242 research outputs found

    Spin Wave Diffraction Control and Read-out with a Quantum Memory for Light

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    A scheme for control and read-out of diffracted spins waves to propagating light fields is presented. Diffraction is obtained via sinusoidally varying lights shifts and ideal one-to-one mapping to light is realized using a gradient echo quantum memory. We also show that dynamical control of the diffracted spin waves spatial orders can be implemented to realize a quantum pulse sequencer for temporal modes that have high time-bandwidth products. Full numerical solutions suggest that both co-propagating and couterpropagating light shift geometries can be used, making the proposal applicable to hot and cold atomic vapours as well as solid state systems with two-level atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Fast quantum control in dissipative systems using dissipationless solutions

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    We report on a systematic geometric procedure, built up on solutions designed in the absence of dissipation, to mitigate the effects of dissipation in the control of open quantum systems. Our method addresses a standard class of open quantum systems modeled by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. It provides the analytical expression of the extra magnetic field to be superimposed to the driving field in order to compensate the geometric distortion induced by dissipation, and produces an exact geometric optimization of fast population transfer. Interestingly, it also preserves the robustness properties of protocols originally optimized against noise. Its extension to two interacting spins restores a fidelity close to unity for the fast generation of Bell state in the presence of dissipation

    Kinetics of the evaporative cooling of an atomic beam

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    We compare two distincts models of evaporative cooling of a magnetically guided atomic beam: a continuous one, consisting in approximating the atomic distribution function by a truncated equilibrium distribution, and a discrete-step one, in which the evaporation process is described in terms of successive steps consisting in a truncation of the distribution followed by rethermalization. Calculations are performed for the semi-linear potential relevant for experiments. We show that it is possible to map one model onto the other, allowing us to infer, for the discrete-step model, the rethermalization kinetics, which turns out to be strongly dependent upon the shape of the confining potential.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Finite-time adiabatic processes: derivation and speed limit

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    Obtaining adiabatic processes that connect equilibrium states in a given time represents a challenge for mesoscopic systems. In this paper, we explicitly show how to build these finite-time adiabatic processes for an overdamped Brownian particle in an arbitrary potential, a system that is relevant both at the conceptual and the practical level. This is achieved by jointly engineering the time evolutions of the binding potential and the fluid temperature. Moreover, we prove that the second principle imposes a speed limit for such adiabatic transformations: there appears a minimum time to connect the initial and final states. This minimum time can be explicitly calculated for a general compression/decompression situation.Comment: Main text: 5 pages; 18 pages with appendices and references; major revision with results for a general non-linear potential and study of fluctuations added; Physical Review E in pres

    Collisions and expansion of an ultracold dilute Fermi gas

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    We discuss the effects of collisions on the expansion of a degenerate normal Fermi gas, following the sudden removal of the confining trap. Using a Boltzmann equation approach, we calculate the time dependence of the aspect ratio and the entropy increase of the expanding atomic cloud taking into account the collisional effects due to the deformation of the distribution function in momentum space. We find that in dilute gases the aspect ratio does not deviate significantly from the predictions of ballistic expansion. Conversely, if the trap is sufficiently elongated the thermal broadening of the density distribution due to the entropy increase can be sizeable, revealing that even at zero temperature collisions are effective in a Fermi gas.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, revised after comments from referees and to include correction
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