404 research outputs found

    The Tasks of Criminal Psychology

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    The Tasks of Criminal Psychology

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    Der Marchtaler Plan im Spiegel der Wahrnehmungen von Gymnasiallehrkräften. Eine empirische Untersuchung als Diskussionsbeitrag zur Zukunftsfähigkeit des Rahmenplans

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    Die Frage nach den Bedingungen religiöser Bildung im Rahmen des Marchtaler Plans steht im Zentrum der Arbeit. Anhand von Interviews werden die Wahrnehmungen von Lehrkräften, die an Gymnasien mit Marchtaler Plan arbeiten, beleuchtet

    The Double-Bandgap-Narrowing Transistor

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    Contagion and information frictions in emerging markets: the role of joint signals

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    We show that information frictions can explain financial contagion without correlated fundamentals and explain why emerging markets are more susceptible to contagion. Costly information may cause investors to group country signals, because such imprecise signals are cheaper. These joint signals then cause asset prices to comove, which can be observed as contagion. Due to lower demand for country-specific information and lower risk weighted returns, it is likelier that investors group signals of emerging markets, thereby making them more prone to contagion. We find empirical evidence for our predictions using a novel data set on the number of joint news articles and exploit exogenous variation in news due to terrorism

    Автоматизированная система определения гидратных пробок в газопроводе Медвежьего месторождения

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    Создание автоматизированной установки по обнаружению гидратообразований в газопроводе, выбор датчиков для сборки установки, создание схем внешних проводок, изображение экранных форм.Creation of an automated installation for detecting hydrate formation in a gas pipeline, selection of sensors for assembly, creation of external wiring diagrams, display of screen forms

    Semianalytical Universal Simulation of the Electrical Properties of the Permeable Base Transistor

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    Using only a few numerical calculations, we give the analytical current-voltage and charge-voltage characteristics valid for any PBT. The highest unity current gain frequency (f,) corresponding to the current technology is on the order of 30 GHz; nevertheless, the oscillation frequency can be higher than 100 GHz. 1

    Infants and newborns with Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumors (ATRT) and Extracranial Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors (eMRT) in the EU-RHAB registry: a unique and challenging population

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Malignant rhabdoid tumors (MRT) are deadly tumors that predominantly affect infants and young children. Even when considering the generally young age of these patients, the treatment of infants below the age of six months represents a particular challenge due to the vulnerability of this patient population. The aim of our retrospective study was to assess the available information on prognostic factors, genetics, toxicity of treatment and long-term outcomes of MRT. We confirmed that, in a cohort of homogenously treated infants with MRT, significant predictors of outcome were female sex, localized stage, absence of a GLM and maintenance therapy, and these significantly favorably influence prognosis. Stratification-based biomarker-driven tailored trials may be a key option to improve survival rates. ABSTRACT: Introduction: Malignant rhabdoid tumors (MRT) predominantly affect infants and young children. Patients below six months of age represent a particularly therapeutically challenging group. Toxicity to developing organ sites limits intensity of treatment. Information on prognostic factors, genetics, toxicity of treatment and long-term outcomes is sparse. Methods: Clinical, genetic, and treatment data of 100 patients (aged below 6 months at diagnosis) from 13 European countries were analyzed (2005–2020). Tumors and matching blood samples were examined for SMARCB1 mutations using FISH, MLPA and Sanger sequencing. DNA methylation subgroups (ATRT-TYR, ATRT-SHH, and ATRT-MYC) were determined using 450 k / 850 k-profiling. Results: A total of 45 patients presented with ATRT, 29 with extracranial, extrarenal (eMRT) and 9 with renal rhabdoid tumors (RTK). Seventeen patients demonstrated synchronous tumors (SYN). Metastases (M+) were present in 27% (26/97) at diagnosis. A germline mutation (GLM) was detected in 55% (47/86). DNA methylation subgrouping was available in 50% (31 / 62) with ATRT or SYN; for eMRT, methylation-based subgrouping was not performed. The 5-year overall (OS) and event free survival (EFS) rates were 23.5 ± 4.6% and 19 ± 4.1%, respectively. Male sex (11 ± 5% vs. 35.8 ± 7.4%), M+ stage (6.1 ± 5.4% vs. 36.2 ± 7.4%), presence of SYN (7.1 ± 6.9% vs. 26.6 ± 5.3%) and GLM (7.7 ± 4.2% vs. 45.7 ± 8.6%) were significant prognostic factors for 5-year OS. Molecular subgrouping and survival analyses confirm a previously described survival advantage for ATRT-TYR. In an adjusted multivariate model, clinical factors that favorably influence the prognosis were female sex, localized stage, absence of a GLM and maintenance therapy. Conclusions: In this cohort of homogenously treated infants with MRT, significant predictors of outcome were sex, M-stage, GLM and maintenance therapy. We confirm the need to stratify which patient groups benefit from multimodal treatment, and which need novel therapeutic strategies. Biomarker-driven tailored trials may be a key option