34,478 research outputs found

    Universal targets for homomorphisms of edge-colored graphs

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    A kk-edge-colored graph is a finite, simple graph with edges labeled by numbers 1,,k1,\ldots,k. A function from the vertex set of one kk-edge-colored graph to another is a homomorphism if the endpoints of any edge are mapped to two different vertices connected by an edge of the same color. Given a class F\mathcal{F} of graphs, a kk-edge-colored graph H\mathbb{H} (not necessarily with the underlying graph in F\mathcal{F}) is kk-universal for F\mathcal{F} when any kk-edge-colored graph with the underlying graph in F\mathcal{F} admits a homomorphism to H\mathbb{H}. We characterize graph classes that admit kk-universal graphs. For such classes, we establish asymptotically almost tight bounds on the size of the smallest universal graph. For a nonempty graph GG, the density of GG is the maximum ratio of the number of edges to the number of vertices ranging over all nonempty subgraphs of GG. For a nonempty class F\mathcal{F} of graphs, D(F)D(\mathcal{F}) denotes the density of F\mathcal{F}, that is the supremum of densities of graphs in F\mathcal{F}. The main results are the following. The class F\mathcal{F} admits kk-universal graphs for k2k\geq2 if and only if there is an absolute constant that bounds the acyclic chromatic number of any graph in F\mathcal{F}. For any such class, there exists a constant cc, such that for any k2k \geq 2, the size of the smallest kk-universal graph is between kD(F)k^{D(\mathcal{F})} and ckD(F)ck^{\lceil D(\mathcal{F})\rceil}. A connection between the acyclic coloring and the existence of universal graphs was first observed by Alon and Marshall (Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 8(1):5-13, 1998). One of their results is that for planar graphs, the size of the smallest kk-universal graph is between k3+3k^3+3 and 5k45k^4. Our results yield that there exists a constant cc such that for all kk, this size is bounded from above by ck3ck^3

    Anisotropic Flow of Strange Particles at SPS

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    The elliptic flow for Lambda hyperons and K0s mesons was measured by the NA49 experiment in semicentral Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV. The standard method of correlating particles with an event plane has been used. Measurements of v2 near mid-rapidity are reported as a function of centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum. Elliptic flow of Lambda and K0s particles increases both with the impact parameter and with the transverse momentum. It is compared with v2 for pions and protons as well as with various model predictions. The NA49 results are compared with data from NA45/CERES and STAR experiments


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    Bootstrap is one of the resampling statistical methods. This method was proposed by B. Efron. The main idea of bootstrap is to treat the original sample of values as a stand-in for the population and to resample with replacement from it repeatedly. Bootstrap allows estimation of the sampling distribution of almost any statistics using only very simple methods. This paper presents a modification of a resampling procedure based on bootstrap sampling. The proposal leads to sampling from population with density function f(x), where f(x) is estimated based on the kernel estimation. The properties of the method were analyzed in the median estimation in Monte Carlo study.The proposal could be useful for the parameters estimation in the case of a small sample. This method could be used in quality control procedures such as control charts or in the acceptance sampling

    Is a "homogeneous" description of dynamic heterogeneities possible?

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    We study the simplest model of dynamic heterogeneities in glass forming liquids: one-spin facilitated kinetic Ising model introduced by Fredrickson and Andersen [G.H. Fredrickson and H.C. Andersen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1244 (1984); J. Chem. Phys. 83, 5822 (1985)]. We show that the low-temperature, long-time behavior of the density autocorrelation function predicted by a scaling approach can be obtained from a self-consistent mode-coupling-like approximation.Comment: accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Construction of an A-manifold on a principal torus bundle

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    We construct a new example of an A-manifold, i.e. a Riemannian manifold with a cyclic-parallel Ricci tensor, which can be viewed as a generalization of the Einstein condition. The underlying manifold for our construction is a principal torus bundle over K\"ahler-Einstein manifold a with fibre a torus of arbitrary dimension