35 research outputs found

    An In Vitro Evaluation of Leakage of Two Etch and Rinse and Two Self-Etch Adhesives after Thermocycling

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    Our experiment evaluated the microleakage in resin composite restorations bonded to dental tissues with different adhesive systems. 40 class V cavities were prepared on the facial and lingual surfaces of each tooth with coronal margins in enamel and apical margins in cementum (root dentin). The teeth were restored with Z100 resin composite bonded with different adhesive systems: Scotchbond Multipurpose (SBMP), a 3-step Etch and Rinse adhesive, Adper Scotchbond 1 XT (SB1), a 2-step Etch and Rinse adhesive, AdheSE One (ADSE-1), a 1-step Self-Etch adhesive, and AdheSE (ADSE), a 2-step Self-Etch adhesive. Teeth were thermocycled and immersed in 50% silver nitrate solution. When both interfaces were considered, SBMP has exhibited significantly less microleakage than other adhesive systems (resp., for SB1, ADSE-1 and ADSE, P = 0.0007, P < 0.0001 and P < 0.0001). When enamel and dentin interfaces were evaluated separately, (1) for the Self-Etch adhesives, microleakage was found greater at enamel than at dentin interfaces (for ADSE, P = 0.024 and for ADSE-1, P < 0.0001); (2) for the Etch and Rinse adhesive systems, there was no significant difference between enamel and dentin interfaces; (3) SBMP was found significantly better than other adhesives both at enamel and dentin interfaces. In our experiment Etch and Rinse adhesives remain better than Self-Etch adhesives at enamel interface. In addition, there was no statistical difference between 1-step (ADSE-1) and 2-step (ADSE) Self-Etch adhesives

    Contribution of cyclodextrins in the developement of different pharmaceutical formulations of a nex matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor

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    Ro 28-2653 is a new synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases. The ability of these enzymes to degrade various components of the extracellular matrix seems to play a major role in tumors progression and is potentially effective against bronchial remodeling in asthma and BPCO. Ro 28-2653 is very poorly soluble in water. This low solubility estimated at about 0.56 lg/ml in water at 25 C gives rise to difficulties in pharmaceutical formulation of oral, injectable or nebulizable solutions. The purpose of our study is to prepare and to characterize inclusion complexes between Ro 28-2653 and cyclodextrins and to investigate the biopharmaceutical repercussion of the inclusion of the active substance.The complex formation was investigated by phase solubility studies. 1H-NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling studies were carried out to elucidate the structure of the inclusion complex between Ro 28-2653 and cyclodextrin. Oral, intravenous and nebulizable solutions of Ro 28-2653 were developed with cyclodextrin. The in vivo studies were performed on healthy sheep for the pharmacokinetic evaluation of the oral and intravenous formulations while the nebulization of the complex solution was studied by using an asthma model in mouse

    Emerging Roles of ADAM and ADAMTS Metalloproteinases in Cancer

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    A disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs) are a recently discovered family of proteins that share the metalloproteinase domain with matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Among this family, structural features distinguish the membrane-anchored ADAMs and the secreted ADAMs with thrombospondin motifs referred to as ADAMTSs. By acting on a large panel of membrane-associated and extracellular substrates, they control several cell functions such as adhesion, fusion, migration and proliferation. The current review addresses the contribution of these proteinases in the positive and negative regulation of cancer progression as mainly mediated by the regulation of growth factor activities and integrin functions

    Two years survival rate of class II composite resin restorations prepared by ART with and without a chemomechanical caries removal gel in primary molars

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    The aim was to test the null hypotheses that there is no difference: (1) in carious lesion development at the restoration margin between class II composite resin restorations in primary molars produced through the atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) with and without a chemomechanical caries removal gel and (2) in the survival rate of class II composite resin restorations between two treatment groups after 2 years. Three hundred twenty-seven children with 568 class II cavitated lesions were included in a parallel mouth study design. Four operators placed resin composite (Filtek Z 250) restorations bonded with a self-etch adhesive (Adper prompt L pop). Two independent examiners evaluated the restorations after 0.5, 1, and 2 years using the modified Ryge criteria. The Kaplan–Meier survival method was applied to estimate survival percentages. A high proportion of restorations were lost during the study period. Therefore, the first hypothesis could not be tested. No statistically significant difference was observed between the cumulative survival percentages of restorations produced by the two treatment approaches over the 2-year period (ART, 54.1 ± 3.4%; ART with Carisolv™, 46.0 ± 3.4%). This hypothesis was accepted. ART with chemomechanical gel might not provide an added benefit increasing the survival percentages of ART class II composite resin restorations in primary teeth

    Microleakage and Resin-to-Dentin Interface Morphology of Pre-Etching versus Self-Etching Adhesive Systems

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the microleakage and tissue-adhesive interface morphology from Class V restorations using different systems of dentin adhesives. Class V cavities were prepared on buccal surfaces of 27 extracted caries-free molars and premolars. Teeth were randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) Prime & Bond NT, a 5th generation system using an initial step of total etch followed by a second step of application of a self bonding primer (2) Clearfil SE Bond, a 5th generation adhesive system employing two separate steps of self-etch priming and subsequent bonding (3) One-up Bond F, a 6th generation one step self-etching, self-priming and self-bonding adhesive. Microleakage and interface morphology of teeth restored with these adhesives and a composite resin were evaluated. Kruskal-Wallis Test (p = 0.05) was used to analyze the results. SEM analysis was used to relate interface morphology to microleakage. The mean and (SD) values of microleakage were: Prime and Bond NT: 0.15 (0.33), Clearfil SE Bond: 0.06 (0.17) and One-up Bond F: 2.96 (0.63). The mean microleakage for One-up Bond was significantly higher than for the other groups (p<0.05). Protruding tags in dentin channels were observed in Prime and Bond and Clearfil systems, but not in One-up Bond. The single step adhesive system, although more convenient for the clinician, uses a low viscosity formulation difficult to keep in place on cavity walls. It also tends to be too aggressive and hydrophilic to create an impermeable hybridized tissue-adhesive interfacial layer resistant to microleakage. Two-step adhesive systems, on the other hand, were retained on all segments of the cavosurface during application, and formed a hybridized interfacial layer resistant to microleakage

    Etude de l'effet des modulations de l'expression des métalloprotéases et de leurs inhibiteurs dans la réaction bronchique aux aéroallergènes.

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    L’asthme est une pathologie inflammatoire caractérisée par une inflammation, une hyperréactivité et un remodelage bronchique. Des études menées sur des souris déficientes en MMP-8 et en MMP-19 nous ont permis de démontrer que ces deux protéases jouaient un rôle protecteur vis-à-vis du développement de l'inflammation dans la pathologie asthmatique. En effet, suite à la sensibilisation et à l'exposition par inhalation à l’allergène (Ovalbumine),les souris déficientes en MMP-8 en MMP-19 développent respectivement une inflammation neutrophilique et éosinophilique significativement plus importante comparativement aux souris wild-type. Dans une seconde partie de ce travail, nous avons évalué les effets de deux inhibiteurs synthétiques des MMPs administrés en inhalation sous une formulation adéquate dans notre modèle murin d’asthme. Suite à l’administration de ces deux inhibiteurs, nous avons observé une diminution de l’inflammation au sein du lavage bronchoalvéolaire. De plus, nous observons une diminution de l’infiltration du tissu pulmonaire par les cellules inflammatoires. L’hyperréactivité bronchique observée suite à l’inhalation de doses croissantes de méthacholine est également significativement diminuée. Ces résultats sont comparables à ceux obtenus après l’inhalation de Fluticasone, stéroïde inhalé utilisé très largement en clinique humaine et utilisé dans nos expériences comme médicament de référence. Afin d’observer les modifications morphologiques bronchiques, nous avons mis au point un modèle murin d’asthme permettant une exposition de longue durée (90 jours) aux allergènes. En plus de développer une inflammation pulmonaire, les souris traitées vont voir la structure de leurs bronches se modifier. L'inhalation de doxycycline diminue significativement l'inflammation, la réactivité bronchique et diverses caractéristiques du remodelage bronchique telles que l'hyperplasie des cellules à mucus, le dépôt de collagène péribronchique, l'épaisseur de la membrane basale sous-épithéliale et l'épaisseur de la couche de cellules musculaires lisses. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons caractérisé des modèles murins d’asthme. Nous avons démontré que l’inhibition de certaines MMPs est délétère, nous incitant à les considérer comme des « anti targets ». Nous avons, dans une seconde partie, pu apporter la démonstration que l’inhibition de certaines MMPs précises (MMP-2, -9 et -14) par des inhibiteurs relativement spécifiques administrés en inhalation améliore le phénotype asthmatique. Par ces travaux, nous avons contribué à la compréhension globale des mécanismes impliquant les MMPs dans la pathologie asthmatique et nous suggérons que de nouvelles voies thérapeutiques, basées sur l’inhibition de certaines MMPs, pourraient faire l’objet de développements futurs

    Asks and answers about adhésive procedures in operative dentistry

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    peer reviewedCet article reprend les principales questions concernant les procédures d'adhésion amélo-dentinaire et quelques "guidelines" pour optimaliser le collage des restaurations adhésive

    Ozon therapy: new approach in the treatment of dental caries

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    peer reviewedL'ozone possède des propriétés intéressantes tant dans le domaine médical que dans le domaine de la dentisterie. Ce gaz est capable d'éradiquer un certain nombre de bactéries, de virus et de champignons après seulement 5 secondes de son application. Depuis quelques années, la firme Kavo propose un disposif (HealOzone®) générateur d'ozone spécialement conçu pour traiter les lésions carieuses non cavitaires. Cet article fait le point sur les connaissances actuelles concernant l'utilisation de l'ozone dans le traiement des caries débutantes

    Comparison of acute inflammatory and chronic structural asthma-like responses between C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice

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    BACKGROUND: The interactions between airway responsiveness, structural remodelling and inflammation in allergic asthma remain poorly understood. Prolonged challenge with inhaled allergen is necessary to replicate many of the features of airway wall remodelling in mice. In both mice and humans, genetic differences can have a profound influence on allergy, inflammation, airway responsiveness and structural changes. METHODS: The aim of this study was to provide a comparative analysis of allergen-induced airway changes in sensitized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice that were exposed to inhaled allergen for 2 ('acute'), 6 or 9 weeks ('chronic'). Inflammation, remodelling and responsiveness were analyzed. RESULTS: Both strains developed a Th-2-driven airway inflammation with allergen-specific IgE, airway eosinophilia and goblet cell hyperplasia upon 2 weeks of allergen inhalation. This was accompanied by a significant increase in airway smooth muscle mass and hyperresponsiveness in BALB/c but not in C57BL/6 mice. However, airway eosinophilia was more pronounced in the C57BL/6 strain. Chronic allergen exposure (6 or 9 weeks) resulted in an increase in airway smooth muscle mass as well as subepithelial collagen and fibronectin deposition in both strains. The emergence of these structural changes paralleled the disappearance of inflammation in both C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice and loss of hyperresponsiveness in the BALB/c strain. TGF-beta(1 )was accordingly elevated in both strains. CONCLUSION: Airway inflammation, remodelling and hyperresponsiveness are closely intertwined processes. Genetic background influences several aspects of the acute allergic phenotype. Chronic allergen exposure induces a marked airway remodelling that parallels a decreased inflammation, which was largely comparable between the two strains