51 research outputs found

    Asymmetrical hybridization and gene flow between Eisenia andrei and E. fetida lumbricid earthworms

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    Uniformly pigmented Eisenia andrei (Ea) and striped E. fetida (Ef) lumbricid earthworms are hermaphrodites capable of self-fertilization, cross-fertilization, and asymmetrical hybridization. The latter was detected by genotyping of F1 and F2 progeny of the controlled Ea+Ef pairs by species-specific sequences of maternal mitochondrial COI genes and maternal/paternal nuclear S28 rRNA genes. Among F1offspring there were self-fertilized Ea (aAA), Ef (fFF), and cross-fertilized fertile Ea-derived hybrids (aAF); the latter mated with Ea and gave new generation of Ea and hybrids, while mated with Ef gave Ea, Ef, Ea-derived hybrids and sterile Ef-derived hybrids (fFA). Coelomic fluid of Ea exhibits unique fluorescence spectra called here the M-fluorescence considered as a molecular biomarker of this species. Since similar fluorescence was detected also in some Ef (hypothetical hybrids?), the aim of present investigations was to identify the M-positive earthworms among families genotyped previously. It was assumed that factor/s responsible for metabolic pathways leading to production of undefined yet M-fluorophore might be encoded/controlled by alleles of hypothetical nuclear gene of Eisenia sp. segregating independently from species-specific S28 rRNA nuclear genes, where 'MM' or 'Mm' alleles determine M-positivity while 'mm' alleles determine M-negative phenotypes. Spectra of M-fluorescence were detected in all 10 Ea (aAAMM) and 19 Ea-derived hybrids (aAFMm), three of four Ef-derived hybrids (fFAMm) and one 'atypical' Ef (fFFMm) among 13 Ef earthworms. Among progeny of 'atypical' M-positive Ef (fFFMm) reappeared 'typical' M-negative Ef (fFFmm), confirming such hypothesis. Alternatively, the M-fluorescence might be dependent on unknown gene products of vertically-transmitted Ea-specific symbiotic bacteria sexually transferred to the Ef partner. Hypotheses of intrinsic and external origin of M-fluorescence might complement each other. The presence/absence of M-fluorophore does not correspond with body pigmentation patterns; Ef-characteristic banding appeared in posterior parts of hybrids body. In conclusion, Ea/Ef hybridization may serve for further studies on bi-directional gene flow


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    This article presents the performance analysis of a cross-platform mobile application implemented with Xamarin and two native applications for Android and iOS platforms. The results concerning the time analysis for selected activities were compared in order to determine whether cross-platform tools are worth using in mobile application development. Native applications achieved better performance, however in some cases the cross-platform approach allows for significant development time reduction without deterioration in user experience.Artykuł przedstawia analizę wydajności mobilnej aplikacji wieloplatformowej utworzonej za pomocą technologii Xamarin oraz dwóch natywnych dla platformy Android i iOS. Wyniki dotyczące analizy czasów wykonywania wybranych czynności zostały porównane, aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy warto używać rozwiązań wieloplatformowych w wytwarzaniu aplikacji mobilnych. Aplikacje natywne osiągnęły lepsze wyniki, jednakże w pewnych scenariuszach wykorzystanie technik wieloplatformowych pozwoli na znaczne oszczędności czasu, bez spadku poziomu wrażeń odbieranych przez użytkownika

    Mottled mice and non-mammalian models of Menkes disease

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    Menkes disease is a multi-systemic copper metabolism disorder caused by mutations in the X-linked ATP7A gene and characterised by progressive neurodegeneration and severe connective tissue defects. The ATP7A protein is a Copper (Cu)-transporting ATPase expressed in all tissues and plays a critical role in the maintenance of copper homeostasis in cells of the whole body. ATP7A participates in copper absorption in the small intestine and in copper transport to the CNS across the blood-brain-barrier and blood–cerebrospinal fluid- barrier. Cu is essential for synaptogenesis and axonal development. In cells, ATP7A participates in the incorporation of copper into Cu-dependent enzymes during the course of its maturation in the secretory pathway. There is a high degree of homology (>80% ) between the human ATP7A and murine Atp7a genes. Mice with mutations in the Atp7a gene, called mottled mutants, are well-established and excellent models of Menkes disease. Mottled mutants closely recapitulate the Menkes phenotype and are invaluable for studying Cu-metabolism. They provide useful models for exploring and testing new forms of therapy in Menkes disease. Recently, non-mammalian models of Menkes disease, Drosophila melanogaster and Danio rerio mutants were used in experiments which would be technically difficult to carry out in mammals

    Mouse Pxt1 expression is regulated by Mir6996 miRNA

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    Mouse Pxt1 gene is expressed exclusively in male germ cells and encodes for a small, cell death inducing protein. However, upon PXT1 interaction with BAG6, cell death is prevented. In transiently transfected cell lines the PXT1 expression triggered massive cell death, thus we ask the question whether the interaction of PXT1 and BAG6 is the only mechanism preventing normal, developing male germ cells from being killed by PXT1. The Pxt1 gene contains a long 3′UTR thus we have hypothesized that Pxt1 can be regulated by miRNA. We have applied Pxt1 knockout and used Pxt1 transgenic mice that overexpressed this gene to shed more light on Pxt1 regulation. Using the ELISA assay we have demonstrated that PXT1 protein is expressed in adult mouse testis, though at low abundance. The application of dual-Glo luciferase assay and the 3′UTR cloned into p-MIR-Glo plasmid showed that Pxt1 is regulated by miRNA. Combining the use of mirDB and the site-directed mutagenesis further demonstrated that Pxt1 translation is suppressed by Mir6996-3p. Considering previous reports and our current results we propose a model for Pxt1 regulation in the mouse male germ cells

    Impairment of reproductive capabilities in three subsequent generations of asymmetric hybrids between Eisenia andrei and E. fetida from French, Hungarian and Polish laboratory colonies

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    Eisenia andrei (Ea) and E. fetida (Ef) lumbricid earthworms are simultaneous hermaphrodites potentially capable of self-fertilization and hybridization. We have shown previously that reproductive isolation in these species is incomplete in Ea and Ef earthworms of French provenance, as viable offspring appeared in inter-specific pairs. Fertile asymmetric hybrids developed from Ea-derived ova fertilized by Ef-derived spermatozoa, as well as Ea or Ef specimens derived after self-fertilization (resulting from admixture of endogenously produced spermatozoa with sperm from a partner), but never Ef-hybrids from Ef-ova fertilized by Ea-spermatozoa. The latter appeared only in backcrosses of Ea-hybrids with the Ef. Here we show that these phenomena are not unique for French Ea/Ef earthworms, but are shared by earthworms from French, Hungarian, and Polish laboratory cultures. Semi-quantitative studies on fertility of Ea-derived hybrids revealed gradually decreasing numbers of offspring in three successive generations, more rapid in backcrosses with Ef than with Ea, and the absence of progeny in pairs of hybrids, despite the presence of cocoons in almost all pairs. Based on species specific mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we provide the first examples of two unique sterile hybrids with mitonuclear mismatch and potential mitonuclear incompatibility among offspring of one of the hybrid+Ef pairs. Earthworms from the investigated populations did not reproduce when kept from hatching in isolation or with representatives of Dendrobaena veneta but started reproducing upon recognition of a related partner, such as Ea, Ef or their hybrids. The existence of Ea or Ef specimens among offspring of hybrid+Ea/Ef pairs might be explained either by partner-induced self-fertilization of Ea/Ef or hybrid-derived ova, or by cross-fertilization of Ea/Ef /hybrid ova by partner-derived spermatozoa; the latter might contribute to interspecific gene introgression

    Confirmation of paternity despite three genetic incompatibilities at chromosome 2

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    DNA testing in cases of disputed paternity is a routine analysis carried out in genetic laboratories. The purpose of the test is to demonstrate similarities and differences in analyzed genetic markers between the alleged father, mother, and a child. The existence of differences in the examined loci between the child and the presumed father may indicate the exclusion of biological parenthood. However, another reason for such differences is genetic mutations, including chromosome aberrations and genome mutations. The presented results relate to genetic analyses carried out on three persons for the purposes of disputed paternity testing. A deviation from inheritance based on Mendel’s Law was found in 7 out of 53 STR-type loci examined. All polymorphic loci that ruled out the paternity of the alleged father were located on chromosome 2. Additional analysis of 32 insertion–deletion markers (DIPplex, Qiagen) and sequencing of 94 polymorphic positions of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) type (Illumina, ForenSeq) did not exclude the defendant’s biological paternity. A sequence analysis of STR alleles and their flanking regions confirmed the hypothesis that the alleles on chromosome 2 of the child may originate only from the mother. The results of the tests did not allow exclusion of the paternity of the alleged father, but are an example of uniparental maternal disomy, which is briefly described in the literature

    The existence of fertile hybrids of closely related model earthworm species, Eisenia andrei and E. fetida

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    Lumbricid earthworms Eisenia andrei (Ea) and E. fetida (Ef) are simultaneous hermaphrodites with reciprocal insemination capable of self-fertilization while the existence of hybridization of these two species was still debatable. During the present investigation fertile hybrids of Ea and Ef were detected. Virgin specimens of Ea and Ef were laboratory crossed (Ea+Ef) and their progeny was doubly identified. 1 -identified by species-specific maternally derived haploid mitochondrial DNA sequences of the COI gene being either 'a' for worms hatched from Ea ova or 'f' for worms hatched from Ef ova. 2 -identified by the diploid maternal/paternal nuclear DNA sequences of 28s rRNA gene being either 'AA' for Ea, 'FF' for Ef, or AF/FA for their hybrids derived either from the 'aA' or 'fF' ova, respectively. Among offspring of Ea+Ef pairs in F1 generation there were mainly aAA and fFF earthworms resulted from the facilitated self-fertilization and some aAF hybrids from aA ova but none fFA hybrids from fF ova. In F2 generation resulting from aAF hybrids mated with aAA a new generations of aAA and aAF hybrids were noticed, while aAF hybrids mated with fFF gave fFF and both aAF and fFA hybrids. Hybrids intercrossed together produced plenty of cocoons but no hatchlings independently whether aAF+aAF or aAF+fFA were mated. These results indicated that Ea and Ef species, easy to maintain in laboratory and commonly used as convenient models in biomedicine and ecotoxicology, may also serve in studies on molecular basis of interspecific barriers and mechanisms of introgression and speciation. Hypothetically, their asymmetrical hybridization can be modified by some external factors

    Decreased expression of the Slc31a1 gene and cytoplasmic relocalization of membrane CTR1 protein in renal epithelial cells : a potent protective mechanism against copper nephrotoxicity in a mouse model of Menkes disease

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    Kidneys play an especial role in copper redistribution in the organism. The epithelial cells of proximal tubules perform the functions of both copper uptake from the primary urine and release to the blood. These cells are equipped on their apical and basal membrane with copper transporters CTR1 and ATP7A. Mosaic mutant mice displaying a functional dysfunction of ATP7A are an established model of Menkes disease. These mice exhibit systemic copper deficiency despite renal copper overload, enhanced by copper therapy, which is indispensable for their life span extension. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of Slc31a1 and Slc31a2 genes (encoding CTR1/CTR2 proteins) and the cellular localization of the CTR1 protein in suckling, young and adult mosaic mutants. Our results indicate that in the kidney of both intact and copper-injected 14-day-old mutants showing high renal copper content, CTR1 mRNA level is not up-regulated compared to wild-type mice given a copper injection. The expression of the Slc31a1 gene in 45-day-old mice is even reduced compared with intact wild-type animals. In suckling and young copper-injected mutants, the CTR1 protein is relocalized from the apical membrane to the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of proximal tubules, the process which prevents copper transport from the primary urine and, thus, protects cells against copper toxicity