48 research outputs found

    Библиографическая деятельность в сетевой информационной среде

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    Challenges of the digital information environment web 2.0 transform the ways of bibliographic activities. Among the features of digital information environment are unstructured and heterogeneous data that consist digital information sources; erasing differences between publish and unpublish information that complicates the universal bibliographic control and selection of the information sources for libraries’ collections; also the role of the user in the semantic web is changing from passive use of information to active involving in information creation, development and management, or human information interaction. The main trends of bibliographic activities in the digital information environment are the development of bibliographic metadata formats in the context of the universal bibliographic control of the digital sources web 2.0; design of the information architecture web 2.0 and information systems using the bibliographic principles of document identification, description, classification and labeling for digital documents and data and taking into account the usability and human factors requirements; management of folksonomies and web-services for user’s personal bibliographic activities; usage of cloud computing to develop digital libraries and bibliographic services; integration libraries online catalogs with the interfaces of internet search engines in discovery systems; using new infometrics like altmetrics for bibliographic researches.Подчёркнуто, что сетевая информационная среда веб 2.0 ставит новые задачи для библиографической деятельности. Сетевую информационную среду характеризуют: слабо структурированные и крайне неоднородные в плане форматов представления данные, составляющие сетевые информационные ресурсы; стирание границ между опубликованной и неопубликованной информацией, что усложняет библиографический учёт сетевых ресурсов, их отбор и комплектование в фонды библиотек; изменение роли пользователя среды веб 2.0 – от пассивного потребления информации к активному участию в её создании и управлении, что характеризуется термином «взаимодействие пользователя и информации». Основными направлениями библиографической деятельности в сетевой информационной среде являются: разработка форматов библиографических метаданных в контексте концепции универсального библиографического учёта сетевых информационных ресурсо­в в информационной среде веб 2.0; проектирование информационной архитектуры веб-среды и информационных систем с использованием библиографических средств описания, классификации и предметизации электронных документов и данных, осуществляемое с учётом требований юзабилити и человеческих факторов; управление фольксономиями и веб-сервисами самостоятельной библиографической деятельности пользователей; управление облачными технологиями для формирования электронных библиотек и осуществления библиографического обслуживания; интеграция электронных каталогов библиотек с интерфейсами поиска сетевых информационных ресурсов в системах «Дискавери»; расширение информационной базы библиографических исследований и использование методов альтметрии

    Деятельность диссертационного совета Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры: 1938−2018

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    The history of the first in the country dissertation defense board, established at the N. K. Krupskaya Communist Institute of Political Education (today – St.Petersburg State Institute of Culture) is examined. The Board was established to review the theses in librarianship and bibliography. The analysis is based on the bibliography of dissertations defended during 80 years: the bibliography comprises 592 works. The main historical stages of the board are characterized; data on the number of doctor and candidate defenses during various periods is given. Several doctorate theses that made serious impact in the library and information sector are characterized; the geography of degree applicants (USSR republics, Asian, African, Latin American states) is analyzed; the subject scope of their investigations is discussed. The main research vectors and the most efficient supervisors are named. The author reveals the links between the defended dissertations and the Institute’s area of studies and scholar schools in the library and information sciences. The reasons for decreasing number of theses and changing subject scope are discussed.Освещена деятельность первого в стране диссертационного совета, созданного при Коммунистическом политико-просветительском институте им. Н. К. Крупской (сегодня − Санкт-Петербургский государственный институт культуры) и принимавшего к защите диссертации по библиотечному делу и библиографии. Информационной базой представленного анализа стал библиографический указатель диссертаций, защищённых в совете за 80 лет, в который включены 592 работы. Рассмотрены основные исторические этапы работы диссертационного совета. Приведены данные о числе защит докторских и кандидатских диссертаций в разные периоды деятельности совета. Выделены и охарактеризованы докторские диссертации, оказавшие наибольшее влияние на развитие библиотечноинформационной сферы. Проведён сравнительный анализ «географии» соискателей учёных степеней (республики СССР, страны Азии, Африки, Латинской Америки) и тематики выполненных исследований. Выявлены основные направления исследований и наиболее продуктивные руководители диссертационных работ. Показана связь защищённых в совете диссертаций с направлениями научных исследований вуза и формированием научных школ в библиотечно-информационной науке. Сделан акцент на анализе диссертационных исследований, защищённых в совете в последние годы. Рассмотрены причины сокращения числа защит и изменения тематики диссертационных работ

    Spermatogenesis-Specific Features of the Meiotic Program in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    In most sexually reproducing organisms, the fundamental process of meiosis is implemented concurrently with two differentiation programs that occur at different rates and generate distinct cell types, sperm and oocytes. However, little is known about how the meiotic program is influenced by such contrasting developmental programs. Here we present a detailed timeline of late meiotic prophase during spermatogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans using cytological and molecular landmarks to interrelate changes in chromosome dynamics with germ cell cellularization, spindle formation, and cell cycle transitions. This analysis expands our understanding C. elegans spermatogenesis, as it identifies multiple spermatogenesis-specific features of the meiotic program and provides a framework for comparative studies. Post-pachytene chromatin of spermatocytes is distinct from that of oocytes in both composition and morphology. Strikingly, C. elegans spermatogenesis includes a previously undescribed karyosome stage, a common but poorly understood feature of meiosis in many organisms. We find that karyosome formation, in which chromosomes form a constricted mass within an intact nuclear envelope, follows desynapsis, involves a global down-regulation of transcription, and may support the sequential activation of multiple kinases that prepare spermatocytes for meiotic divisions. In spermatocytes, the presence of centrioles alters both the relative timing of meiotic spindle assembly and its ultimate structure. These microtubule differences are accompanied by differences in kinetochores, which connect microtubules to chromosomes. The sperm-specific features of meiosis revealed here illuminate how the underlying molecular machinery required for meiosis is differentially regulated in each sex

    L' insegnamento della LIS durante la pandemia: l’esperienza del LIS Department della St. Petersburg State University of Culture, Russia

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    L’articolo esamina le sfide e le opportunità che il Library and Information Science Department della St. Petersburg State University of Culture ha affrontato durante la pandemia di Covid-19.I problemi didattici erano dovuti alla mancanza di esperienza tra i docenti nell’organizzazione dell’apprendimento digitale (digital learning, DL). I problemi tecnologici sono stati di due tipi: la mancanza di un adeguato learning management system(LMS) e quella di computer e software adeguati sia tra i docenti sia tra gli studenti. Non esisteva in precedenza una politica chiara e rigorosa di DL ma, in qualche modo, questo ha fornito flessibilità nell’organizzazione dei processi di apprendimento.Inoltre, la situazione di chiusura e l’isolamento sono stati psicologicamente molto difficili da affrontare, generando un’ansia costante e una sensazione di perenne ritardo, pur lavorando tutti i giorni.Per affrontare questi problemi sono state elaborate nuove strategie di DL, facendo ricorso a tecnologie ‘a portata di mano’: la videoconferenza su Zoom e il social network russo VKontakte; la mancanza di attrezzature a casa è stata compensata dall’aumento della flessibilità dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento, si è sviluppato un ambiente DL che includesse materiali di apprendimento e di insegnamento, nonché una biblioteca digitale. Si è ricorso alla didattica a distanza con brevi lezioni via Zoom, sia sincrone sia asincrone. L’apprendimento online ha avuto un approccio problem-based e project-based, motivando gli studenti a lavorare in gruppo e su casi di studio concreti. Sono stati inoltre elaborati nuovi sistemi di valutazione dei progressi dell’apprendimento degli studenti con quiz online e risoluzione di casi. Per gestire l’ansia, si è rafforzato il lavoro di supervisione e di mentoring.Nonostante le nuove sfide e le tendenze portate dalla pandemia, il dipartimento ha conservato le sue tradizioni educative che hanno permesso il miglioramento della qualità generale dell’istruzione.The paper reviews challenges and opportunities that the Department of Library and Information Science of St. Petersburg State University of Culture (Russian Federation) faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Didactic problems were caused by a lack of experience among teachers in organizing undergraduate and graduate digital learning (DL). There were two types of technological problems: a lack of a proper LMS system and a lack of proper computers and software in teachers’ and student homes. There wasn’t any clear and strict policy of DL but in some way, this has provided flexibility in the organization of the DL process. Besides,  the lockdown and the isolation situation were psychologically quite hard to deal with: it caused constant anxiety and the feeling that one is late with everything while working 24/7. To deal with these issues, we developed some new DL strategies, used technologies that were ‘in hand’: Zoom videoconferencing and Russian social network VKontakte, compensated for the lack of the equipment at home by increasing flexibility of teaching and learning developed the DL environment that included learning and teaching materials and the digital library.We organized the DL process using didactic strategies such as delivering short interactive lectures via Zoom and then keeping their records. We focused on problem-based and project-based learning online motivating students to work together exploring professional problems through projects and research that needed a deeper knowledge in the field. We also found new ways of assessment and evaluation of students’ learning progress with online quizzes and solving cases. To manage anxiety, we strengthened the supervising and mentoring work. With the new challenges and trends of the pandemic, the Department has been preserving its educational traditions that allowed for the improvement of the quality of education

    Characterization of Tribolium castaneum

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    The Identification of a Novel Mutant Allele of topoisomerase II

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