90 research outputs found

    The separation versus the cooperation of powers in the contemporary democratic state

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    In this paper, the authors will consider relationships between the two concepts: the separation and the cooperation of powers. At the beginning of the article various approaches to the doctrine of the separation of powers will be presented. The authors will argue that the understanding of this term must undoubtedly be reinterpreted. This is not only because the system of state organs goes beyond the classical threefold division but also due to a number of interactions emerging between state authorities. The authors will express the conviction that the concept of cooperation includes many elements of ‘positive’ influences involving a wide scope of instruments which lead to the participation of one organ in the activity of others as well as to the inspiration of one another. These cooperative instruments constitute an additional mechanism (apart from the checks and balances system) which enables to correct the mere separation


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    Zasada podziału i równowagi władz a inne organy państwowe

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    Żylna choroba zakrzepowo-zatorowa — wytyczne profilaktyki, diagnostyki i terapii. Konsensus Polski 2017

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    Polish Consensus Statement 2017 (PCS 2017) comprises updated recommendations on prophylaxis, diagnostic approach and treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE). For VTE and no cancer, as long-term anticoagulant therapy, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran over vitamin K antagonists (VKA). For VTE and cancer, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) over VKA, apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran. For extended prophylaxis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), PCS 2017 recommends apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, VKA and sulodexide. For extended prophylaxis of pulmonary embolism (PE) PCS 2017 recommends apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran and VKA. In extended prophylaxis, for patients with idiopathic DVT and high risk of bleeding complications, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend DO NOT stop anticoagulation and use of sulodexide. In extended prophylaxis, for patients with idiopathic PE and high risk of bleeding, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend DO NOT stop anticoagulation and suggests treatment with apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran in reduced doses — adjusted to the risk of bleeding. For VTE treated with anticoagulants, PCS 2017 recommends against insertion of vena cava filters. For patients with DVT, PCS 2017 suggests USING compression stockings routinely to prevent post thrombotic syndrome. For sub-segmental PE and no proximal DVT, PCS suggests clinical surveillance over anticoagulation with a low risk of recurrent VTE, and anticoagulation over clinical surveillance with a high risk. Polish Consensus Statement 2017 suggests thrombolytic therapy for PE with hypotension and systemic therapy over catheter directed thrombolysis. For recurrent VTE on a non-LMWH anticoagulant, PCS suggests LMWH, and for recurrent DVT and/or PE on LMWH PCS 2017 suggests increasing the LMWH dose.Konsensus Polski opracowany w 2017 roku (KP 2017) zawiera uaktualnione zalecenia dotyczące profilaktyki, diagnostyki i leczenia żylnej choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej (ŻChZZ). U pacjentów z ŻChZZ bez nowotworu jako długoterminowe leczenie przeciwzakrzepowe autorzy KP 2017 zalecają apiksaban, edoksaban, rywaroksaban i dabigatran jako preferowane w stosunku do antagonistów witaminy K (VKA). U pacjentów z ŻChZZ i nowotworem autorzy KP 2017 zalecają heparyny drobnocząsteczkowe (HDCz) jako preferowane w stosunku do VKA, apiksabanu, edoksabanu, rywaroksabanu i dabigatranu. W ramach przedłużonej profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej w celu zapobiegania zakrzepicy żył głębokich (ZŻG) w KP 2017 zaleca się apiksaban, edoksaban, rywaroksaban, dabigatran, VKA i sulodeksyd. W ramach przedłużonej profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej w celu zapobiegania zatorowi tętnicy płucnej (ZTP) w KP 2017 zaleca się apiksaban, edoksaban, rywaroksaban, dabigatran i VKA. W przypadku przedłużonej profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej u pacjentów z idiopatyczną ZŻG i dużym ryzykiem powikłań krwotocznych autorzy KP 2017 zalecają, aby NIE przerywać antykoagulacji i stosować sulodeksyd. W przypadku przedłużonej profilaktyki przeciwzakrzepowej u pacjentów z idiopatycznym ZTP i dużym ryzykiem krwawienia autorzy KP 2017 zalecają, aby NIE przerywać antykoagulacji i proponują stosowanie apiksabanu, edoksabanu, rywaroksabanu i dabigatranu w zmniejszonych dawkach dostosowanych do ryzyka krwawienia. W przypadku ŻChZZ leczonej przeciwzakrzepowo w KP 2017 opowiedziano się przeciwko wszczepianiu filtrów do żyły głównej dolnej. U pacjentów z ZŻG w KP 2017 zalecono rutynowe stosowanie pończoch uciskowych w celu zapobiegania zespołowi pozakrzepowemu. W przypadku subsegmentalnego ZTP bez proksymalnej ZŻG w KP 2017 zaproponowano raczej nadzór kliniczny niż antykoagulację w przypadku małego ryzyka nawrotu ŻChZZ oraz raczej antykoagulację niż nadzór kliniczny w przypadku dużego ryzyka nawrotu ŻChZZ. W przypadku ZTP z hipotensją w KP 2017 zaproponowano leczenie trombolityczne oraz trombolizę systemową jako preferowaną w stosunku do trombolizy przezcewnikowej. W przypadku nawrotu ŻChZZ podczas stosowania innego leku przeciwzakrzepowego niż HDCz w KP 2017 zaproponowano HDCz, a przypadku nawrotu ZŻG i/lub ZTP podczas stosowania HDCz w KP 2017 zaproponowano zwiększenie dawki HDCz

    Venous thromboembolism — recommendations on the prevention, diagnostic approach and management. The 2017 Polish Consensus Statement

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    The 2017 Polish Consensus Statement (PCS 2017) includes updated recommendations on the prevention, diagnostic approach, and management of venous thromboembolism (VTE). For VTE without cancer, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran over vitamin K antagonists (VKA) as long-term anticoagulant therapy. For VTE with cancer, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) over VKA, apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban and dabigatran. For extended secondary prevention of deep venous thrombosis (DVT), PCS 2017 recommends apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, VKA, and sulodexide. For extended secondary prevention of pulmonary embolism (PE), PCS 2017 recommends apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran and VKA. For extended secondary prevention in patients with idiopathic DVT and a high risk of bleeding complications, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend NOT to stop anticoagulation and use sulodexide. For extended secondary prevention in patients with idiopathic PE and a high risk of bleeding, the authors of PCS 2017 recommend NOT to stop anticoagulation and suggest treatment with apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban, and dabigatran in reduced doses adjusted to the risk of bleeding. For VTE treated with anticoagulants, PCS 2017 recommends against insertion of a vena cava filter. For patients with DVT, PCS 2017 suggests USING compression stockings routinely to prevent postthrombotic syndrome. For subsegmental PE without proximal DVT, PCS 2017 suggests clinical surveillance over anticoagulation with a low risk of recurrent VTE, and anticoagulation over clinical surveillance with a high risk of recurrent VTE. The 2017 Polish Consensus Statement suggests thrombolytic therapy for PE with hypotension, and systemic therapy over catheter-directed thrombolysis. For recurrent VTE on a non-LMWH anticoagulant, PCS 2017 suggests LMWH, and for recurrent DVT and/or PE on LMWH, PCS 2017 suggests increasing the dose of LMWH.

    Immature platelet fraction in cardiovascular diagnostics and antiplatelet therapy monitoring

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    Immature platelet fraction (IPF), circulating platelets still containing RNA, can be easily calculated by automated flow cytometry, this makes them an accessible biomarker. Higher IPF concentrations were reported in patients with thrombocytopenia, patients who were smokers, and also those who were diabetics. Several studies have reported their diagnostic and prognostic importance in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes, especially ST-segment myocardial infarction, where increased IPF level is an independent predictor of cardiovascular death. In addition, higher IPF were reported in patients with inadequate response to either clopidogrel or prasugrel, suggesting their potential role in antiplatelet therapy monitoring. Their prognostic significance was also observed in both coronary artery disease and postcardiac surgery status, where their higher levels correlated with the risk of major adverse cardiac events. The present review aims to present the current evidence on diagnostic, prognostic and potentially therapeutic roles of IPF in cardiovascular medicine

    The principle of separation of powers

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    Qualified majority of votes

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    Principle of unity of powers

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