15 research outputs found

    Online-characterization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for optimized efficiency of aerodynamical flow control applications

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    The impact of fluctuating and transient kinematic and thermodynamic airflow conditions on the performance of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators is demonstrated. A novel online-characterization and control approach is introduced, revealing the possibility of compensating for impaired discharge performance due to changing airflow scenarios during actuator operation. The goal of controlling the plasma actuator performance online and in situ is achieved and successfully demonstrated

    Influence of shock wave propagation on dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator performance

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    Interest in plasma actuators as active flow control devices is growing rapidly due to their lack of mechanical parts, light weight and high response frequency. Although the flow induced by these actuators has received much attention, the effect that the external flow has on the performance of the actuator itself must also be considered, especially the influence of unsteady high-speed flows which are fast becoming a norm in the operating flight envelopes. The primary objective of this study is to examine the characteristics of a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuator when exposed to an unsteady flow generated by a shock tube. This type of flow, which is often used in different studies, contains a range of flow regimes from sudden pressure and density changes to relatively uniform high-speed flow regions. A small circular shock tube is employed along with the schlieren photography technique to visualize the flow. The voltage and current traces of the plasma actuator are monitored throughout, and using the well-established shock tube theory the change in the actuator characteristics are related to the physical processes which occur inside the shock tube. The results show that not only is the shear layer outside of the shock tube affected by the plasma but the passage of the shock front and high-speed flow behind it also greatly influences the properties of the plasma

    velocity-information based force-term estimation of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (vol 46, 055202, 2013)

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    Abstract In a recent publication (Kriegseis et al 2013 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 055202) we contrasted the variety of published strategies to estimate magnitude and distribution of the body force produced by dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators. All approaches were applied to an identical set of velocity data, which was experimentally obtained by means of particle image velocimetry. Particularly, the determined force distributions of the above paper turned out to be beneficial for subsequent efforts to derive empirical plasma-actuator models. The purpose of this addendum, therefore, is to provide both the velocity data and the determined force distributions as discussed in the original publication. As such, a comparison of different empirical models based on identical velocity data becomes possible. In addition, numericists can directly implement the published force fields in so as to perform computational studies of discharge-based flow control.</jats:p