26 research outputs found

    The Princeton Protein Orthology Database (P-POD): A Comparative Genomics Analysis Tool for Biologists

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    Many biological databases that provide comparative genomics information and tools are now available on the internet. While certainly quite useful, to our knowledge none of the existing databases combine results from multiple comparative genomics methods with manually curated information from the literature. Here we describe the Princeton Protein Orthology Database (P-POD, http://ortholog.princeton.edu), a user-friendly database system that allows users to find and visualize the phylogenetic relationships among predicted orthologs (based on the OrthoMCL method) to a query gene from any of eight eukaryotic organisms, and to see the orthologs in a wider evolutionary context (based on the Jaccard clustering method). In addition to the phylogenetic information, the database contains experimental results manually collected from the literature that can be compared to the computational analyses, as well as links to relevant human disease and gene information via the OMIM, model organism, and sequence databases. Our aim is for the P-POD resource to be extremely useful to typical experimental biologists wanting to learn more about the evolutionary context of their favorite genes. P-POD is based on the commonly used Generic Model Organism Database (GMOD) schema and can be downloaded in its entirety for installation on one's own system. Thus, bioinformaticians and software developers may also find P-POD useful because they can use the P-POD database infrastructure when developing their own comparative genomics resources and database tools

    Psychological Long-Term Adjustment in Children with Head Burns

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    OBJECTIVE:To determine psychological adjustment of children after head burns. METHODS:One hundred four children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17 years were assessed with the Child Behavior Checklist 1 to 13 years after burn. Mean total body surface area burned was 18%. According to burn localization, patients were classified into two groups: patients with head burns versus patients with burns of other areas. RESULTS:Psychological adjustment as measured by the broad- and narrow-band scales of the Child Behavior Checklist was normal in both samples of burned patients. CONCLUSION:This study failed to find any specific psychological problems in survivors of pediatric head burns

    IV.—Note on the Airolo-Schists Controversy

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    Human RFT1 deficiency leads to a disorder of N-linked glycosylation

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    N-linked glycosylation is an essential posttranslational modification of proteins in eukaryotes. The substrate of N-linked glycosylation, dolichol pyrophosphate (DolPP)-GlcNAc(2)Man(9)Glc(3), is assembled through a complex series of ordered reactions requiring the translocation of the intermediate DolPP-GlcNAc(2)Man(5) structure across the endoplasmic-reticulum membrane. A young patient diagnosed with a congenital disorder of glycosylation characterized by an intracellular accumulation of DolPP-GlcNAc(2)Man(5) was found to carry a homozygous point mutation in the RFT1 gene. The c.199C-->T mutation introduced the amino acid substitution p.R67C. The human RFT1 protein shares 22% identity with its yeast ortholog, which is involved in the translocation of DolPP-GlcNAc(2)Man(5) from the cytosolic into the lumenal side of the endoplasmic reticulum. Despite the low sequence similarity between the yeast and the human RFT1 proteins, we demonstrated both their functional orthology and the pathologic effect of the human p.R67C mutation by complementation assay in Deltarft1 yeast cells. The causality of the RFT1 p.R67C mutation was further established by restoration of normal glycosylation profiles in patient-derived fibroblasts after lentiviral expression of a normal RFT1 cDNA. The definition of the RFT1 defect establishes the functional conservation of the DolPP-GlcNAc(2)Man(5) translocation process in eukaryotes. RFT1 deficiency in both yeast and human cells leads to the accumulation of incomplete DolPP-GlcNAc(2)Man(5) and to a profound glycosylation disorder in humans

    Deficiency of the first mannosylation step in the N-glycosylation pathway causes congenital disorder of glycosylation type Ik

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    Defects of N-linked glycosylation represent diseases with multiple organ involvements that are classified as congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG). In recent years, several CDG types have been attributed to defects of dolichol-linked oligosaccharide assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum. The profiling of [3H]mannose-labeled lipid-linked oligosaccharides was instrumental in identifying most of these glycosylation disorders. However, this method is poorly suited for the identification of short lipid-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis defects. To adequately resolve deficiencies affecting the first steps of lipid-linked oligosaccharide formation, we have used a non-radioactive procedure employing the fluorescence detection of 2-aminobenzamide-coupled oligosaccharides after HPLC separation. By applying this method, we have detected the accumulation of dolichylpyrophosphate-GlcNAc2 in a previously untyped CDG patient. The accumulation pattern suggested a deficiency of the ALG1 β1,4 mannosyltransferase, which adds the first mannose residue to lipid-linked oligosaccharides. This was supported by the finding that this CDG patient was compound heterozygous for three mutations in the ALG1 gene, leading to the amino acid substitutions S150R and D429E on one allele and S258L on the other. The detrimental effect of these mutations on ALG1 protein function was demonstrated in a complementation assay using alg1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast mutants. The ALG1 mannosyltransferase defect described here represents a novel type of CDG, which should be referred to as CDG-I

    RFT1-CDG: Deafness as a novel feature of congenital disorders of glycosylation

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are genetic diseases due to defects in the synthesis of glycans and in the attachment of glycans to lipids and proteins. Actually, some 42 CDG are known including defects in protein N-glycosylation, in protein O-glycosylation, in lipid glycosylation, and in multiple and other glycosylation pathways. Most CDG are multisystem diseases and a large number of signs and symptoms have already been reported in CDG. An exception to this is deafness. This symptom has not been observed as a consistent feature in CDG. In 2008, a novel defect was identified in protein N-glycosylation, namely in RFT1. This is a defect in the assembly of N-glycans. RFT1 is involved in the transfer of Man(5)GlcNAc(2)-PP-Dol from the cytoplasmic to the luminal side of the endoplasmic reticulum. According to the novel nomenclature (non-italicized gene symbol followed by -CDG) this defect is named RFT1-CDG. Recently, three other patients with RFT1-CDG have been reported and here we report two novel patients. Remarkably, all six patients with RFT1-CDG show sensorineural deafness as part of a severe neurological syndrome. We conclude that RFT1-CDG is the first 'deafness-CDG'. CDG should be included in the work-up of congenital, particularly syndromic, hearing loss