1,291 research outputs found

    Application of spectral phase shaping to high resolution CARS spectroscopy

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    By spectral phase shaping of both the pump and probe pulses in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy we demonstrate the extraction of the frequencies, bandwidths and relative cross sections of vibrational lines. We employ a tunable broadband Ti:Sapphire laser synchronized to a ps-Nd:YVO mode locked laser. A high resolution spectral phase shaper allows for spectroscopy with a precision better than 1 cm-1 in the high frequency region around 3000 cm-1. We also demonstrate how new spectral phase shaping strategies can amplify the resonant features of isolated vibrations to such an extent that spectroscopy and microscopy can be done at high resolution, on the integrated spectral response without the need for a spectrograph

    spl(2,1) dynamical supersymmetry and suppression of ferromagnetism in flat band double-exchange models

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    The low energy spectrum of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model on a N-site complete graph extended with on-site repulsion is obtained from the underlying spl(2,1) algebra properties in the strong coupling limit. The ferromagnetic ground state is realized for 1 and N+1 electrons only. We identify the large density of states to be responsible for the suppression of the ferromagnetic state and argue that a similar situation is encountered in the Kagome, pyrochlore, and other lattices with flat bands in their one-particle density of states.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Conference Discussion of the Nuclear Force

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    Discussion of the nuclear force, lead by a round table consisting of T. Cohen, E. Epelbaum, R. Machleidt, and F. Gross (chair). After an invited talk by Machleidt, published elsewhere in these proceedings, brief remarks are made by Epelbaum, Cohen, and Gross, followed by discussion from the floor moderated by the chair. The chair asked the round table and the participants to focus on the following issues: (i) What does each approach (chiral effective field theory, large Nc, and relativistic phenomenology) contribute to our knowledge of the nuclear force? Do we need them all? Is any one transcendent? (ii) How important for applications (few body, nuclear structure, EMC effect, for example) are precise fits to the NN data below 350 MeV? How precise do these fits have to be? (iii) Can we learn anything about nonperturbative QCD from these studies of the nuclear force? The discussion presented here is based on a video recording made at the conference and transcribed afterward.Comment: Discussion at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems (EFP21) held at Salamanca, Spain, 30 Aug - 3 Sept 201

    On the stability of the primordial closed string gas

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    We recast the study of a closed string gas in a toroidal container in the physical situation in which the single string density of states is independent of the volume because energy density is very high. This includes the gas for the well known Brandenberger-Vafa cosmological scenario. We describe the gas in the grandcanonical and microcanonical ensembles. In the microcanonical description, we find a result that clearly confronts the Brandenberger-Vafa calculation to get the specific heat of the system. The important point is that we use the same approach to the problem but a different regularization. By the way, we show that, in the complex temperature formalism, at the Hagedorn singularity, the analytic structure obtained from the so-called F-representation of the free energy coincides with the one computed using the S-representation.Comment: 20 pages and 1 figure. The final version that appeared in JHE

    Condensing Momentum Modes in 2-d 0A String Theory with Flux

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    We use a combination of conformal perturbation theory techniques and matrix model results to study the effects of perturbing by momentum modes two dimensional type 0A strings with non-vanishing Ramond-Ramond (RR) flux. In the limit of large RR flux (equivalently, mu=0) we find an explicit analytic form of the genus zero partition function in terms of the RR flux qq and the momentum modes coupling constant alpha. The analyticity of the partition function enables us to go beyond the perturbative regime and, for alpha>> q, obtain the partition function in a background corresponding to the momentum modes condensation. For momenta such that 0<p<2 we find no obstruction to condensing the momentum modes in the phase diagram of the partition function.Comment: 22 page

    Conformal Field Theory and Hyperbolic Geometry

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    We examine the correspondence between the conformal field theory of boundary operators and two-dimensional hyperbolic geometry. By consideration of domain boundaries in two-dimensional critical systems, and the invariance of the hyperbolic length, we motivate a reformulation of the basic equation of conformal covariance. The scale factors gain a new, physical interpretation. We exhibit a fully factored form for the three-point function. A doubly-infinite discrete series of central charges with limit c=-2 is discovered. A correspondence between the anomalous dimension and the angle of certain hyperbolic figures emerges. Note: email after 12/19: [email protected]: 7 pages (PlainTeX

    Meson-Baryon-Baryon Vertex Function and the Ward-Takahashi Identity

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    Ohta proposed a solution for the well-known difficulty of satisfying the Ward-Takahashi identity for a photo-meson-baryon-baryon amplitude (γ\gammaMBB) when a dressed meson-baryon-baryon (MBB) vertex function is present. He obtained a form for the γ\gammaMBB amplitude which contained, in addition to the usual pole terms, longitudinal seagull terms which were determined entirely by the MBB vertex function. He arrived at his result by using a Lagrangian which yields the MBB vertex function at tree level. We show that such a Lagrangian can be neither hermitian nor charge conjugation invariant. We have been able to reproduce Ohta's result for the γ\gammaMBB amplitude using the Ward-Takahashi identity and no other assumption, dynamical or otherwise, and the most general form for the MBB and γ\gammaMBB vertices. However, contrary to Ohta's finding, we find that the seagull terms are not robust. The seagull terms extracted from the γ\gammaMBB vertex occur unchanged in tree graphs, such as in an exchange current amplitude. But the seagull terms which appear in a loop graph, as in the calculation of an electromagnetic form factor, are, in general, different. The whole procedure says nothing about the transverse part of the (γ\gammaMBB) vertex and its contributions to the amplitudes in question.Comment: A 20 pages Latex file and 16 Postscript figures in an uuencoded format. Use epsf.sty to include the figures into the Latex fil

    Revealing the Competition between Peeled-Ssdna, Melting Bubbles and S-DNA during DNA Overstretching using Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Understanding the structural changes occurring in double-stranded (ds)DNA during mechanical strain is essential to build a quantitative picture of how proteins interact and modify DNA. However, the elastic response of dsDNA to tension is only well-understood for forces < 65 pN. Above this force, torsionally unconstrained dsDNA gains ∼70% of its contour length, a process known as overstretching. The structure of overstretched DNA has proved elusive, resulting in a rich and controversial debate in recent years. At the centre of the debate is the question of whether overstretching yields a base-paired elongated structure, known as S-DNA, or instead forms single-stranded (ss)DNA via base-pair cleavage. Here, we show clearly, using a combination of fluorescence microscopy and optical tweezers, that both S-DNA and base-pair melted structures can exist, often concurrently, during overstretching. The balance between the two models is affected strongly by temperature and ionic strength. Moreover, we reveal, for the first time, that base-pair melting can proceed via two entirely different processes: progressive strand unpeeling from a free end in the backbone, or by the formation of ‘bubbles' of ssDNA, nucleating initially in AT-rich regions. We demonstrate that the mechanism of base-pair melting is governed by DNA topology: strand unpeeling is favored when there are free ends in the DNA backbone. Our studies settle a long running debate, and unite the contradictory dogmas of DNA overstretching. These findings have important implications for both medical and biological sciences. Force-induced melting transitions (yielding either peeled-ssDNA or melting bubbles) may play active roles in DNA replication and damage repair. Further, the ability to switch easily from DNA containing melting bubbles to S-DNA may be particularly advantageous in the cell, for instance during the formation of RNA within transcription bubbles. Copyright © 2013 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Revealing the Competition between Peeled-Ssdna, Melting Bubbles and S-DNA during DNA Overstretching using Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Understanding the structural changes occurring in double-stranded (ds)DNA during mechanical strain is essential to build a quantitative picture of how proteins interact and modify DNA. However, the elastic response of dsDNA to tension is only well-understood for forces < 65 pN. Above this force, torsionally unconstrained dsDNA gains ∼70% of its contour length, a process known as overstretching. The structure of overstretched DNA has proved elusive, resulting in a rich and controversial debate in recent years. At the centre of the debate is the question of whether overstretching yields a base-paired elongated structure, known as S-DNA, or instead forms single-stranded (ss)DNA via base-pair cleavage. Here, we show clearly, using a combination of fluorescence microscopy and optical tweezers, that both S-DNA and base-pair melted structures can exist, often concurrently, during overstretching. The balance between the two models is affected strongly by temperature and ionic strength. Moreover, we reveal, for the first time, that base-pair melting can proceed via two entirely different processes: progressive strand unpeeling from a free end in the backbone, or by the formation of ‘bubbles' of ssDNA, nucleating initially in AT-rich regions. We demonstrate that the mechanism of base-pair melting is governed by DNA topology: strand unpeeling is favored when there are free ends in the DNA backbone. Our studies settle a long running debate, and unite the contradictory dogmas of DNA overstretching. These findings have important implications for both medical and biological sciences. Force-induced melting transitions (yielding either peeled-ssDNA or melting bubbles) may play active roles in DNA replication and damage repair. Further, the ability to switch easily from DNA containing melting bubbles to S-DNA may be particularly advantageous in the cell, for instance during the formation of RNA within transcription bubbles. Copyright © 2013 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Mutation of the Traj18 gene segment using TALENs to generate Natural Killer T cell deficient mice.

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    Invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) cells are a unique subset of T lymphocytes that have been implicated in both promoting and suppressing a multitude of immune responses. In mice, iNKT cells express T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) comprising a unique TCRα rearrangement between the Trav11 and Traj18 gene segments. When paired with certain Trbv TCRβ chains, these TCRs recognize lipid antigens presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like molecule, CD1d. Until recently, the sole model of iNKT deficiency targeted the Jα18, which is absolutely required to form the TCR with the appropriate antigenic specificity. However, these mice were demonstrated to have a large reduction in TCR repertoire diversity, which could confound results arising from studies using these mice. Here, we have created a new NKT-deficient mouse strain using transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) technology to only disrupt the expression of Jα18, leaving the remaining Jα repertoire unperturbed. We confirm that these mice lack iNKT cells and do not respond to lipid antigen stimulation while the development of conventional T cells, regulatory T cells, and type Ib NKT cells is normal. This new mouse strain will serve as a new model of iNKT cell deficiency to facilitate our understanding of iNKT biology