154 research outputs found

    Predictions for BKγγB \to K \gamma \gamma decays

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    We present a phenomenological study of the rare double radiative decay BKγγB\to K \gamma\gamma in the Standard Model (SM) and beyond. Using the operator product expansion (OPE) technique, we estimate the short-distance (SD) contribution to the decay amplitude in a region of the phase space which is around the point where all decay products have energy mb/3\sim m_b/3 in the rest frame of the BB-meson. At lowest order in 1/Q, where QQ is of order mbm_b, the BKγγB\to K \gamma\gamma matrix element is then expressed in terms of the usual BKB\to K form factors known from semileptonic rare decays. The integrated SD branching ratio in the SM in the OPE region turns out to be ΔB(BKγγ)SMOPE1×109\Delta {\cal{B}}(B \to K \gamma \gamma)_{SM}^{OPE} \simeq 1 \times 10^{-9}. We work out the di-photon invariant mass distribution with and without the resonant background through BK{ηc,χc0}KγγB\to K \{\eta_c,\chi_{c0}\}\to K\gamma \gamma. In the SM, the resonance contribution is dominant in the region of phase space where the OPE is valid. The present experimental upper limit on Bsτ+τB_s \to \tau^+ \tau^- decays, which constrains the scalar/pseudoscalar Four-Fermi operators with τ+τ\tau^+ \tau^-, leaves considerable room for new physics in the one-particle-irreducible contribution to BKγγB\to K \gamma \gamma decays. In this case, we find that the SD BKγγB\to K \gamma \gamma branching ratio can be enhanced by one order of magnitude with respect to its SM value and the SD contribution can lie outside of the resonance peaks.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; Note added on Schouten identity and 2 references added; v4: typos in Eqs (8), (44) and erroneous statement on mixing before Eq (44) fixed. All results and conclusions unchange

    A Systematic Analysis of the Lepton Polarization Asymmetries in the Rare B Decay, B -> X_s\tau^+\tau^-

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    The most general model-independent analysis of the lepton polarization asymmetries in the rare B decay, \Bstt, is presented. We present the longitudinal, normal and transverse polarization asymmetries for the τ+\tau^+ and τ\tau^-, and combinations of them, as functions of the Wilson coefficients of twelve independent four-Fermi interactions, ten of them local and two nonlocal. These procedures will tell us which type of operators contributes to the process. And it will be very useful to pin down new physics systematically, once we have the experimental data with high statistics and a deviation from the Standard Model is found.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, LaTe

    Molecular dynamics simulations of vibrated granular gases

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of mono- or bidisperse inelastic granular gases driven by vibrating walls, in two dimensions (without gravity). Because of the energy injection at the boundaries, a situation often met experimentally, density and temperature fields display heterogeneous profiles in the direction perpendicular to the walls. A general equation of state for an arbitrary mixture of fluidized inelastic hard spheres is derived and successfully tested against numerical data. Single-particle velocity distribution functions with non-Gaussian features are also obtained, and the influence of various parameters (inelasticity coefficients, density...) analyzed. The validity of a recently proposed Random Restitution Coefficient model is assessed through the study of projected collisions onto the direction perpendicular to that of energy injection. For the binary mixture, the non-equipartition of translational kinetic energy is studied and compared both to experimental data and to the case of homogeneous energy injection (``stochastic thermostat''). The rescaled velocity distribution functions are found to be very similar for both species

    B_s --> mu+ mu- decay in the R-parity violating minimal supergravity

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    We study B_s --> mu+ mu- in the context of the R-parity violating minimal supergravity in the high tan beta regime. We find that the lowest value of the branching ratio can go well below the present LHCb sensitivity and hence B_s --> mu+ mu- can even be invisible to the LHC. We also find that the present upper bound on Br(B_s --> mu+ mu-) puts strong constraint on the minimal supergravity parameter space. The constraints become more severe if the upper bound is close to its standard model prediction.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Quantized bulk fermions in the Randall-Sundrum brane model

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    The lowest order quantum corrections to the effective action arising from quantized massive fermion fields in the Randall-Sundrum background spacetime are computed. The boundary conditions and their relation with gauge invariance are examined in detail. The possibility of Wilson loop symmetry breaking in brane models is also analysed. The self-consistency requirements, previously considered in the case of a quantized bulk scalar field, are extended to include the contribution from massive fermions. It is shown that in this case it is possible to stabilize the radius of the extra dimensions but it is not possible to simultaneously solve the hierarchy problem, unless the brane tensions are dramatically fine tuned, supporting previous claims.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, RevTe

    Effect of FCNC mediated Z boson on lepton flavor violating decays

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    We study the three body lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^-, τlilj+lj\tau^- \to l_i^- l_j^+ l_j^- and the semileptonic decay τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi in the flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) mediated ZZ boson model. We also calculate the branching ratios for LFV leptonic B decays, Bd,sμeB_{d,s} \to \mu e, Bd,sτeB_{d,s} \to \tau e, Bd,sτμB_{d,s} \to \tau \mu and the conversion of muon to electron in Ti nucleus. The new physics parameter space is constrained by using the experimental limits on μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^- and τμμ+μ\tau^- \to \mu^- \mu^+ \mu^-. We find that the branching ratios for τeee\tau \to eee and τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi processes could be as large as O(108)\sim {\cal O}(10^{-8}) and BrBd,sτμ,τe)O(1010){\rm Br}B_{d,s} \to \tau \mu, \tau e) \sim {\cal O}(10^{-10}). For other LFV B decays the branching ratios are found to be too small to be observed in the near future.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, one more section added, version to appear in EPJ

    Lepton polarization correlations in BKττ+B \to K^* \tau^- \tau^+

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    In this work we will study the polarizations of both leptons (τ\tau) in the decay channel BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+. In the case of the dileptonic inclusive decay BK+B\to K^* \ell^- \ell^+, where apart from the polarization asymmetries of single lepton \ell, one can also observe the polarization asymmetries of both leptons simultaneously. If this sort of measurement is possible then we can have, apart from decay rate, FB asymmetry and the six single lepton polarization asymmetries (three each for \ell^- and +\ell^+), nine more double polarization asymmetries. This will give us a very useful tool in more strict testing of SM and the physics beyond. We discuss the double polarization asymmetries of τ\tau leptons in the decay mode BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+ within the SM and the Minimal Supersymmetric extensions of it.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; version to match paper to appear in PR

    b-physics signals of the lightest CP-odd Higgs in the NMSSM at large tan beta

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    We investigate the low energy phenomenology of the lighter pseudoscalar A10A_1^0 in the NMSSM. The A10A_1^0 mass can naturally be small due to a global U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry of the Higgs potential, which is only broken by trilinear soft terms. The A10A_1^0 mass is further protected from renormalization group effects in the large tanβ\tan \beta limit. We calculate the bsA10b \to s A_1^0 amplitude at leading order in tanβ\tan \beta and work out the contributions to rare KK, BB and radiative Υ\Upsilon-decays and BBˉB -\bar B mixing. We obtain constraints on the A10A_1^0 mass and couplings and show that masses down to O(10){\cal{O}}(10) MeV are allowed. The bb-physics phenomenology of the NMSSM differs from the MSSM in the appearance of sizeable renormalization effects from neutral Higgses to the photon and gluon dipole operators and the breakdown of the MSSM correlation between the Bsμ+μB_s \to \mu^+ \mu^- branching ratio and BsBˉsB_s - \bar B_s mixing. For A10A_1^0 masses above the tau threshold the A10A_1^0 can be searched for in bsτ+τb \to s \tau^+ \tau^- processes with branching ratios \lsim 10^{-3}.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures; references adde

    Tests of CPT Invariance at Neutrino Factories

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    We investigate possible tests of CPT invariance on the level of event rates at neutrino factories. We do not assume any specific model but phenomenological differences in the neutrino-antineutrino masses and mixing angles in a Lorentz invariance preserving context, such as it could be induced by physics beyond the Standard Model. We especially focus on the muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance channels in order to obtain constraints on the neutrino-antineutrino mass and mixing angle differences; we found, for example, that the sensitivity m3mˉ31.9104eV|m_3 - \bar{m}_3| \lesssim 1.9 \cdot 10^{-4} \mathrm{eV} could be achieved.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX4. Final version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Forward Backward asymmetries of BXsτ+τB \to X_s \tau^+ \tau^- in the MSSM

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    The relatively clean theoretical probes of the Standard Model (SM), and the various theories beyond the SM, provided by radiative, semi-leptonic and (purely) leptonic decays of B-mesons have become increasingly important. Due to the large number of possible distributions in the semi-leptonic decays based on the quark level transition bs+b \to s \ell^+ \ell^- (not just the branching ratio), these transitions have become very useful. A study of the Forward-Backward asymmetries for the inclusive decay (BXs+B \to X_s \ell^+ \ell^-) is carried out in this paper. This study shall be performed in the SM and a minimal supersymmetric extensions of the SM, namely the mSUGRA model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures (5 eps files); modified to JHEP format, accepted in JHEP, references adde