1,007 research outputs found

    Aspects of Large N Gauge Theory Dynamics as Seen by String Theory

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    In this paper we explore some of the features of large N supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric gauge theories using Maldacena's duality conjectures. We shall show that the resulting strong coupling behavior of the gauge theories is consistent with our qualitative expectations of these theories. Some of these consistency checks are highly nontrivial and give additional evidence for the validity of the proposed dualities.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 11 eps figures, typos correcte

    Extended gaussian ensemble solution and tricritical points of a system with long-range interactions

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    The gaussian ensemble and its extended version theoretically play the important role of interpolating ensembles between the microcanonical and the canonical ensembles. Here, the thermodynamic properties yielded by the extended gaussian ensemble (EGE) for the Blume-Capel (BC) model with infinite-range interactions are analyzed. This model presents different predictions for the first-order phase transition line according to the microcanonical and canonical ensembles. From the EGE approach, we explicitly work out the analytical microcanonical solution. Moreover, the general EGE solution allows one to illustrate in details how the stable microcanonical states are continuously recovered as the gaussian parameter γ\gamma is increased. We found out that it is not necessary to take the theoretically expected limit γ\gamma \to \infty to recover the microcanonical states in the region between the canonical and microcanonical tricritical points of the phase diagram. By analyzing the entropy as a function of the magnetization we realize the existence of unaccessible magnetic states as the energy is lowered, leading to a treaking of ergodicity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures. Title modified, sections rewritten, tricritical point calculations added. To appear in EPJ

    Decay Modes of Unstable Strings in Plane-Wave String Field Theory

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    The cubic interaction vertex of light-cone string field theory in the plane-wave background has a simple effective form when considering states with only bosonic excitations. This simple effective interaction vertex is used in this paper to calculate the three string interaction matrix elements for states of arbitrary bosonic excitation and these results are used to examine certain decay modes on the mass-shell. It is shown that the matrix elements of one string to two string decays involving only bosonic excitations will vanish to all orders in 1/mu on the mass-shell when the number of excitations on the initial string is less than or equal to two, but in general will not vanish when the number of excitations is greater than two. Also, a truncated calculation of the mass-shell matrix elements for one string to three string decays of two excitation states is performed and suggests that these matrix elements do not vanish on the mass-shell. There is, however, a quantitative discrepancy between this last result and its (also non-vanishing) gauge theory prediction from the BMN correspondence.Comment: 11 pages; v2: references added; v3: normalization of interaction vertex and corresponding amplitudes changed by a factor of mu to reflect SFT normalization (must now divide by mu to compare with BMN dual gauge theory), and minor errors correcte

    Thermodynamic gauge-theory cascade

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    It is proposed that the cooling of a thermalized SU(NN) gauge theory can be formulated in terms of a cascade involving three effective theories with successively reduced (and spontaneously broken) gauge symmetries, SU(NN) \to U(1)N1^{N-1} \to ZN_N. The approach is based on the assumption that away from a phase transition the bulk of the quantum interaction inherent to the system is implicitly encoded in the (incomplete) classical dynamics of a collective part made of low-energy condensed degrees of freedom. The properties of (some of the) statistically fluctuating fields are determined by these condensate(s). This leads to a quasi-particle description at tree-level. It appears that radiative corrections, which are sizable at large gauge coupling, do not change the tree-level picture qualitatively. The thermodynamic self-consistency of the quasi-particle approach implies nonperturbative evolution equations for the associated masses. The temperature dependence of these masses, in turn, determine the evolution of the gauge coupling(s). The hot gauge system approaches the behavior of an ideal gas of massless gluons at asymptotically large temperature. A negative equation of state is possible at a stage where the system is about to settle into the phase of the (spontaneously broken) ZN_N symmetry.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 1 reference added, minor corrections in text, errors in Sec. 3.2 corrected, PRD versio

    Adler Function, DIS sum rules and Crewther Relations

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    The current status of the Adler function and two closely related Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) sum rules, namely, the Bjorken sum rule for polarized DIS and the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule are briefly reviewed. A new result is presented: an analytical calculation of the coefficient function of the latter sum rule in a generic gauge theory in order O(alpha_s^4). It is demonstrated that the corresponding Crewther relation allows to fix two of three colour structures in the O(alpha_s^4) contribution to the singlet part of the Adler function.Comment: Talk presented at 10-th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, W\"orlitz, Germany, 25-30 April 201

    Cyclotomic integers, fusion categories, and subfactors

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    Dimensions of objects in fusion categories are cyclotomic integers, hence number theoretic results have implications in the study of fusion categories and finite depth subfactors. We give two such applications. The first application is determining a complete list of numbers in the interval (2, 76/33) which can occur as the Frobenius-Perron dimension of an object in a fusion category. The smallest number on this list is realized in a new fusion category which is constructed in the appendix written by V. Ostrik, while the others are all realized by known examples. The second application proves that in any family of graphs obtained by adding a 2-valent tree to a fixed graph, either only finitely many graphs are principal graphs of subfactors or the family consists of the A_n or D_n Dynkin diagrams. This result is effective, and we apply it to several families arising in the classification of subfactors of index less then 5.Comment: 47 pages, with an appendix by Victor Ostri

    Strong Evidence In Favor OF The Existence Of S-Matrix For Strings In Plane Waves

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    Field theories on the plane wave background are considered. We discuss that for such field theories one can only form 1+1 dimensional freely propagating wave packets. We analyze tree level four point functions of scalar field theory as well as scalars coupled to gauge fields in detail and show that these four point functions are well-behaved so that they can be interpreted as S-matrix elements for 2 particle \to 2 particle scattering amplitudes. Therefore, at least classically, field theories on the plane wave background have S-matrix formulation.Comment: Latex file, 26 pages, 4 eps figures. v3: In the end of paper there is a "Note Added" as an update of the result

    The M Theory Five-Brane and the Heterotic String

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    Brane actions with chiral bosons present special challenges. Recent progress in the description of the two main examples -- the M theory five-brane and the heterotic string -- is described. Also, double dimensional reduction of the M theory five-brane on K3 is shown to give the heterotic string.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures; ICTP Conference Proceeding

    Shimura curve computations via K3 surfaces of Neron-Severi rank at least 19

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    It is known that K3 surfaces S whose Picard number rho (= rank of the Neron-Severi group of S) is at least 19 are parametrized by modular curves X, and these modular curves X include various Shimura modular curves associated with congruence subgroups of quaternion algebras over Q. In a family of such K3 surfaces, a surface has rho=20 if and only if it corresponds to a CM point on X. We use this to compute equations for Shimura curves, natural maps between them, and CM coordinates well beyond what could be done by working with the curves directly as we did in ``Shimura Curve Computations'' (1998) = Comment: 16 pages (1 figure drawn with the LaTeX picture environment); To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-VIII, Banff, May 200

    Adler Function, Sum Rules and Crewther Relation of Order O(alpha_s^4): the Singlet Case

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    The analytic result for the singlet part of the Adler function of the vector current in a general gauge theory is presented in five-loop approximation. Comparing this result with the corresponding singlet part of the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule [1], we successfully demonstrate the validity of the generalized Crewther relation for the singlet part. This provides a non-trivial test of both our calculations and the generalized Crewther relation. Combining the result with the already available non-singlet part of the Adler function [2,3] we arrive at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) expression for the Adler function and, as a direct consequence, at the complete O(αs4){\cal O}(\alpha_s^4) correction to the e+ee^+ e^- annihilation into hadrons in a general gauge theory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Final published versio