17 research outputs found

    Construction Safety Campaign leaflet 'Your health - their wealth!'

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    Leaflet issued by the Construction Safety Campaign, aimed at improving safety standards in the building industry

    Wertbeitrag der Informationstechnologie

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    Flyer 'On the sites: a photographic exhibition by David Hevey'

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    Flyer advertising an exhibition of scenes from the building industry, commissioned by the Action Group for Irish Youth (AGIY), Connolly Association (CA) and Construction Safety Campaign (CSC

    Bowdoin Glacier input files HiDEM

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    This dataset contains the input files for HiDEM simulations presented in the article "Numerical modelling shows increased fracturing due to melt-undercutting prior to major calving at Bowdoin Glacier", ECH van Dongen, JA Åström, G Jouvet, J Todd, DI Benn, M Funk, Frontiers in Earth Sciences. GeometryControl.dat contains the input geometry. Andrea Walter conducted the UAV survey for surface elevation data. Izumi Asaji and Shin Sugiyama provided bed elevation data. inpHiDEM.dat contains the values of model parameters. The code of HiDEM is available on https://github.com/joeatodd/HiDEM

    Renal association clinical practice guideline in post-operative care in the kidney transplant recipient

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    These guidelines cover the care of patients from the period following kidney transplantation until the transplant is no longer working or the patient dies. During the early phase prevention of acute rejection and infection are the priority. After around 3-6 months, the priorities change to preservation of transplant function and avoiding the long-term complications of immunosuppressive medication (the medication used to suppress the immune system to prevent rejection). The topics discussed include organization of outpatient follow up, immunosuppressive medication, treatment of acute and chronic rejection, and prevention of complications. The potential complications discussed include heart disease, infection, cancer, bone disease and blood disorders. There is also a section on contraception and reproductive issues.Immediately after the introduction there is a statement of all the recommendations. These recommendations are written in a language that we think should be understandable by many patients, relatives, carers and other interested people. Consequently we have not reworded or restated them in this lay summary. They are graded 1 or 2 depending on the strength of the recommendation by the authors, and AD depending on the quality of the evidence that the recommendation is based on