195 research outputs found

    The Marketing Philosophy and Challenges for the New Millennium

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    The world has changed a lot during this millennium and it still keeps changing. For this reason it sounds logical, that together with these changes marketing faces a lot of challenges which need to be overcome. That is why the second purpose of this paper is to define the challenges for marketing in the new millennium. Both theoretical considerations will be applied to the selected practical cases from international and Lithuanian markets.marketing, marketing orientations, philosophy, millennium challenges, Starbucks, Coffee Inn, the USA, Lithuania

    Genetically Modified Products in Lithuania: Situational Analysis and Consumers’ Attitudes

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    The paper analyses the genetically modified organism products (GMP) in relation to genetically modified organisms (GMO) from two perspectives: 1) from the theoretical standpoint, discussing the GMO and GMP trade conditions and 2) from the practical perspective, namely analysing the availability of GMP in the Lithuanian market. With the growing of genetically modified products (GMP) levels, it becomes important to examine the situation of genetically modified products. According to various studies on Lithuanian public opinion on genetic modification, genetically modified organisms and their products, we can provide for the future of GMOs in the Lithuanian market. Although there are different opinions about genetically modified products not only in Lithuania, but also throughout the world, the level of development in this area increases every year. This is one of the reasons for which it is necessary to know and explore the Lithuanian population, as the buyer of the genetically modified products, and to examine the Lithuanian market of these products. Although the market is limited for these products, it is still very important to know as much as possible about genetically modified organisms and their effects on humans and the environment, and the future of the people, as consumers have their own opinion about them.genetically modified organisms (GMO), genetically modified foods and products (GMP), agriculture in international trade, consumers’ attitude, Lithuania

    An interdisciplinary approach towards sustainable governance of universities: the case of Lithuania

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    Poniższy artykuł przedstawia pojęcie zrównoważonego rozwoju w interdyscyplinarnym kontekście poprzez wykorzystanie zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju przyjętych w systemie edukacji oraz zaprezentowanie wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w latach 2006-2007 na litewskich uniwersytetach. Zbadano studentów oraz wykładowców akademickich w celu określenia wpływu analizowanej dyscypliny oraz zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju jako elementów codziennego życia uniwersyteckiego, programów zajęć oraz zarządzania uczelniamiwyższymi


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    Qualitative research methods tend to be used more and more in academic research. The cost for these methods is quite low and the results may be very interesting and useful for many fields of study. However, the utility and the characteristic of qualitative research methods differ from subject to subject and from discipline to discipline. This paper comes close to a comparison of two qualitative research methods (focus-group and in-depth interview) used in investigating the opinion of academics, analyzing by comparison the results founded in a research conducted in the Bucharest University of Economics using focus group and in-depth interviews. The conclusions of the study reveal that apart of the limits states in the literature, there are other elements that can contribute to obtaining unrealistic results.Qualitative research methods, focus group, in-depth interview, academic research

    Interrelationship and cross‐field research in financial, human and capital markets

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    „Interrelationship and cross‐field research in financial, human and capital markets" Technological and economic development of economy, 13(3), p. 177-178 First Published Online: 21 Oct 201

    Design and implementation of an elective career planning course for pharmacy students

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    Objective: The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards 2016 encourage student pharmacists to examine and reflect on attributes necessary for professional and personal growth. Data from an AACP survey of recent graduates also indicated perceived deficiencies in career planning. Therefore, an elective course was created for 5th year students (0-6 program) to encourage self-assessment and preparation for post-graduate employment and personal development. The objective of this poster is to describe important elements of this course to aid faculty at other intuitions. Method: The course was designed after review of publications regarding career advancement and life-skills. Additionally, business faculty who had taught similar courses were consulted. The course has been team-taught for five years by two pharmacy faculty with speakers including business faculty, advanced pharmacy practice experience students, alumni and a financial planner. Topics and assignments have been revised based upon course feedback and past student suggestions. Results: Qualitative data is collected throughout and at the culmination of the course utilizing feedback cards, class discussion, and an online survey. Data collected through course evaluations show that 100% of students “agree” or “strongly agree” that they “gained an important skill set” by taking the course. Additional assessments include comparing students’ reported confidence and knowledge before and after the course and placement data upon graduation for students taking this course with those who did not. Implications: This course is easily implemented, well-received by students, and encourages student learning and development while also improving confidence in the area of personal and professional planning

    Applying sustainability principles in the economy

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    „Applying sustainability principles in the economy" Ukio Technologinis ir Ekonominis Vystymas, 14(2), p. 101-106 First published online: 21 oct 201

    The implications of financing higher education in the context of labour force migration: The case of Lithuania

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    This paper aims at presenting a conceptually new model of labour force migration in relation to the higher education policy making and the role of the Government in this process. The concept of human capital development stands out as the main theoretical backbone in this paper, comprising the aspects of financing the higher education and any realities, of how educated specialists could return (if at all) the Government's subsidies provided in their education process, especially in case of their migration to foreign countries. As Lithuania, alongside with other new EU member‐states, such as Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia etc, experiences a ‘brain‐drain’ effect on its labour force market, which, consequently, has a crucial impact on the equilibrium of skilled and unskilled workforce in the listed countries. Therefore the authors raise a question, whether the labour force migration process could be managed, controlled or monitored? Aukštojo mokslo finansavimo reikšmė darbo jėgos migracijos kontekste: Lietuvos atvejis Santrauka Darbo jėga visada buvo svarbi sudėtinė ekonominės veiklos dalis, o ateityje dėl vykstančio regionalizacijos proceso, kuriam didelį poveikį daro globalizacija, jos svarba gali dar labiau išaugti. Globalizacija pabrėžia inovacijas ir žinias, pramonės augimą, pagrįstą moksliniais tyrimais, o visam tam reikia didesnio darbuotojų, turinčių daugiau sugebėjimų, skaičiaus. Kaip rodo pasaulio praktika, išsilavinusių, galinčių lengvai adaptuotis ir mokytis darbuotojų vertė kyla, nes tokių darbuotojų turėjimas yra pagrindinis regiono ekonomikos pranašumas. Valstybė turi efektyviai panaudoti švietimo potencialą, norėdama užtikrinti ekonominį ir socialinį stabilumą. Tačiau reikia įvertinti ir tokį faktą, kad aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistai yra labai mobilūs. Straipsnyje siūlomas konceptualiai naujas požiūris į kvalifikuotos darbo jėgos migracijos valdymą ir jo sąsajas su Vyriausybės plėtojama aukštojo mokslo finansavimo politika. Straipsnyje keliama dilema – ar išsilavinę ir migruoti pasirengę Lietuvos specialistai turi grąžinti į jų studijas investuotas Vyriausybės lėšas. First Published Online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: aukštasis mokslas, finansavimas, žmogiškasis kapitalas, darbo jėgos migracija, Lietuva