8 research outputs found

    Практика застосування функціонального підходу до проектування цифрових засобів навчання

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    In accordance with its aim, the paper highlights practical aspects and experience of the functional approach applying to the development of contemporary digital learning aids in the progress of project-driven activity of the pre-service IT specialists at their holistic vocational training. Theoretical framework of the work is made by holistic educational paradigm and functional approach to digital learning aids development. The specific examples of such an experience of the functional approach applying to the design of digital learning aids within project-based activity of the pre-service IT-specialists at their holistic vocational training: project activity on the design of (1) English digital tutorial for schoolchildren and (2) e-guide on the cryptography fundamentals for university students, are depicted in details. The analysis of such an activity is provided from the standpoint of the benefits of holistic and functional approaches. The prospects of following up research are covered.Відповідно до поставленої мети, стаття висвітлює практичні аспекти та досвід застосування функціонального підходу до розробки сучасних цифрових засобів навчання в ході проектної діяльності початкових ІТ-спеціалістів під час їх цілісної професійної підготовки. Теоретичну основу роботи становлять цілісна освітня парадигма та функціональний підхід до розробки цифрових засобів навчання. Конкретні приклади такого досвід застосування функціонального підходу до проектування цифрових засобів навчання в рамках проектної діяльності початкових ІТ-спеціалістів при їх цілісній професійній підготовці: проектна діяльність з розробки (1) цифрового посібника з англійської мови для школярів та (2) електронний посібник з основ криптографії для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, детально описано. Аналіз такої діяльності надається з позиції переваг холістичного та функціонального підходів. Висвітлюються перспективи подальших досліджень

    Хмаро орієнтований комплекс комп’ютерних трансдисциплінарних моделей у контексті цілісного освітнього підходу

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    The paper represents the authors’ cloud-based complex of computer dynamic models and their transdisciplinary facilities. Proper theoretical background for the complex design is elaborated and the process of the computer models development is covered. The models in the complex are grouped in the sections according to the curriculum subjects (Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Geography, and Informatics). Each of the sections includes proper models along with their description and transdisciplinary didactic support. The paper also presents recommendations as for using of the complex to provide holistic learning of Mathematics, Science and Informatics at secondary school. The prospects of further research are outlined.У статті представлений авторський хмарний комплекс комп'ютерних динамічних моделей і їх міждисциплінарні можливості. Розроблено належна теоретична база для комплексного проектування і розкритий процес розробки комп'ютерних моделей. Моделі в комплексі згруповані за розділами відповідно до предметів навчальної програми (фізика, алгебра, геометрія, біологія, географія та інформатика). Кожен з розділів містить у собі відповідні моделі, а також їх опис і міждисциплінарну дидактичну підтримку. У статті також представлені рекомендації по використанню комплексу для комплексного вивчення математики, природознавства та інформатики в середній школі. Намічено перспективи подальших досліджень

    Features of design of digital aids for training students with autistic disorders

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    In accordance with the aims of the paper, it is covered essential peculiarities of the design of digital aids for ASD-students. They are distinguished coming from the analysis of common learning and social difficulties inherent to the trainees with autistic disorders; needs for their speaking habits development; advantages of special digital support in terms of facilitating ASD-students’ training. The distinguished features essential in the process of the digital aids design are demonstrated on the example of the development of an e-simulator for young ASD-students’ speech encouragement. The main stages of its design and functionality are characterised. It is emphasised in conclusion that the developed digital simulator due to its functionality helps to overcome a number of problems faced by young ASD-students. The problems are specifed

    Fundamentals of UI/UX design as a component of the pre-service specialist's curriculum

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    Nowadays digitalization is considered to be a key driver of socio-economic development. Digital technologies are becoming the basis for creating new products and services as well as for the transition to new business models. Ukrainian course for the development of the digital economy requires the readiness of the education system to provide training of the specialists who are able to provide such transformations, which should be reflected both in the emergence of new areas of training and in focusing the content of educational training on the formation of new digital competencies of pre-service professionals. One of the competencies which is crucial and in demand today for a wide range of specialists, is the mastering the fundamentals of UX/UI-design. The purpose of the paper is to cover the approaches to the creation of the content of pre-service specialists' training on the fundamentals of UX/UI-design. The significance of the said fundamentals learning in the process of various specialists' training is discussed. It is proposed the practically-driven approach to the curriculum building. It is distinguished invariant and variable parts in the curriculum of such a training. The content of three core modules which make invariant part of the curriculum is presented. Some relevant forms of work with students are offered within each module. The prospects of the work make the preparation and doing empirical research directed on the verification of the offered approach to the curriculum building in the process of different specialists' training

    Cloud-based complex of computer transdisciplinary models in the context of holistic educational approach

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    The paper represents the authors’ cloud-based complex of computer dynamic models and their transdisciplinary facilities. Proper theoretical background for the complex design is elaborated and the process of the computer models development is covered. The models in the complex are grouped in the sections according to the curriculum subjects (Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Geography, and Informatics). Each of the sections includes proper models along with their description and transdisciplinary didactic support. The paper also presents recommendations as for using of the complex to provide holistic learning of Mathematics, Science and Informatics at secondary school. The prospects of further research are outlined

    Informatics teacher’s training for design of innovative learning aids

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    In accordance with its goal, the paper covers practical aspects and experience of Informatics teachers’ preparation for the design of innovative learning aids as one of the important components of the renewed model of teachers’ training. Theoretical background of the research includes holistic educational approach and functional basics of electronic didactic aids development. The specific example of such an experience (students’ project activity on the design of English multimedia tutorial for schoolchildren) is depicted in details. The prospects of further research are outlined

    Development of the information system for navigation in modern university campus

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    According to the aims, the paper highlights algorithmic, interface and technological solutions for the development of the information system for navigation in university campus. In the process of searching for algorithmic and interface solutions, the peculiarities of the scientific and applied problem of indoor navigation were analyzed, as well as the capabilities of selected analogues of navigation systems implementing similar functions of this subject domain were evaluated. It was concluded that the analyzed analogues, despite their significant functionality, have the set of limitations. The specification of functional and non-functional requirements for the university navigation system was carried out, its architecture was defined as a set of interconnected modules, for the implementation of which appropriate interface and algorithmic solutions were elaborated and covered. The main stages of design and development of the university navigation system in the context of the elaborated solutions are highlighted. The functionality of the implemented system is characterized. It was established that during the design it was possible to overcome the main limitations inherent in similar systems implementing indoor navigation. The results of the system implementation in the educational practice of a national university are highlighted. Feedback from users received during the approbation testified the feasibility of developing and using the information system for navigation in university campus. The prospects for further work are formulated

    Computer modeling of the tournament of game algorithms in the process of learning of basics of algorithmization and programming by pre-service IT-specialists

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    The problems of contemporary IT specialists’ training in terms of the high requirements to their computational thinking skills as well as the urgency of raising their motivation to mastering algorithmization and programming are discussed in the paper. It is emphasized by the authors that initial university courses should focus pre-service IT-specialists on the deep understanding of an algorithmic nature of any coding task, to realize basic characteristics of the algorithms, to understand their role in modern software development. Due to the contemporary demands, programming should rest on algorithms building and has to be a part of lager scale experiences in order to realize its full potential. One of such experiences offered by the authors in the paper is involving the students into specially arranged activity focused on efficient game algorithms creation and simulation of the tournament between the algorithms. The offered activity is elaborated based on the applying the gamification elements into the learning process. Basing on the core gamifiaction principles, there were thought over and arranged an activity involving the students into the creation of gamified products. In our case, the gamified product which the students had to develop in the process of learning of algorithmization and programming was the software platform which enables a computer simulation of the tournament between the different game algorithms which realize winning strategies. The peculiarities and the stages of the said activity are covered in details along with the description of the final software product. Analyzing the described functionality of the computer simulator of the algorithms tournaments based on the gamification ideas, we can emphasize its significant didactic facilities in the context of its using for IT-specialists training. In particular, the developed gamified product was probed in the process of other students’ mastering algorithmization and programming as well as of the schoolchildren training during summer IT schools. The prospects of the research are outlined in the lines of using the obtained results for holding the empirical research for the verification of offered activity impact on the results of IT-specialists training