66 research outputs found

    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with quantum gas microscopes

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    Quantum gas microscopes are a promising tool to study interacting quantum many-body systems and bridge the gap between theoretical models and real materials. So far they were limited to measurements of instantaneous correlation functions of the form ⟨O^(t)⟩\langle \hat{O}(t) \rangle, even though extensions to frequency-resolved response functions ⟨O^(t)O^(0)⟩\langle \hat{O}(t) \hat{O}(0) \rangle would provide important information about the elementary excitations in a many-body system. For example, single particle spectral functions, which are usually measured using photoemission experiments in electron systems, contain direct information about fractionalization and the quasiparticle excitation spectrum. Here, we propose a measurement scheme to experimentally access the momentum and energy resolved spectral function in a quantum gas microscope with currently available techniques. As an example for possible applications, we numerically calculate the spectrum of a single hole excitation in one-dimensional t−Jt-J models with isotropic and anisotropic antiferromagnetic couplings. A sharp asymmetry in the distribution of spectral weight appears when a hole is created in an isotropic Heisenberg spin chain. This effect slowly vanishes for anisotropic spin interactions and disappears completely in the case of pure Ising interactions. The asymmetry strongly depends on the total magnetization of the spin chain, which can be tuned in experiments with quantum gas microscopes. An intuitive picture for the observed behavior is provided by a slave-fermion mean field theory. The key properties of the spectra are visible at currently accessible temperatures.Comment: 16+7 pages, 10+2 figure

    Ferromagnetism and skyrmions in the Hofstadter–Fermi–Hubbard model

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    Strongly interacting fermionic systems host a variety of interesting quantum many-body states with exotic excitations. For instance, the interplay of strong interactions and the Pauli exclusion principle can lead to Stoner ferromagnetism, but the fate of this state remains unclear when kinetic terms are added. While in many lattice models the fermions' dispersion results in delocalization and destabilization of the ferromagnet, flat bands can restore strong interaction effects and ferromagnetic correlations. To reveal this interplay, here we propose to study the Hofstadter–Fermi–Hubbard model using ultracold atoms. We demonstrate, by performing large-scale density-matrix renormalization group simulations, that this model exhibits a lattice analog of the quantum Hall (QH) ferromagnet at magnetic filling factor ν = 1. We reveal the nature of the low energy spin-singlet states around ν ≈ 1 and find that they host quasi-particles and quasi-holes exhibiting spin-spin correlations reminiscent of skyrmions. Finally, we predict the breakdown of flat-band ferromagnetism at large fields. Our work paves the way towards experimental studies of lattice QH ferromagnetism, including prospects to study many-body states of interacting skyrmions and explore the relation to high-TcT_\mathrm{c} superconductivity

    Time-resolved observation of spin-charge deconfinement in fermionic Hubbard chains

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    Elementary particles such as the electron carry several quantum numbers, for example, charge and spin. However, in an ensemble of strongly interacting particles, the emerging degrees of freedom can fundamentally differ from those of the individual constituents. Paradigmatic examples of this phenomenon are one-dimensional systems described by independent quasiparticles carrying either spin (spinon) or charge (holon). Here we report on the dynamical deconfinement of spin and charge excitations in real space following the removal of a particle in Fermi-Hubbard chains of ultracold atoms. Using space- and time-resolved quantum gas microscopy, we track the evolution of the excitations through their signatures in spin and charge correlations. By evaluating multi-point correlators, we quantify the spatial separation of the excitations in the context of fractionalization into single spinons and holons at finite temperatures

    Evaluation of time-dependent correlators after a local quench in iPEPS: hole motion in the t-J model

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    Infinite projected entangled pair states (iPEPS) provide a convenient variational description of infinite, translationally-invariant two-dimensional quantum states. However, the simulation of local excitations is not directly possible due to the translationally-invariant ansatz. Furthermore, as iPEPS are either identical or orthogonal, expectation values between different states as required during the evaluation of non-equal-time correlators are ill-defined. Here, we show that by introducing auxiliary states on each site, it becomes possible to simulate both local excitations and evaluate non-equal-time correlators in an iPEPS setting under real-time evolution. We showcase the method by simulating the t-J model after a single hole has been placed in the half-filled antiferromagnetic background and evaluating both return probabilities and spin correlation functions, as accessible in quantum gas microscopes.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, minor revision requested by SciPost Physic

    Thouless Pumps and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Higher-Order Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases

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    The bulk-boundary correspondence relates quantized edge states to bulk topological invariants in topological phases of matter. In one-dimensional symmetry-protected topological systems (SPTs), quantized topological Thouless pumps directly reveal this principle and provide a sound mathematical foundation. Symmetry-protected higher-order topological phases of matter (HOSPTs) also feature a bulk-boundary correspondence, but its connection to quantized charge transport remains elusive. Here we show that quantized Thouless pumps connecting C4C_4-symmetric HOSPTs can be described by a tuple of four Chern numbers that measure quantized bulk charge transport in a direction-dependent fashion. Moreover, this tuple of Chern numbers allows to predict the sign and value of fractional corner charges in the HOSPTs. We show that the topologically non-trivial phase can be characterized by both quadrupole and dipole configurations, shedding new light on current debates about the multi-pole nature of the HOSPT bulk. By employing corner-periodic boundary conditions, we generalize Restas's theory to HOSPTs. Our approach provides a simple framework for understanding topological invariants of general HOSPTs and paves the way for an in-depth description of future dynamical experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures plus supplement

    Coupling ultracold matter to dynamical gauge fields in optical lattices: From flux attachment to ℤ2 lattice gauge theories

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    From the standard model of particle physics to strongly correlated electrons, various physical settings are formulated in terms of matter coupled to gauge fields. Quantum simulations based on ultracold atoms in optical lattices provide a promising avenue to study these complex systems and unravel the underlying many-body physics. Here, we demonstrate how quantized dynamical gauge fields can be created in mixtures of ultracold atoms in optical lattices, using a combination of coherent lattice modulation with strong interactions. Specifically, we propose implementation of ℤ2 lattice gauge theories coupled to matter, reminiscent of theories previously introduced in high-temperature superconductivity. We discuss a range of settings from zero-dimensional toy models to ladders featuring transitions in the gauge sector to extended two-dimensional systems. Mastering lattice gauge theories in optical lattices constitutes a new route toward the realization of strongly correlated systems, with properties dictated by an interplay of dynamical matter and gauge fields

    Dominant Fifth-Order Correlations in Doped Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    Traditionally one and two-point correlation functions are used to characterize many-body systems. In strongly correlated quantum materials, such as the doped 2D Fermi-Hubbard system, these may no longer be sufficient because higher-order correlations are crucial to understanding the character of the many-body system and can be numerically dominant. Experimentally, such higher-order correlations have recently become accessible in ultracold atom systems. Here we reveal strong non-Gaussian correlations in doped quantum anti-ferromagnets and show that higher order correlations dominate over lower-order terms. We study a single mobile hole in the t−Jt-J model using DMRG, and reveal genuine fifth-order correlations which are directly related to the mobility of the dopant. We contrast our results to predictions using models based on doped quantum spin liquids which feature significantly reduced higher-order correlations. Our predictions can be tested at the lowest currently accessible temperatures in quantum simulators of the 2D Fermi-Hubbard model. Finally, we propose to experimentally study the same fifth-order spin-charge correlations as a function of doping. This will help to reveal the microscopic nature of charge carriers in the most debated regime of the Hubbard model, relevant for understanding high-TcT_c superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, short supplementar
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