179 research outputs found

    Equation of state SAHA-S meets stellar evolution code CESAM2k

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    We present an example of an interpolation code of the SAHA-S equation of state that has been adapted for use in the stellar evolution code CESAM2k. The aim is to provide the necessary data and numerical procedures for its implementation in a stellar code. A technical problem is the discrepancy between the sets of thermodynamic quantities provided by the SAHA-S equation of state and those necessary in the CESAM2k computations. Moreover, the independent variables in a practical equation of state (like SAHA-S) are temperature and density, whereas for modelling calculations the variables temperature and pressure are preferable. Specifically for the CESAM2k code, some additional quantities and their derivatives must be provided. To provide the bridge between the equation of state and stellar modelling, we prepare auxiliary tables of the quantities that are demanded in CESAM2k. Then we use cubic spline interpolation to provide both smoothness and a good approximation of the necessary derivatives. Using the B-form of spline representation provides us with an efficient algorithm for three-dimensional interpolation. The table of B-spline coefficients provided can be directly used during stellar model calculations together with the module of cubic spline interpolation. This implementation of the SAHA-S equation of state in the CESAM2k stellar structure and evolution code has been tested on a solar model evolved to the present. A comparison with other equations of state is briefly discussed. The choice of a regular net of mesh points for specific primary quantities in the SAHA-S equation of state, together with accurate and consistently smooth tabulated values, provides an effective algorithm of interpolation in modelling calculations. The proposed module of interpolation procedures can be easily adopted in other evolution codes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Identity of electrons and ionization equilibrium

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    It is perhaps appropriate that, in a year marking the 90th anniversary of Meghnad Saha seminal paper (1920), new developments should call fresh attention to the problem of ionization equilibrium in gases. Ionization equilibrium is considered in the simplest "physical" model for an electronic subsystem of matter in a rarefied state, consisting of one localized electronic state in each nucleus and delocalized electronic states considered as free ones. It is shown that, despite the qualitative agreement, there is a significant quantitative difference from the results of applying the Saha formula to the degree of ionization. This is caused by the fact that the Saha formula corresponds to the "chemical" model of matter.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Болезнь Помпе с поздним началом: предварительные результаты ферментозаместительной терапии

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    Pompe disease is an orphan hereditary accumulation disease associated with a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alglucosidase alpha. Manifestations of the disease are associated with pathological deposition of glycogen in body tissues as a result of GAA gene mutation and subsequent reduction in the activity of the enzyme alglucosidase alpha or acid maltase. The variety of phenotypic forms and varying degrees of damage to the skeletal and respiratory muscles, cardiomyocytes and internal organs greatly complicates the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Pompe»s disease. This article describes the clinical case of late-onset Pompe disease, which was followed by a course of enzyme replacement therapy, as well as an assessment of the condition before and after treatment and preliminary results.Болезнь Помпе – орфанная наследственная болезнь накопления, связанная с дефицитом лизосомного фермента алглюкозидазы альфа. Проявления заболевания связаны с патологическим отложением гликогена в тканях организма в результате мутации гена GAA и последующего снижения активности фермента алглюкозидазы альфа или кислой мальтазы. Разнообразие фенотипических форм и разная степень поражения скелетных и дыхательных мышц, кардиомиоцитов и внутренних органов в значительной степени затрудняет постановку диагноза и начало лечения пациентов с болезнью Помпе. Представлен доказанный клинический случай болезни Помпе с поздним началом с оценкой состояния до лечения и предварительные результаты после 4 курсов ферментозаместительной терапии

    Non-destructive detection of cross-sectional strain and defect structure in an individual Ag five-fold twinned nanowire by 3D electron diffraction mapping

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    Coherent x-ray diffraction investigations on Ag five-fold twinned nanowires (FTNWs) have drawn controversial conclusions concerning whether the intrinsic 7.35° angular gap could be compensated homogeneously through phase transformation or inhomogeneously by forming disclination strain field. In those studies, the x-ray techniques only provided an ensemble average of the structural information from all the Ag nanowires. Here, using three-dimensional (3D) electron diffraction mapping approach, we non-destructively explore the cross-sectional strain and the related strain-relief defect structures of an individual Ag FTNW with diameter about 30 nm. The quantitative analysis of the fine structure of intensity distribution combining with kinematic electron diffraction simulation confirms that for such a Ag FTNW, the intrinsic 7.35° angular deficiency results in an inhomogeneous strain field within each single crystalline segment consistent with the disclination model of stress-relief. Moreover, the five crystalline segments are found to be strained differently. Modeling analysis in combination with system energy calculation further indicates that the elastic strain energy within some crystalline segments, could be partially relieved by the creation of stacking fault layers near the twin boundaries. Our study demonstrates that 3D electron diffraction mapping is a powerful tool for the cross-sectional strain analysis of complex 1D nanostructures

    Azomethines in the atherton-todd reaction

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