5 research outputs found

    NÀringsförsök i ettÄrig odling av substratodlade long cane-hallon

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    Long cane-hallon som bÀrkultur, odlat i substrat och i tunnel under en sÀsong, Àr idag ett modernt och mycket framgÄngsrikt sÀtt att odla pÄ. Denna odlingsteknik för hallon skiljer sig frÄn andra genom att det Àr en kultur dÀr man endast tar skörd pÄ plantorna under en sÀsong och sedan byter ut plantorna. NÀr vi sökte fakta pÄ omrÄdet i en tidigare kurs kunde vi inte finna nÄgon gödslingsrekommendation som specifikt var riktat mot substratodlade long cane-hallon. Det gjorde att vi ville ta reda pÄ mer kring Àmnet och sjÀlva göra ett försök med nÀring i long cane-hallon. KvÀve Àr en viktig del av de nÀringsÀmnen som hallon (Rubus idaeus L.) behöver. Men hur pÄverkar kvÀvemÀngden skörden i en kultur dÀr man endast tar skörd pÄ plantorna under en sÀsong och sedan slÀnger plantorna? För att bestÀmma huruvida skördemÀngden och skördekvaliteten pÄverkas av kvÀve genomfördes ett odlingsförsök. Ett försök sattes upp med tre behandlingar vardera innehÄllande 6x5 plantor. Försöket bestod av en kontrollbehandling samt en lÀgre och en högre kvÀvebehandling. Hypotesen var att se om den totala avkastningen skiljde sig mellan de tre kvÀvebehandlingarna. Vi undersökte ocksÄ bÀrvikt och hÄllbarhet i konsumentkyl. Resultatet visade att det inte var nÄgon skillnad mellan de tre gödslingsnivÄerna pÄ nÄgon av de mÀtbara variablerna. Vi har, genom vÄrt försök, fÄtt indikationer pÄ att odlare skulle kunna minska kvÀvemÀngden i substratodlade long cane-hallon i tunnel.Protected cultivation of potted long cane raspberries fertilized during one season is a modern and efficient way to grow raspberries. This type of raspberries differ from others in that the plants are only cultured during one season whereafter the plants are replaced. Recommendations of amounts of fertilization was searched for, without results. This is why we wanted to learn more about this subject, and also to make an experiment with different levels of fertigation in long cane raspberries. Nitrogen is an important part of the essential nutrients for raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.). The question asked is in what way the amount of nitrogen influences the yield in such a culture. In order to determine in what way the harvest of raspberries as well as the quality of the berries is influenced by the amount of nitrogen, the following experiment were set up. The experiment contained three levels of fertigation: one lower, one with the recommend level and one with a higher level. Each group consisted of six replicates each with five plants. The results did not show any differences between the three levels of fertigation on the total weight of the harvest, the mean weight of individual raspberries and how well the raspberries it is preserved in an ordinary fridge. The conclusion of the results indicates that it could be possible to reduce the amount of nitrogen without loss of fruit yield when cultivating long cane raspberries

    A Lactobacilli diet that confers MRSA resistance causes amino acid depletion and increased antioxidant levels in the C. elegans host

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    Probiotic bacteria are increasingly popular as dietary supplements and have the potential as alternatives to traditional antibiotics. We have recently shown that pretreatment with Lactobacillus spp. Lb21 increases the life span of C. elegans and results in resistance toward pathogenic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The Lb21-mediated MRSA resistance is dependent on the DBL-1 ligand of the TGF-ÎČ signaling pathway. However, the underlying changes at the metabolite level are not understood which limits the application of probiotic bacteria as timely alternatives to traditional antibiotics. In this study, we have performed untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolic profiling. We report the metabolomes of Lactobacillus spp. Lb21 and control E. coli OP50 bacteria as well as the nematode-host metabolomes after feeding with these diets. We identify 48 metabolites in the bacteria samples and 51 metabolites in the nematode samples and 63 across all samples. Compared to the control diet, the Lactobacilli pretreatment significantly alters the metabolic profile of the worms. Through sparse Partial Least Squares discriminant analyses, we identify the 20 most important metabolites distinguishing probiotics from the regular OP50 food and worms fed the two different bacterial diets, respectively. Among the changed metabolites, we find lower levels of essential amino acids as well as increased levels of the antioxidants, ascorbate, and glutathione. Since the probiotic diet offers significant protection against MRSA, these metabolites could provide novel ways of combatting MRSA infections