direct protection function and defined the level of risk to forests located between the source of natural hazards and endangered infrastructure. We delineated areas with indirect protection function on the basis of digital elevation model (12,5 x 12,5 m) and existing expert data of Non-forestry institutions (e.g. Pedologic map, lavine cadastre), taking into account the criteria from the Forest planning guidelines (Priročnik za %, 2008). We used GIS software MapInfo 10.5 and ArcGIS 10.0 for spatial analysis. Elaborated maps of areas with direct and indirect protection function were compared with the Slovenia Forest Service maps. Comparison showed that surface of areas with indirect protection function was 80 % larger, and surface of areas with direct protection function 46 % larger than surface of areas with the same functions under Slovenia Forest Service maps. For areas with direct protection function, we proposed the procedure for assessing suitability of forest stands for protection against rockfalls according to the stand indicators, and recommended management priorities according to the deviation of current forest stand structure from the optimal one

    The prevalence of domestic violence in primary care patients in Slovenia in a five-year period (2005-2009)

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    Aim To estimate the prevalence of exposure to domestic violence in primary care patients in Slovenia and determine the associated factors. Methods In a systematic cross-sectional survey, 70 physicians from 70 family medicine practices from urban and rural settings conducted interviews with every fifth patient from January 15 to February 15, 2010. Results Of 2075 patients (98.8% response rate), 372 (17.9%) were exposed to psychological or physical violence in the family in the last five years. Factors that increased the chances of exposure to psychological and physical violence were female sex (odds ratio [OR], 3.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.24-4.76; P < 0.001; OR, 4.52; 95% CI, 2.83-7.20; P < 0.001, respectively) and formal divorce (OR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.35-3.21; P = 0.001; OR, 2.72; 95% CI, 1.73-4.29; P < 0.001, respectively). Factors that decreased the chances of exposure to psychological violence were age of 65 years or above (OR, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33-0.96, P = 0.035) and single status (OR, 0.43; 95% CI 0.21-0.86, P = 0.016), while age of 65 years or above (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.23-0.79, P = 0.007) and parenting of two children (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.29-0.90, P = 0.020) decreased the chances of exposure to physical violence. Conclusions We found the rate of exposure to psychological and physical violence of 17.9%, which indicates that this problem is a serious public health issue that needs to be addressed by adequate measures. The identified risk and protective factors could serve as a valid guidance for family physicians dealing with physical violence

    Collaboration of a family physician with specialists - inter-level collaboration

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    On the basic level of health care in Slovenia, the role of a physician is a role of a doorman and coordinator: besides the low-threshold access to health care, regulation of the health system has also entrusted him with the role of a doorman - coordinator. Some studies conducted in our regions have shown that a family physician solves nearly 80% of the patients\u27 problems in his practice. An analysis of 12,296 consultations in the family physician\u27s practice revealed that, in Slovenia, 20.2% of the examined patients are referred to see a specialist. The frequency of referrals is affected by patient characteristics, the physician and the environment in which the physician practices. A specialist in general/family medicine often communicates with specialists at the secondary and tertiary levels of health care. Family medicine specialists learn to collaborate with specialists at the secondary and tertiary levels through a module comprising 16 pedagogical hours. Our health system provides for formal channels of communication, and the development of information technology offers unused solutions. Good practice examples for inter-level communication enable physicians to establish a direct contact with the clinical specialist and the patients to transit the health system in a faster and more effective manner. Good treatment outcomes depend on a well-coordinated multidisciplinary management. Interpersonal communication between members of the multidisciplinary team treating individual patients is necessary and inevitable. Besides classic and formal communication, there are also numerous informal channels available, which have a positive effect on the relationship between members of the multidisciplinary team, and thus also between different levels of patient management. Some examples of good practice at this level have already been established, facilitating the work of the participating physicians and, most of all, affecting the treatment outcomes

    Comparison of 3D models of a paleolithic wooden point

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    The subject of this dissertation was to investigate the importance of informatics, computer technologies, computing methods, computer programming, 3D models and 3D graphical software tools in archaeology and in interdisciplinary archaeological treatises, analyzes and evaluations of the artefacts and the past cultural heritage using case study. The task is focused primarily on the comparison and analysis of the parameters five 3D models of the paleolithic wooden artefact in the given formats (PLY and STL), which were made in the time interval 2009--2018. A comparative analysis of the data and parameters of all 3D models was carried out with open source software CloudCompare. The obtained results and the comparisons made confirmed the initial hypothesis of changes that occurred on the artefact after the discovery and exclusion from its natural environment. The differences and changes found (for example: bending and deformation, changes in texture and cross-section, color, etc.) highlighted the danger of unwanted changes and degradation of archaeological remains of land and underwater cultural heritage after their removal from the natural conditions of the site. However, the selected software fulfilled the expectations of its suitability and usefulness for archaeological analysis and for evaluation of the cultural heritage in general

    Comparison of 3D models of a paleolithic wooden point

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    The subject of this dissertation was to investigate the importance of informatics, computer technologies, computing methods, computer programming, 3D models and 3D graphical software tools in archaeology and in interdisciplinary archaeological treatises, analyzes and evaluations of the artefacts and the past cultural heritage using case study. The task is focused primarily on the comparison and analysis of the parameters five 3D models of the paleolithic wooden artefact in the given formats (PLY and STL), which were made in the time interval 2009--2018. A comparative analysis of the data and parameters of all 3D models was carried out with open source software CloudCompare. The obtained results and the comparisons made confirmed the initial hypothesis of changes that occurred on the artefact after the discovery and exclusion from its natural environment. The differences and changes found (for example: bending and deformation, changes in texture and cross-section, color, etc.) highlighted the danger of unwanted changes and degradation of archaeological remains of land and underwater cultural heritage after their removal from the natural conditions of the site. However, the selected software fulfilled the expectations of its suitability and usefulness for archaeological analysis and for evaluation of the cultural heritage in general