10 research outputs found

    Adaptability and stability of sunflower genotypes in Central Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol, no Brasil Central, quanto ao rendimento de grãos e de óleo. Os dados foram obtidos de ensaios de genótipos de girassol coordenados pela Embrapa Soja, de 2004 a 2007. Foram usados os métodos de Eberhart & Russell, Porto et al., Rocha et al. e Annicchiarico. Foi realizada a decomposição do índice de recomendação de Annicchiarico nos ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis. Este método e o de Porto et al. foram similares e mais adequados para avaliar a adaptabilidade dos genótipos. Em relação ao rendimento de grãos, as variedades BRSGira 02 e Nutrissol apresentaram adaptação ampla. Os híbridos Agrobel 959, MG50 e V03005 e as variedades Catissol e Multissol apresentaram adaptação aos ambientes favoráveis, e os híbridos BRHS 02 e BRHS 04 apresentaram adaptação aos ambientes desfavoráveis. Quanto ao rendimento de óleo, os híbridos Agrobel 959, V03005, MG50, VDH 487, EXP 1441, EXP 1447 e EXP 1446 e as variedades BRSGira 01, BRSGira 02 e Nutrissol apresentaram adaptação ampla. O híbrido MG52 e as variedades Catissol e Multissol mostraram adaptação aos ambientes favoráveis, e BRHS 04 e BRHS 02 mostraram adaptação aos ambientes desfavoráveis. Os genótipos selecionados mostraram-se estáveis, mas em níveis diferenciados.The objective of this study was to evaluate the adaptability and stability of sunflower genotype grain and oil yield, in Central Brazil. The analyzed data were obtained from sunflower genotype trials coordinated by Embrapa Soja, from 2004 to 2007. Genotype adaptability and stability were evaluated using the methods of Eberhart & Russell, Porto et al., Rocha et al., and Annicchiarico. The Annicchiarico method divides sites into favorable and unfavorable environments. This method and the one of Porto et al. were similar and more adequate to evaluate genotypic adaptability. For grain yield, the varieties BRSGira 02 and Nutrissol were widely adapted. The hybrids Agrobel 959, MG50 and V03005 and the varieties Catissol and Multissol were adapted to favorable environments and the hybrids BRHS 02 and BRHS 04 were adapted to unfavorable environments. For oil yield, the hybrids Agrobel 959, V03005, MG50, VDH 487, EXP 1441, EXP 1447, and EXP 1446 and the varieties BRSGira 01, BRSGira 02, and Nutrissol were widely adapted. The hybrid MG52 and the varieties Catissol and Multissol were adapted to favorable environments and BRHS 04 and BRHS 02 were adapted to unfavorable environments. The selected genotypes were shown to be stable, but at different levels

    Agronomy Maringá, v

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    Predicting the oil contents in sunflower genotype seeds using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, vol. 36, núm. 2, abril-junio, 2014, pp. 233-237 Universidade Estadual de Maringá Maringá, Brasil ABSTRACT. The aim of this experiment was to calibrate the NIR spectroscopy equation to evaluate the oil content of sunflower seeds from different genotypes produced under different environmental conditions in Brazil. The spectra of 901 standard samples obtained from 88 hybrids and 116 lines, which were evaluated in 11 locations, were collected from intact seeds (achenes) and correlated with data generated by nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. The calibration was determined by linear regression using partial least squares to estimate the parameters. The goodness of fit was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R 2 ), standard error of calibration (SEC) and the standard error of performance (SEP). The wavelengths ranging from 1319 to 1760 nm were selected for the calibration. The R 2 was 0.87, the SEC was 2.39, and the SEP was 1.97. The oil content values obtained for the 19 hybrid seeds analyzed by NIR spectroscopy that were not included in the calibration were similar to the values obtained using the chemical method. The similarities between the values obtained using both methods and the R 2 , SEC and SEP values indicated that it is possible to establish a calibration equation using NIR spectroscopy to determine the oil contents of sunflower seeds produced under Brazilian field conditions. Keywords: Helianthus annuus, intact seed, spectral analysis. Predição do teor de óleo em sementes de genótipos de girassol por espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIR) RESUMO. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estabelecer uma equação de calibração pela análise da espectroscopia de NIR para a avaliação dos teores de óleo em sementes de genótipos de girassol obtidas em condições ambientais brasileiras. Os espectros de 901 amostras padrões, provenientes de 88 híbridos e 116 linhagens avaliados em 11 localidades, foram coletados de aquênios intactos e correlacionados com os valores de óleo obtidos por análise de ressonância magnética nuclear. A equação de calibração foi determinada por regressão linear, cujos parâmetros foram estimados pelo método de mínimos quadrados parciais. A precisão foi verificada pelo coeficiente de determinação (R 2 ), erro padrão de calibração (SEC) e pelo erro padrão de desempenho (SEP). A região de comprimento de onda entre 1319 e 1760 nm foi selecionada para a calibração. O R 2 foi 0,87, o SEC foi 2,39 e o SEP foi de 1,97. Adicionalmente, a análise do teor de óleo pelo NIR de 19 híbridos não incluídos na calibração foi similar aos valores obtidos no método químico padrão. Esta similaridade e os valores de R 2 , SEC e SEP possibilitaram inferir que é possível estabelecer uma equação de calibração pela espectroscopia de NIR para a avaliação do teor de óleo em sementes de genótipos de girassol cultivados em condições ambientais brasileiras. Palavras-chave: Helianthus annuus, sementes intactas, análise spectral

    Physiological and N2-fixation-related traits for tolerance to drought in soybean progenies

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar seis genótipos de soja (Glycine max) quanto aos parâmetros fisiológicos e à fixação biológica de nitrogênio, em condições de restrição hídrica, e sua capacidade de recuperação após reidratação, com base em componentes de produção. Os genótipos avaliados em casa de vegetação foram os seguintes: 'BRS 317', suscetível à seca; R01-581F e R02-1325, que apresentam fixação biológica de nitrogênio tolerante à seca; e os recombinantes BRB14-207525, BRB14-207526, BRB14-207527 resultantes de cruzamentos entre genótipos comerciais e PI 471938, que apresenta o fenótipo “slow wilting” em condições de seca. A restrição hídrica foi aplicada por dez dias aos genótipos em fase de florescimento pleno (R2), enquanto as plantas-controle foram mantidas bem irrigadas. A taxa fotossintética e as trocas gasosas sob restrição hídrica foram mais estáveis no genótipo BRB14-207526. A biomassa das raízes aumentou 3,5 vezes em R02-1325 como resposta adaptativa à seca. Além disso, os teores foliares de ureídos – uma característica relacionada à fixação biológica de nitrogênio em plantas tolerantes à seca – mantiveram-se estáveis nos genótipos R02-1325 e R01-581F, sob seca, e diminuíram em BRB14-207527. Os genótipos BRB14-207526, BRB14-207527 e R02-1325 apresentam melhores desempenhos fisiológicos e menor acúmulo de ureídos sob seca, além de maior produção de grãos após a sua reidratação. As progênies BRB14-207526 e BRB14-207527 apresentam características de tolerância à seca que provêm de PI 471938, enquanto R02-1325 é uma fonte promissora de tolerância à seca para o melhoramento da soja.The objective of this work was to evaluate six soybean (Glycine max) genotypes for physiological traits and biological nitrogen fixation in drought conditions, and their capacity for recovery after rewetting, based on yield components. The genotypes evaluated in a greenhouse were the following: 'BRS 317', susceptible to drought; R01-581F and R02-1325, which show biological nitrogen fixation tolerant to drought; and the BRB14-207525, BRB14-207526, BRB14-207527 breed lines resulting from crossings between commercial genotypes and PI 471938, which shows a slow-wilting phenotype under drought. Drought conditions were applied to the genotypes at the full-flowering stage (R2) for ten days, whereas control plants were kept well-watered. Photosynthetic rate and gas exchanges under drought were more stable in the BRB14-207526 genotype. Root biomass increased 3.5 times in R02-1325 as an adaptive response to drought. In addition, leaf ureides – a trait related to biological nitrogen fixation in plants tolerant to drought – remained stable in genotypes R02-1325 and R01-581F exposed to drought, but decreased in BRB14-207527. Genotypes BRB14-207526, BRB14-207527, and R02-1325 show more favorable physiological performances and a lower accumulation of ureides under drought, besides a higher grain yield after rehydration. The BRB14-207526 and BRB14-207527 progenies show drought-tolerance traits from PI 471938, whereas R02-1325 is a promising source of tolerance to drought for soybean breeding

    Genetic structure and diversity of a soybean germplasm considering biological nitrogen fixation and protein content

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    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) has global economic and environmental importance, but has often not been considered in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding programs. Knowing the genetic diversity and structure of a population within a germoplasm represent a key step for breeding programs. This study aimed at determining the structure of the population and diversity of soybean with regard to BNF and protein content in grain. In total, 191 accessions were evaluated, including 171 commercial soybean cultivars, developed and released by public institutions and private companies in Brazil, and 20 ancestral lines. The genotypes were chosen to represent four genetic groups: 128 Brazilian public genotypes, 20 exotic, and 43 genotypes from private companies. Soybeans were genotyped with 22 SSR markers, previously described as associated with BNF and protein content. Genetic diversity was evaluated using the DARwin 5.0 software. Population structure was inferred by principal component analysis and by the STRUCTURE software. The accessions were distributed in two groups: one clustering approximately 50 % of the accessions, from Brazilian public and private companies; the other one clustering 45 % of the accessions, including Brazilian, exotic and private germoplasms. Some accessions (5 %) were not grouped in any cluster. Principal component analysis explained 29 % of the total variance and there was a tendency to cluster the accessions into two groups. Similar results were obtained with the STRUCTURE, clearly showing two subpopulations. There is variability for BNF and protein content amongst both modern germoplasms cultivated in Brazil and ancestral lines. This variability could be better explored in soybean breeding programs to improve these traits

    Genetic structure and diversity of a soybean germplasm considering biological nitrogen fixation and protein content

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    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) has global economic and environmental importance, but has often not been considered in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding programs. Knowing the genetic diversity and structure of a population within a germoplasm represent a key step for breeding programs. This study aimed at determining the structure of the population and diversity of soybean with regard to BNF and protein content in grain. In total, 191 accessions were evaluated, including 171 commercial soybean cultivars, developed and released by public institutions and private companies in Brazil, and 20 ancestral lines. The genotypes were chosen to represent four genetic groups: 128 Brazilian public genotypes, 20 exotic, and 43 genotypes from private companies. Soybeans were genotyped with 22 SSR markers, previously described as associated with BNF and protein content. Genetic diversity was evaluated using the DARwin 5.0 software. Population structure was inferred by principal component analysis and by the STRUCTURE software. The accessions were distributed in two groups: one clustering approximately 50 % of the accessions, from Brazilian public and private companies; the other one clustering 45 % of the accessions, including Brazilian, exotic and private germoplasms. Some accessions (5 %) were not grouped in any cluster. Principal component analysis explained 29 % of the total variance and there was a tendency to cluster the accessions into two groups. Similar results were obtained with the STRUCTURE, clearly showing two subpopulations. There is variability for BNF and protein content amongst both modern germoplasms cultivated in Brazil and ancestral lines. This variability could be better explored in soybean breeding programs to improve these traits

    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná Adaptability and stability of sunflower genotypes from the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná

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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de girassol nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Paraná, quanto a rendimento de grãos e de óleo. Os dados analisados foram obtidos da Rede de Ensaios de Avaliação de Genótipos de Girassol, coordenada pela Embrapa Soja, entre 2003 e 2007. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os métodos usados foram os de Eberhart & Russel, Lin & Binns e Annicchiarico. Correlações próximas da unidade, em valores absolutos, foram obtidas entre a média geral dos genótipos e os parâmetros de adaptabilidade dos métodos de Lin & Binns e Annicchiarico. Contudo, o método de Eberhart & Russel teve a vantagem de indicar genótipos com adaptação a ambientes específicos. Nesse método, os híbridos Agrobel 959 e Helio 360 e a variedade BRSGira 02 foram considerados ideais, por apresentar bons desempenhos em rendimento de grãos, adaptabilidade geral e boa previsibilidade. Para rendimento de óleo, essas características foram encontradas nos híbridos Agrobel 959 e EXP 1441 e nas variedades BRSGira 01, BRSGira 02 e BRSGira 03.<br>The objective of this paper was to study the adaptability and stability of sunflower genotypes from the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, according to their grain and oil yield. The analyzed data were obtained from the Official Sunflower Trials Network, coordinated by Embrapa Soja, from the year 2003 to 2007. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with four replicates. The Eberhart & Russel, Lin & Binns, and Annicchiarico methods were used. Correlations close to the unit in absolute values were obtained between the general average of genotypes and the adaptability parameters of Lin & Bins and Annicchiarico methods. However, the method of Eberhart & Russel had the advantage of indicating genotypes with adaptation to specific environments. According to this method, the hybrids Agrobel 959 and Helio 360, and the variety BRSGira 02 were considered ideal, for showing good performance in yield grain, general adaptability and good previsibility. For oil yield, these characteristics were found in the hybrids Agrobel 959 and EXP 1441 as well as in the varieties BRSGira 01, BRSGira 02, and BRSGira 03