102 research outputs found

    Simple analysis of daylight saving time effects in Belgrade climate and latitude

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    Contemporary controversy about daylight saving time (DST) is mainly derived from different standpoints in studies investigating the positive and negative effects of the clock shift during summer period. From the standpoint of energy savings, most studies have consensus that the summertime clock shift in middle latitudes, with a large difference between winter and summer daylight hours, contributes to energy savings in buildings. Belgrade's mid-latitude, moderate-continental climate has a six-month long heating season and a three-month cooling season. The annual domination of the heating period assumes that the demand for heating energy also dominates in the annual energy breakdown for average office buildings. Since DST covers mainly summer time, the energy breakdown in office buildings during the DST period is dominated by the energy demand for lighting and cooling. The shift of time ahead of standard time during the DST period causes a shift in temperature, daylight availability and solar energy resources and thus a shift in the potential for the utilisation of the surrounding energy. This paper investigates how the application of DST in Belgrade's climate and latitude influences the change of climate parameters relevant for the cooling and lighting energy demand in office buildings

    German Postmemory and Ambivalent Home Desires: A Critical Reading of Nora Krug’s (2018) Graphic Novel Heimat: A German Family Album

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    This review analyses the aesthetic engagement with Nazi atrocities during WWII and belonging in post-war Germany as presented in Nora Krug’s graphic novel Heimat: A German Family Album. The authors employ Marianne Hirsch’s concept of ‘postmemory’ as an analytical tool that helps them locate the complex historical and emotional contexts from which this graphic novel receives its impulses. The concrete scenes from the novel are presented and subsequently related to the field of memory and postmemory scholarship. Wider critical debates on how aesthetic articulations of past atrocities influence the next generations of ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators’ are examined, to ask: What does it mean to inhabit memories of ghostly narratives about perpetrators and how does it form a feeling of post-home

    Optimisation of transparent ratio in highly glazed office building facades for Belgrade climate conditions.

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    У савременој пословној архитектури концепт материјалне транспарентности се експлоатише у великом обиму, како би се, преко појавности транспарентне архитектуре, изразила моћ и приступачност предузећа. Велике површине транспарентног стакла на фасади зграде, представљају рекламу институције или предузећа, путем које се потенцијалним клијентима преноси порука о њиховој приступачности, отворености и поштењу у пословању. Примењена висока технологија у изради стаклених површина фасаде, такође асоцира на имиџ модерне, савремене организације или институције, која се, поред свега осталог, одговорно понаша према очувању животне средине и енергије...The concept of transparency is highly exploited in contemporary office architecture, in order to express the character of company as powerful, but very accessible to clients. Highly glazed facades are used to express the openness and business honesty. High technology glazed facade is also associated with an image of modern organisation behind transparent walls, which is also responsible to the environment and energy preservation..

    Economic aspect of solar thermal collectors integration into facade of multifamily housing

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    The subject of this research is the Life cycle costs analysis of the building in order to evaluate the economic efficiency and cost-effectiveness of investments in various variants of application of active solar systems in aim to achieve the reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Different variants of solar thermal collector’s application to the existing prefabricated residential building in the settlement Konjarnik in Belgrade, Serbia, are considered from the economic point of view. Cost-effectiveness and feasibility of various scenarios of energy optimization achieved by application of solar thermal collectors into the building envelope are evaluated on the basis of final energy consumption (within the EU-ISO standards). The methodological approach involves the analysis of the costs of energy consumption for water heating, financial analysis of costs and savings over the life cycle of the existing building in case of solar thermal collectors’ application to the building envelope as well as a comparative analysis of achieved results. Criteria for the economic analysis include the amount of investment, energy costs and life cycle costs of the building. According to the adopted criteria, the most suitable models are selected. This methodological approach is generally applicable in the analysis of investments in improvement of building energy performances, while possible technical solutions and the resulting economic benefits must be carefully considered

    Economic aspect of solar thermal collectors integration into facade of multifamily residential building

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    The subject of this research is the Life cycle costs analysis of the building in order to assess the economic efficiency and cost‐effectiveness of investments in various variants of application of active solar systems in aim to achieve a reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Different variants of solar thermal collector’s application to the existing prefabricated residential building in the settlement Konjarnik in Belgrade, Serbia, are considered from the economic point of view. Cost‐effectiveness and feasibility of various scenarios of energy optimization achieved by application of solar thermal collectors into the building envelope are evaluated on the basis of final energy consumption (within the EU‐ISO standards). The methodological approach involves the analysis of the costs of energy consumption for sanitary hot water preparation, financial analysis of costs and cost savings throughout the lifecycle of the existing building in case of application of solar thermal collectors’ on the building envelope, as well as a comparative analysis of obtained results. Criteria for the economic analysis include the amount of investment, energy costs and life‐cycle costs of the building. According to the adopted criteria, the most suitable models are selected. This methodological approach is generally applicable in the analysis of investments in improvement of building energy performances, while possible technical solutions and the resulting economic benefits must be carefully considered

    Thinking Post-Home: An Introduction

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    Geometry behind the position of stairs: balance in the mind

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    In this paper we examine the link between the human body and architectural design. For this purpose, we combine Cognitive Metaphor Theory (CMT) and geometry. We start from the hypothesis that the organization of space and the positions of stairs within the building floor plan is the result of the embodiment of human mind, which implies that abstract aspects of human thought are grounded in physical aspects of human body. CMT claims that BALANCE is a prototypical schema consisting of countervailing forces acting on a target. This mental structure arises from living in symmetrical bodies which are able to balance two equal halves and maintain erect posture. Having established the metaphorical mapping between the building and the human body (and, consequently, between the stairs and human spine) we examined the position of stairs in the building. We geometrically analyzed floor plans of a set of buildings applying the theoretical framework of Projective geometry and methods of Computational geometry. Our findings reveal that stairwells tend to stretch along the line which divides the building basis in two equal halves.[http://www.arhns.uns.ac.rs/mongeometrija/] 6th International Conference on Geometry and graphics, Novi Sad, Serbia, 6-8 June 2018

    German Postmemory and Ambivalent Home Desires: A Critical Reading of Nora Krug’s (2018) Graphic Novel Heimat: A German Family Album

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    This review analyses the aesthetic engagement with Nazi atrocities during WWII and belonging in post-war Germany as presented in Nora Krug’s graphic novel Heimat: A German Family Album. The authors employ Marianne Hirsch’s concept of ‘postmemory’ as an analytical tool that helps them locate the complex historical and emotional contexts from which this graphic novel receives its impulses. The concrete scenes from the novel are presented and subsequently related to the field of memory and postmemory scholarship. Wider critical debates on how aesthetic articulations of past atrocities influence the next generations of ‘victims’ and ‘perpetrators’ are examined, to ask: What does it mean to inhabit memories of ghostly narratives about perpetrators and how does it form a feeling of post-home

    Post-Home: Dwelling on Loss, Belonging and Movement

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