314 research outputs found

    Ecodesign of a “vapour and air barrier membrane – insulator” system, following a cradle-to-cradle approach – ATISOL C2C

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    Buildings account for 40% of the total energy consumption of the European Union. This sector is growing, as its energy demands. The construction sector is also one of the most important contributors of waste generated at the EU level (up to one third). The European directive on the energy efficiency of buildings requires the members to put on the market solutions for insulation of buildings that are simple, effective and last-ing, but also respectful of the environment and of the users. A low energy consumption house requires to be thermally insulated and to have an ef-fective ventilation. To reduce energy losses and to guarantee the durability of the thermal insulation, it is necessary to have a vapor and air barrier on the warm side of the building, situated between the thermal insulation and the inside. Hence the passage of moisture in the building is reduced, preventing condensation problems in the insulating material. Cur-rently, the implementation of an insulation system combined with a vapor barrier presents three major problems: an important time for placing, a random durability in time (durabil-ity of tapes of junction, adherence to the existing walls, punching resistance), and finally a low disassembly and re-use level. As part of the improvement of energy performance of buildings, the ATISOLC2C pro-ject aims to develop a complete solution (insulation + vapor barrier + coating), with the lowest environmental impact on its whole life cycle. The solution combines a renewable vapor/air barrier combined with ecological insulation. The solution can be used both in new construction in timber or during renovation. The constructive system will be validated in both existing building and new construction. Compared to the state of the art, the solution that is developed is unique and innova-tive by its simplicity in terms of materials by integration of a vegetal self-adhesive binder to the spunbond reinforcement of the membrane, itself obtained from renewable re-sources. The material is appropriate for application on the different wall coverings exist-ing in a building. Due to the self-adhesive characteristics, the implementation is made easier in both common surfaces (walls, roofs and ceilings) and to the level of detail such as corners and junctions. In addition, the application of a natural top coating on the membrane completes the offer. The constructive system can be dismantled at the end-of-life of the building and the various elements are recovered and valued in a cradle-to-cradle perspective. At the level of the consortium, the development and commercialization of the ATISOL solution is achieved through the close partnership between Derbigum and Sioen Felt & Filtration, and with the scientific and technical support of the University of Liège, Cen-texbel and the Belgian Building Research Institute. A life cycle assessment supports the whole project to quantify the environmental impacts of both raw materials and processes (manufacturing, installation and dismantling). The aim is to ensure that the selected solu-tion is the most sustainable and that it is environmentally better than existing products on the market. This project is supported by the GreenWin Competition Clusters and subsidized by the Walloon Region (BE).ATISOL C2

    Un programme annoté en vaut deux

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    National audienceFormal verification methods could be of much help to increase software safety. But how to transfer these methods in the real world of critical software development? This paper proposes a tooled solution for source code verification, by automated reduction of safety properties into formal assertions. This approach is applied to JML annotated Java programs. It is illustrated by the automated generation of assertions for a class from the Java Card API. Two complementary formalisms are proposed for expressing properties. Their reduction in JML annotations is implanted in the JAG tool, described with details. The output language (JML) being standard, this tool interfaces easily with many standard tools for verification of JML/Java code by proof ou model-checking.La sécurité du logiciel passe par les méthodes formelles, mais comment faire passer les méthodes formelles dans le monde réel du développement des logiciels critiques ? Cet article propose un mécanisme et un outil d'aide à la vérification de code, par réduction automatique de propriétés de sécurité en annotations formelles. Ce dispositif s'applique aux programmes Java annotés en JML. Il est illustré ici par l'annotation automatique d'une classe de l'API Java Card. Deux formalismes complémentaires pour l'expression de propriétés sont proposés. L'outil JAG, qui implante leur réduction en annotations JML, est décrit en détail. Le langage d'annotations retenu (JML) étant standard, cet outil s'interface naturellement avec de nombreux outils existants pour la vérification par preuve, test ou model-checking de Java annoté en JML

    An empirical study of the relationships betwen corruption, capital leakages and country risk: part I

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    This paper investigates the relationship between corruption and capital flight in developing countries. Part I tackles the challenge of defining and measuring capital flight, as well as the various root causes of expatriated savings. Our research contributes to the corruption and capital market literature in several ways. First, the issue of capital flight has attracted less attention than that of external capital inflows in emerging market countries. In particular, capital flight has kept a low profile in academic circles until the late 1990s. In addition, research often looks at capital flight as a portfolio issue, and very few studies consider corruption as a «push factor». Second, our paper looks at why capital flight deserves renewed interest, as the globalization of financial markets broadens investment diversification opportunities for domestic residents. Increasingly, official agencies express concern regarding the recycling of generous development aid flows and heavy borrowing in the international capital markets outside the developing countries’ economies. In the aftermath of the G-7 1996 Cologne meeting, larger and broader debt relief, coupled with a strong emphasis on sustainable development policies, focuses on the urgency of capital flight repatriation. Third, we assume that corruption combines two kinds of centrifugal forces for capital leakages: corruption-driven money leaves a country because of fear of being caught by the tax and judiciary authorities; in addition, money leaves a country because of fear that a corrupt government will not provide a stable and conducive environment for safe savings and profitable investment. In Part II of our research, we test the assumption that the higher the level of corruption, the less conducive the national environment for private investment, and the greater the capital leakages.Este trabajo investiga la relación entre corrupción y fuga de capitales en países en desarrollo. La parte I trata de definir y medir la fuga de capitales, así como las diversas causas de ahorros en el exterior. Nuestra investigación contribuye de varias formas a la literatura sobre el tema. En primer lugar, en países emergentes la fuga de capitales ha atraído menos atención que la afluencia de capitales desde el exterior. En particular, la fuga de capitales mantuvo un perfil bajo en los círculos académicos hasta finales de los años noventa. Además, los estudios con frecuencia toman la fuga de capitales como un problema de cartera y muy pocos consideran la corrupción como un «factor de empuje». En segundo lugar, nuestra investigación se centra en las razones por las cuales la fuga de capitales merece un interés renovado, considerando que la globalización de los mercados financieros ha ampliado la diversificación de oportunidades para los residentes nacionales. Más aun, las agencias oficiales han expresado su preocupación por la reutilización de generosos flujos de ayuda para países en desarrollo y los grandes préstamos en los mercados internacionales de capital fuera de las economías de los países en desarrollo. Después de la reunión del G-7 en Colonia en 1996, las rebajas de deuda mayores y más amplias, junto con el fuerte énfasis en políticas sustentables de desarrollo, se enfocaron en la urgencia de la repatriación de los capitales fugados. En tercer lugar, asumimos que la corrupción combina dos tipos de fuerzas centrífugas de la huida de capitales: el dinero generado por la corrupción sale del país por temor a ser descubierto por las autoridades tributarias y judiciales y, adicionalmente, por temor a que un gobierno corrupto no proveerá un ambiente estable y favorable para el ahorro y las inversiones rentables. En la parte II del estudio, ponemos a prueba la suposición de que a mayor nivel de corrupción, menor es la inversión privada en el entorno nacional y mayor es la fuga de capitales

    {JML}-based Verification of Liveness Properties on a Class in isolation

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a way to verify temporal properties of a Java class in an extension of JML (Java Modeling Language) called JTPL (Java Temporal Pattern Language). We particularly address the verification of liveness properties by automatically translating the temporal properties into JML annotations for this class. This automatic translation is implemented in a tool called JAG (JML Annotation Generator). Correctness of the generated annotations ensures that the temporal property is established for the executions of the class in isolation

    Verification of class liveness properties with Java modeling language

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    International audienceStatic checking is key for the security of software components. As a component model, this paper considers a Java class enriched with annotations from the Java Modeling Language (JML). It defines a formal execution semantics for repetitive method invocations from this annotated class, called the class in isolation semantics. Afterwards, a pattern of liveness properties is defined, together with its formal semantics, providing a foundation for both static and runtime checking. This pattern is then inscribed in a complete language of temporal properties, called JTPL (Java Temporal Pattern Language), extending JML. We particularly address the verification of liveness properties by auto- matically translating the temporal properties into JML annotations for this class. This automatic translation is implemented in a tool called JAG (JML Annotation Generator). Correctness of the generated annotations ensures that the temporal property is established for the executions of the class in isolation

    Introduction à l’analyse du cycle de vie comme outil d’évaluation de l’impact sur l’environnement

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    Nous sommes actuellement bombardés d'avis alarmistes sur l'état de l'environnement, et sur la nécessité de réduire notre empreinte, en particulier nos émissions de carbone responsables du dérèglement climatique. Mais comment ces évaluations sont-elles menées, et sont-elles vraiment le meilleur indicateur pour estimer l'état de notre planète ? Lors de cette conférence, la méthodologie de l'analyse du cycle de vie sera présentée, et illustrée par un exemple d'application (production de pavés en grès belges). Nous verrons comment elle peut permettre une évaluation de l'empreinte environnementale à la fois complète et objective, et proposer des pistes pour la réduire en mettant en exergue les éléments les plus dommageables. Il sera également question des labels et autres "scores" qui fleurissent un peu partout, et de ce qu'ils cachent. Nous aborderons enfin les actions concrètes entreprises par les autorités en vue d'une harmonisation de la communication environnementale pour éviter le greenwashing.12. Responsible consumption and production13. Climate actio

    Safety Property Driven Test Generation from {JML} Specifications

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    International audienceThis paper describes the automated generation of test sequences derived from a JML specification and a safety property written in an ad hoc language, named JTPL. The functional JML model is animated to build the test sequences w.r.t. the safety properties, which represent the test targets. From these properties, we derive strategies that are used to guide the symbolic animation. Moreover, additional JML annotations reinforce the oracle in order to guarantee that the safety properties are not violated during the execution of the test suite. Finally, we illustrate this approach on an industrial JavaCard case study

    Verification of Liveness Properties with JML

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    This paper proposes a way to verify liveness properties in an extension of JML. The verification is divided into two subtasks: (1) generation of appropriate JML annotations that allow to verify that the class under consideration respects the liveness property, and (2) showing that the environment preserves the liveness properties by proving a refinement. For the generation of appropriate JML annotations, we require that the liveness properties are extended with a variant and invariant (conform variants and invariants to show termination of loops). We then show that under certain assumptions on the environment, we can prove the satisfaction of the liveness property. The second subtask then boils down to showing that the environment in fact respects these assumptions. The method is illustrated by an example

    Vérification de propriétés LTL sur des programmes C par génération d'annotations

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    Ce travail propose une méthode de vérification de propriétés temporelles basée sur la génération automatique d'annotations de programmes. Les annotations générées sont ensuite vérifiées par des prouveurs automatiques via un calcul de plus faible précondition. Notre contribution vise à optimiser une technique existante de génération d'annotations, afin d'améliorer l'automatisation de la vérification des obligations de preuve produites. Cette approche a été outillée sous la forme d'un plugin au sein de l'outil Frama-C pour la vérification de programmes~