441 research outputs found

    Study on Modern Bridge Structure Health Monitoring System Based on Damage Identification

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    With the rapid growth of traffic, the loads\u27 design of many existing bridges can no longer meet the current vehicle load requirements, and the structural safety is seriously threatened. To ensure the structural safety of the bridge, it is necessary to monitor the bridge health and establish an early warning mechanism to prevent major accidents. The modern concrete bridge structure health monitoring based on damage identification proposed in this paper carried out principal component analysis of modern concrete bridges, and then this paper used principal component analysis (PCA) to locate the nonlinear damage source of the experimental model, which obtained the following conclusions. The maximum shear stress of the steel beam web is about 80 MPa,and the bulk stress of steel is reached at 7.5 MPa. Furthermore, to reduce the original data\u27s dimensionality, PCA effectively retains the characteristic information of the original data; empirical examples from external factor are presented. The major advantage of applying this framework is that the structural damage identification is simple and reliable with its advantages of dimensionality reduction, noise reduction, and exclusion of out-of-bounds interference factors

    Novelties of solid-liquid phase transfer catalyzed synthesis of benzyl diethyl phosphate from the sodium salt of diethyl phosphate

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    Solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis coupled with mixed solvents, which could be recycled, as a green chemistry procedure, was applied to the synthesis of phosphate from the sodium salt of diethyl phosphate. The benzyl diethyl phosphate was synthesized in good yield via one-pot method from the reaction of the industrial by-product sodium salt of diethyl phosphate with benzyl chloride in solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis and toluene-water mixed solvents. The effects of catalyst structure, the amounts of catalyst, the raw material molar ratio, water loading, and reaction temperature on the conversion of the reaction were investigated. The structure of the benzyl diethyl phosphate generated was confirmed by Elemental Analysis, IR, 1H NMR and GC/MS

    Rating Inflation versus Deflation: On Procyclical Credit Ratings

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    Credit rating agencies play a crucial role in financial markets. There are two competing views regarding their behavior: some argue that they engage in rating inflation, while others suggest that they deflate ratings. This article offers a rationale that reconciles the two opposite arguments. We find that both rating inflation and rating deflation can occur in equilibrium. Furthermore, we show that credit rating is procyclical: rating inflation is more likely to happen in a boom while rating deflation is more likely to happen in a recession

    Rating Inflation versus Deflation: On Procyclical Credit Ratings

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    Credit rating agencies play a crucial role in financial markets. There are two competing views regarding their behavior: some argue that they engage in rating inflation, while others suggest that they deflate ratings. This article offers a rationale that reconciles the two opposite arguments. We find that both rating inflation and rating deflation can occur in equilibrium. Furthermore, we show that credit rating is procyclical: rating inflation is more likely to happen in a boom while rating deflation is more likely to happen in a recession

    Efficient metal halide perovskite light-emitting diodes with significantly improved light extraction on nanophotonic substrates.

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    Metal halide perovskite has emerged as a promising material for light-emitting diodes. In the past, the performance of devices has been improved mainly by optimizing the active and charge injection layers. However, the large refractive index difference among different materials limits the overall light extraction. Herein, we fabricate efficient methylammonium lead bromide light-emitting diodes on nanophotonic substrates with an optimal device external quantum efficiency of 17.5% which is around twice of the record for the planar device based on this material system. Furthermore, optical modelling shows that a high light extraction efficiency of 73.6% can be achieved as a result of a two-step light extraction process involving nanodome light couplers and nanowire optical antennas on the nanophotonic substrate. These results suggest that utilization of nanophotonic structures can be an effective approach to achieve high performance perovskite light-emitting diodes

    The effect of fog on the probability density distribution of the ranging data of imaging laser radar

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    This paper outlines theoretically investigations of the probability density distribution (PDD) of ranging data for the imaging laser radar (ILR) system operating at a wavelength of 905 nm under the fog condition. Based on the physical model of the reflected laser pulses from a standard Lambertian target, a theoretical approximate model of PDD of the ranging data is developed under different fog concentrations, which offer improved precision target ranging and imaging. An experimental test bed for the ILR system is developed and its performance is evaluated using a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber under homogeneously controlled fog conditions. We show that the measured results are in good agreement with both the accurate and approximate models within a given margin of error of less than 1%

    Distributed consensus of discrete time-varying linear multi-agent systems with event-triggered intermittent control

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    The consensus problem of discrete time-varying linear multi-agent systems (MASs) is studied in this paper. First, an event-triggered intermittent control (ETIC) protocol is designed, aided by a class of auxiliary functions. Under this protocol, some sufficient conditions for all agents to achieve consensus are established by constructing an error dynamical system and applying the Lyapunov function. Second, in order to further reduce the communication burden, an improved event triggered intermittent control (I-ETIC) strategy is presented, along with corresponding convergence analysis. Notably, the difference between the two control protocols lies in the fact that the former protocol only determines when to control or not based on the trigger conditions, while the latter, building upon this, designs new event trigger conditions for the update of the controller during the control stage. Finally, two numerical simulation examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results

    A heat pipe cooled modular reactor concept for manned lunar base application

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    ABSTRACT A lithium heat pipe cooled modular fast reactor (HPCMR) power system concept has been developed for manned lunar base application. The system is designed to use the static thermoelectric conversion module to produce over 100kW electricity for up to ten years. Waste heat is rejected by potassium heat pipe radiator. This system has advantages of low mass, long lifetime, no pumped liquid coolant, and no single point of failure. Main parameters of the system are also given in this paper. INTRODUCTION Early prior research demonstrated the superiority of ceramics for bearings (1, 2) and the existence of elastohydrodynamic (ehd) lubricant films at ball and roller contacts (3), the calculation of which is now an accepted part of bearing engineering. These new concepts are now used in the design of lubrication systems with solid lubricants that operate in much more severe environments than oils and greases (4, 5). Proprietary computer codes and unique patented bearing configurations for optimizing the performance of bearing/solidlubricant systems have been developed (6, 7 and 8). In this way, patented self-contained solid-lubricated all-steel and hybrid-ceramic ball and roller bearings are now available for environments that do not contribute to their lubrication, such as in air or vacuum. With the development of space exploration technologies and urgent demand for resources exploitation, many countries have made their plans to explore the moon in the next fe

    Location Reference Recognition from Texts: A Survey and Comparison

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    A vast amount of location information exists in unstructured texts, such as social media posts, news stories, scientific articles, web pages, travel blogs, and historical archives. Geoparsing refers to recognizing location references from texts and identifying their geospatial representations. While geoparsing can benefit many domains, a summary of its specific applications is still missing. Further, there is a lack of a comprehensive review and comparison of existing approaches for location reference recognition, which is the first and core step of geoparsing. To fill these research gaps, this review first summarizes seven typical application domains of geoparsing: geographic information retrieval, disaster management, disease surveillance, traffic management, spatial humanities, tourism management, and crime management. We then review existing approaches for location reference recognition by categorizing these approaches into four groups based on their underlying functional principle: rule-based, gazetteer matching–based, statistical learning-–based, and hybrid approaches. Next, we thoroughly evaluate the correctness and computational efficiency of the 27 most widely used approaches for location reference recognition based on 26 public datasets with different types of texts (e.g., social media posts and news stories) containing 39,736 location references worldwide. Results from this thorough evaluation can help inform future methodological developments and can help guide the selection of proper approaches based on application needs

    Loss to Follow-Up from HIV Screening to ART Initiation in Rural China.

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    BackgroundPatients who are newly screened HIV positive by EIA are lost to follow-up due to complicated HIV testing procedures. Because this is the first step in care, it affects the entire continuum of care. This is a particular concern in rural China.Objective(s)To assess the routine HIV testing completeness and treatment initiation rates at 18 county-level general hospitals in rural Guangxi.MethodsWe reviewed original hospital HIV screening records. Investigators also engaged with hospital leaders and key personnel involved in HIV prevention activities to characterize in detail the routine care practices in place at each county.Results699 newly screened HIV-positive patients between January 1 and June 30, 2013 across the 18 hospitals were included in the study. The proportion of confirmatory testing across the 18 hospitals ranged from 14% to 87% (mean of 43%), and the proportion of newly diagnosed individuals successfully initiated antiretroviral treatment across the hospitals ranged from 3% to 67% (mean of 23%). The average interval within hospitals for individuals to receive the Western Blot (WB) and CD4 test results from HIV positive screening (i.e. achieving testing completion) ranged from 14-116 days (mean of 41.7 days) across the hospitals. The shortest interval from receiving a positive EIA screening test result to receiving WB and CD4 testing and counseling was 0 day and the longest was 260 days.ConclusionThe proportion of patients newly screened HIV positive that completed the necessary testing procedures for HIV confirmation and received ART was very low. Interventions are urgently needed to remove barriers so that HIV patients can have timely access to HIV/AIDS treatment and care in rural China
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