389 research outputs found

    Supporting student wellbeing as an academic language and learning advisor: Challenges and opportunities

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    The provision of academic language and learning (ALL) support to undergraduate and postgraduate students has been a staple across higher education institutions in Australia and New Zealand for some time. However, research has established that there are multiple challenges inherent to working across institutional spaces in the ways that ALL staff do. This has included ambiguity about the parameters of their roles and how they connect with staff and students as support professionals. Furthermore, how advisors respond to student wellbeing as part of the support they offer, and how their own wellbeing is accounted for at work, are not well understood. We draw on data from two recent surveys to explore how ALL advisors in Australia and New Zealand understand and respond to student wellbeing within their practice, how ALL work has been affected by COVID-19, advisors’ needs for support, and the views of managers in relation to these matters. The participants highlighted tensions related to student wellbeing, staff wellbeing, and academic support, which have either been brought about or intensified by the pandemic. As we move towards living with the pandemic, these tensions will need to be addressed by higher education institutions

    Dissipation dynamics of a scalar field

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    We investigate the dissipation rate of a scalar field in the vicinity of the phase transition and the ordered phase, specifically within the universality class of model A. This dissipation rate holds significant physical relevance, particularly in the context of interpreting effective potentials as inputs for dynamical transport simulations, such as hydrodynamics. To comprehensively understand the use of effective potentials and other calculation inputs, such as the functional renormalization group, we conduct a detailed analysis of field dependencies. We solve the functional renormalization group equations on the Schwinger-Keldysh contour to determine the effective potential and dissipation rate for both finite and infinite volumes. Furthermore, we conduct a finite-size scaling analysis to calculate the dynamic critical exponent z. Our extracted value closely matches existing values from the literature

    The Impact of Pre-Service Violent Behavior on Violence Perpetration Among Service Members.

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    Using the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Service Members New Soldier Study data, the present analysis tries to identify some of the factors that may explain variation in violence perpetration (physical assault) among service men. We are particularly interested in observing the lasting effect of pre-service severe violent behavior on more recent violence perpetration. The potential for violence-deterring effect of an adult institution of informal social control such as marriage will be examined as well.https://ir.library.louisville.edu/uars/1033/thumbnail.jp

    ‘Is it ever enough?’ Exploring academic language and learning advisory identities through small stories

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    Contemporarily, higher education workplaces are characterised by collaboration, transitions, fluidity and the crossing of boundaries, where individuals are involved in ongoing negotiation of multilayered identities and simultaneous membership to various groups. These conditions impact the negotiation of professional identities, work and work relationships. One group of professionals affected by the impetus to fluidly operate within institutions are academic language and learning (ALL) advisors. In this article, we explore the identity negotiation of a novice ALL advisor through a positioning lens, focusing on small stories conveyed during an interview. We highlight the ways in which she constructs identities vis-à-vis interactions with students and within the ideological and institutional structures of the contemporary university. This article contributes an important new perspective to existing depictions of ALL advisors as a marginalised group of professionals, making space for the study of advisory agency alongside structural analyses. While continuing to negotiate structural challenges, we argue that the participant’s sense of agency needs to be garnered to strengthen group identity and allow for professionals to transition to the role

    Automation in urinalysis: evaluation of three urine test strip analysers

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    A clinical laboratory evaluation was conducted on the Clinitek Auto 2000, the Super Aution Analyzer and the Urotron RL9 for the determination of glucose, protein, pH, blood, ketone-bodies and bilirubin

    Reglas de predicción aplicables al diseño de un curso de computación

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    Este artículo describe la manera de utilizar Reglas de Predicción para la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Computación que se desarrolla en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El enfoque propuesto busca modelizar la interacción del alumno con el material de estudio a través de reglas cuya interpretación permitirá detectar las falencias del proceso educativo así como evaluar la calidad del material de estudio utilizado.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Reglas de predicción aplicables al diseño de un curso de computación

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    Este artículo describe la manera de utilizar Reglas de Predicción para la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Computación que se desarrolla en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. El enfoque propuesto busca modelizar la interacción del alumno con el material de estudio a través de reglas cuya interpretación permitirá detectar las falencias del proceso educativo así como evaluar la calidad del material de estudio utilizado.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Novi nalazi nezavičaje vrste mnogočetinaša, Chaetozone corona (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae), u Jadranskom moru

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    Several specimens of the alien polychaete Chaetozone corona were encountered at sites along the Italian coasts of the Adriatic Sea between 2006 and 2015, indicating its successful establishment in the area. Morphological variability between specimens from the North Adriatic and the South Adriatic was detected. Methyl Green staining patterns revealed further minor differences suggesting the presence of two slightly different populations. Chaetozone corona does not appear to be invasive in natural conditions, but it appears more abundant in polluted port sediments, what may represent the main source of introduction.Nekoliko primjeraka nezavičajnog mnogočetinaša Chaetozone corona pronađeno je uzduž talijanske obale Jadranskog mora između 2006. i 2015. godine, što ukazuje na uspješnu uspostavu populacije ove vrste na tom području. Ustanovljena je morfološka varijabilnost između uzoraka iz Sjevernog i Južnog Jadrana. Metilni zeleni oblici/obrasci bojenja otkrili su daljnje manje razlike ukazujući na prisutnost dvije neznatno različite populacije. Chaetozone corona izgleda da se ne ponaša invazivno u prirodnim uvjetima, no čini se da je oblilnija u zagađenim lučkim sedimentima, što može predstavljati glavni izvor unosa

    The Qualitative Scoring MMSE Pentagon Test (QSPT): A New Method for Differentiating Dementia with Lewy Body from Alzheimer's Disease

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    The differential diagnosis across different variants of degenerative diseases is sometimes controversial. This study aimed to validate a qualitative scoring method for the pentagons copy test (QSPT) of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) based on the assessment of different parameters of the pentagons drawing, such as number of angles, distance/intersection, closure/opening, rotation, closing-in, and to verify its efficacy to differentiate dementia with Lewy Body (DLB) from Alzheimer's disease (AD). We established the reliability of the qualitative scoring method through the inter-raters and intra-subjects analysis. QSPT was then applied to forty-six AD and forty-six DLB patients, using two phases statistical approach, standard and artificial neural network respectively. DLB patients had significant lower total score in the copy of pentagons and number of angles, distance/intersection, closure/opening, rotation compared to AD. However the logistic regression did not allow to establish any suitable modeling, whereas using Auto-Contractive Map (Auto-CM) the DLB was more strongly associated with low scores in some qualitative parameters of pentagon copying, i.e. number of angles and opening/closure and, for the remaining subitems of the MMSE, in naming, repetition and written comprehension, and for demographic variables of gender (male) and education (6–13 years). Twist system modeling showed that the QSPT had a good sensitivity (70.29%) and specificity (78.67%) (ROC-AUC 0.74). The proposed qualitative method of assessment of pentagons copying used in combination with non-linear analysis, showed to be consistent and effective in the differential diagnosis between Lewy Body and Alzheimer's dementia

    Estrategias Inteligentes aplicables a un Sistema Educativo

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    Esta línea de investigación se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de estrategias pertenecientes al área de la Inteligencia Artificial que sean aplicables a Sistemas Educacionales. Interesan especialmente aquellos enfoques que permiten obtener y brindar conocimiento, de una manera adaptativa, a partir de la información disponible. Por tal motivo, se estudian estrategias pertenecientes a la Minería de Datos así como a los Sistemas Hipermedia Adaptativos. Además, se analizan las estrategias de enseñanza actuales del docente, haciendo énfasis en los logros obtenidos a través de la incorporación de recursos tecnológicos como herramientas de apoyo a las clases presenciales así como en las falencias detectadas. Los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento han sido aplicados en cursos de la asignatura Computación que se desarrollan en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.Eje: Tecnología informática aplicada en educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI