119 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning for Hydrobatic AUVs

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    This master thesis focuses on developing a Reinforcement Learning (RL) controller to perform hydrobatic maneuvers on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) successfully. This work also aims to analyze the robustness of the RL controller, as well as provide a comparison between RL algorithms and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control. Training of the algorithms is initially conducted in the Numpy simulation in Python. We show how to model the Equations of Motion (EOM) of the AUV, and how to use it to train the RL controllers. We use the stablebaselines3 RL framework and create a training environment with the OpenAI gym. The Twin-Delay Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) algorithm offers good performance in the simulation. The following maneuvers are studied: trim control, waypoint following, and an inverted pendulum. We test the maneuvers both in Numpy simulation and Stonefish simulator. Also, we test the robustness of the RL trim controller by simulating the noise in the state feedback. Lastly, we run the RL trim controller on the real SAM AUV hardware. We show that the RL algorithm trained in the Numpy simulator can achieve similar performance to the PID controller in the Stonefish simulator. We generate a policy that can perform the trim control and the Inverted Pendulum maneuver in the Numpy simulation. We show that we can generate a robust policy that executes other types of maneuvers by providing a parameterized cost function to the RL algorithm. We discuss the results of every maneuver we perform with the SAM AUV and provide a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of this control method applied to underwater robotics. We conclude that RL can be used to create policies that perform hydrobatic maneuvers. This data-driven approach can be applied in the future to more complex problems in underwater robotics

    Dynamic-arc respiratory-gated stereotactic radiotherapy — technique presentation

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    Main advancements in radiation treatment in recent years have included the introduction of dynamic techniques and 4D radiotherapy. The treatment of movable tumors relies on two important techniques: gating and tracking. The limitation of the former is the relatively short duration of the respiratory phase during which the radiation can be delivered and the need to teach the patient to breathe in accordance with the correct pattern. At the same time, certain clinical situations require the use of dynamic techniques. Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), combined with gantry rotation, forms the basis for the VMAT technique. The procedure usually takes a shorter time to complete than other dynamic techniques, which considerably improves patient comfort. The recently introduced True BeamTM accelerator employs all the latest innovations in terms of dose-rate modeling and respiratory gating

    Is there a place for radiotherapy in the management of giant condyloma: literature review

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    Olbrzymie kłykciny kończyste zwane również guzem Buschke-Loewensteina powstają w wyniku zezłośliwienia kłykcin kończystych okolicy odbytu i narządów płciowych. Z uwagi na duże rozmiary i okolice zajęte, leczenie chirurgiczne, będące podstawową terapią, w wielu przypadkach jest niemożliwe do przeprowadzenia lub okaleczające. Rola radioterapii nie jest jednoznaczna. Autorzy przedstawiają dane z piśmiennictwa potwierdzające skuteczność leczenia kłykcin olbrzymich promieniami.Giant condyloma also known as Buschke-Loewenstein tumour, is a malignant tumour of the genital and anal area, arising from genital warts. Due to the large size and the infiltrated region, in many cases surgical treatment, which is essential, is impossible to perform without maiming the patient. The role of radiation therapy is not clear. The authors present a literature review of the efficacy of giant condyloma radiotherapy

    Polysplenia and other anatomical variants of the spleen

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    The anatomy, physiology and embryology of the spleen are essential fields of study for the determination of congenital varieties as well as the pathological processes occurring in this organ.The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the proper development of the spleen and to present structural variants that may be of clinical significance or be important from the radiologist's point of view.Structural changes of the spleen may result in non-specific clinical symptoms, which may confuse an inexperienced physician. Inaccurate diagnosis and late diagnosis have various negative, often even fatal, consequences. In order to make an appropriate diagnosis, and thus help the patient in a timely manner, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge about the variants of the structure of the spleen. Knowledge of anatomical variations is essential for the development of a differential diagnosis, which enables the correct diagnosis to be made

    Treatment of ophthalmopathy in the course of Graves’ disease

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease in which the TSH receptor (TSHR) is an autoantigen. Its stimulation by antibodies inhibiting thyrotropin binding causes increased secretion of free thyroid hormones and consequently symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Due to the presence of the same antigen also on orbital and skin fibroblasts, after activating the cell response mechanisms, non-thyroid symptoms of the disease appear, i.e. ophthalmopathy. In most patients, ophthalmopathy is mild and resolves spontaneously. However, in about 10% of patients the disease develops severe to moderate form and requires intensive therapy. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to present the treatment options for ophthalmopathy, which is the most common manifestation of non-thyroid symptoms of Graves’ disease, as well as to draw attention to the fact that treatment may be difficult and requires an interdisciplinary approach, and the treatment plan should be individually adapted to each patient. 1,2,3 State of knowledge: The first-line treatment according to the guidelines published in 2016 by the European Group on Graves Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) are high doses of glucocorticosteroids administered intravenously. The second-line treatment is repeated use of intravenous steroid cycle, oral therapy with glucocorticoids, then combined with orbital or cyclosporine radiation therapy, rituximab or expectant management approach. Rehabilitation treatment is necessary in most patients after the disease has been inactive and maintained for at least 6 months with vision impairment and/or reduced quality of life.1,2,3,7,9 Summary: Ophthalmopathy is the most common non-thyroid manifestation of Graves’ disease. This is a relatively rare disorder, but it has a significant negative impact on the quality of life of people affected by this disease. Therefore, it is very important, both among physicians and patients, to increase the awareness of this disease, apply effective preventive measures and inhibit its progress. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are of crucial importance

    Radioterapia stereotaktyczna łukami dynamicznymi z zastosowaniem bramkowania oddechowego — prezentacja techniki

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       Główne postępy radioterapii w ostatnich latach związane są z wprowadzeniem technik dynamicznych oraz radiote­rapii 4D. Radioterapia ruchomych guzów realizowana jest poprzez dwie techniki: bramkowanie (gating) i śledzenie ruchów (tracking). Ograniczeniem techniki bramkowania jest stosunkowo mały czas fazy oddechowej, w którym można podać dawkę promieniowania, oraz konieczność nauczenia pacjenta właściwego toru oddechowego. Jednocześnie istnieją sytuacje kliniczne, w których niezbędne staje się użycie technik dynamicznych. Modulacja intensywności mocy dawki (IMRT) w połączeniu z obrotem głowicy stały się podstawą techniki VMAT. Realizacja takiego leczenia zwykle trwa krócej niż w przypadku pozostałych technik dynamicznych, co poza innymi aspektami również wpływa na komfort leczenia pacjenta. Wprowadzony niedawno do użytkowania przyspieszacz True BeamTM wykorzystuje wszystkie innowacje dotyczące modelowania intensywności mocy dawki oraz bramkowania oddechowego

    A Software Architecture Assisting Workflow Executions on Cloud Resources

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    An enterprise providing services handled by means of workflows needs to monitor and control their execution, gather usage data, determine priorities, and properly use computing cloud-related resources. This paper proposes a software architecture that connects unaware services to components handling workflow monitoring and management concerns. Moreover, the provided components enhance dependability of services while letting developers focus only on the business logic

    The Place of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing and Operational Process Based on the Industry 4.0 Structure

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    The article presents the place of 3D printing in the manufacturing and operational process. It analyzes selected incremental technologies in the product life cycle. It describes selected processes for testing the properties of materials used in 3D printing, including accelerated aging tests and simulation of operating conditions. Areas of application of 3D printing were defined, starting from design and prototype development through manufacturing of technological tools and finally finished products. Design criteria of additivelymanufactured elements in relation to the exploitation process are discussed. A methodology for the development of 3D-CAD models of manufactured elements, software processing of data and data storage format for manufacturing products and spare parts is presented. The assumptions of repair procedures based on the production of spare parts by means of 3D printing in relation to data circulation compatible with the idea of Industry 4.0 structure have been adopted

    Anterior region of the atrioventricular perinodal area in relation to radiofrequency ablation procedures

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    Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia base on reentry circulation in nodal-perinodal area. The radical treatment of choice is radiofrequency ablation. Procedure approached from the anterior-superior (fast) region sufficient a few seconds of energy delivery for success, however this can result in A-V block. The possibility that arrhythmias substrate may lie very superficially (success of ablation) and damage the normal structures (complication) in the perinodal region must be considered. In order to confirm this hypothesis we examined the autopsy material of 100 normal hearts, both sexes from 18 to 105 years of age (control) and 50 hearts with A-V total block 45-95 years of age (block). We paid attention to the morphology of the nodal artery (NA), atrial inputs (AI) and transitional inputs (TI). It was observed that NA at the level of the central fibrous body was positioned in 94% in the central and in 6% in the inferior part of Koch&#8217;s triangle. It was removed from the endocardium 3-6 mm in control and 2-5 mm in block group respectively (NS). In the perinodal area we distinguished AI that directly joined the A-V compact node: superficial (right part of the interatrial septum) or deep (left part). The former occurred in 100% of controls and in 80% of block groups (NS), and the latter in 80% of control group and in 34% in block respectively (p < 0.05). The real substrate of arrhythmia in anterior-superior region lies very superficially and far from the conduction tissue; NA in examined hearts was lying deep beneath the endocardium; ablation close to the node could result in A-V block