4 research outputs found


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    The article actualizes the issue of forming the readiness of students pedagogical university to environmental activities. Based on the world and domestic environmental documents, new creative educational directions of ecological content in higher pedagogical institutions are determined. We conducted a definitive analysis of main concepts of the study: «creativity», «environmental activities», «readiness» and proposed its own definition of the term «readiness for environmental activities» (protecting, preserving and restoring the natural potential of nature). We have carried out a historical review of the main creative waysof formation teachers readiness for environmental activities. The aim of the article is to prove the effectiveness of the formation of the readiness of students for environmental activities through creative methodological exercises. We have proposed a system of creative exercises and tasks that must be used in the complex «classroom work – extracurricular work – independent training». Creative exercises allow to expand the panorama of ecological thinking of students, to acquire the necessary knowledge through analysis and personal appropriation, to enrich one own methodical stock with original, non-standard tasks of natural and ecological subjects. We have revealed the specifics of the introduction of a system creative exercises of environmental content for future teachers of rimary school. During the study we identified the criteria, indicators and levels (low, average, high) of readiness for environmental protection of future teachers, conducted a study on the basis of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, (Ukraine), and Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University (Ukraine). We conducted an experimental study and found that the average level of readiness to environmental activities of future primary school teachers are vails in both universities, but Vinnytsia institute of high pedagogical education is the leader of high level, because students used a system of creative exercises in the educational process

    Development of Smart Technologies in Education in the Context of Modern Neuroscience and the War in Ukraine

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    The article examines the problem of interdependence of post-industrial society and the level of education based on the study of scientific and periodical sources. The meaning of the concept of "smart education" is clarified, its main elements are described. Studying the development of smart education in different regions of the world, conclusions are made about the impact of economic inequality and objective negative processes such as war. On the other hand, if previously weaker states involved the elements of intelligent education at a slow pace, today the acceleration of this pace is dictated by the objective world situation. The topicality of the topic is confirmed by the global focus on education problems, since today the crisis demonstrated the practically underdeveloped mechanism of smart education in all countries, which in difficult conditions was the most unbalanced, and in some regions was absent at all. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions about the application of neuroscientific analysis of smart technologies, especially foreign ones, can be used in the smart concept of our country.</p

    Создание и развитие профессиональной подготовки учителей дошкольных учреждений в странах Западной Европы

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    У статті описується виявлення та уточнення заходів профілактики ризику вчителями фізичної культури в освітніх закладах, що ґрунтуються на методології особистісного підходу до навчання. В експерименті брали участь 314 студентів, майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури, з них 110 дівчаток та 204 хлопчики віком від 18 до 23 років. У дослідженні досліджено динаміку ставлення студентів до ризику (за віком та статтю) під час перебування у вищих навчальних закладах за даними до спеціально розробленої методики, що включає особистий профіль Г. Айзенка, методологію «Ієрархія потреб» у модифікації І. Акіндінової та анкету «Дослідження готовності до ризику» А. Шмельова. Узагальнюючи результати аналізу дослідження, можна зробити такі висновки: перевага ризику зменшується з віком; схильність до ризику більш досвідчених майбутніх вчителів нижче, ніж недосвідчених; у дівчаток схильність до ризику реалізується у певніших умовах, ніж у хлопчиків; схильність до ризику більш виражена групи, ніж при діях поодинці, і залежить від очікувань групи. У період навчання у вищих навчальних закладах кожен майбутній учитель фізичної культури розвивав свій потенціал для вирішення проблем, пов'язаних із запобіганням ризикам, їх локалізацією, мінімізацією та усуненням.The article describes the identification and clarification of risk prevention measures by physical culture teachers at educational institutions that are based on the methodology of personality development approach to education. The experiment included 314 students, future physical culture teachers, among them 110 girls and 204 boys aged 18 to 23. This study investigated the dynamics of the attitude towards the risk of students (by age and sex) during their stay at higher educational institutions according to a specially developed methodology that included the personal profile of G. Eisenck, the methodology "Hierarchy of Needs" modified by I. Akindinova and the questionnaire "Investigation of Preparedness for Risk » by A. Shmelev. Summarizing the study analysis results the following conclusions can be drawn: preference of risk decreases with the age; the tendency to risk is lower in more experienced future teachers than in non-experienced ones; in girls the risk aptitude is realized under more certain conditions than in boys; the risk predisposition is more pronounced in a group than acting alone and depends on group expectations. During the period of studies at higher education institutions each future physical culture teacher developed his own potential for addressing the problems associated with risk prevention, their localization, minimization and elimination.В статье описывается выявление и уточнение мер профилактики риска учителями физической культуры в образовательных учреждениях, основанных на методологии личностного подхода к обучению. В эксперименте участвовали 314 студентов, будущих учителей физической культуры, из них 110 девочек и 204 мальчика в возрасте от 18 до 23 лет. В исследовании исследована динамика отношения студентов к риску (по возрасту и полу) во время пребывания в высших учебных заведениях по данным к специально разработанной методике, включающей личный профиль Г. Айзенка, методологию «Иерархия потребностей» в модификации И. Акиндиновой и анкету «Исследование готовности к риску» А. Шмелева. Обобщая результаты анализа исследования, можно сделать следующие выводы: предпочтение риска уменьшается с возрастом; склонность к риску у более опытных будущих учителей ниже, чем у неопытных; у девочек склонность к риску реализуется в более определенных условиях, чем у мальчиков; предрасположенность к риску более выражена в группе, чем при действиях в одиночку, и зависит от ожиданий группы. В период обучения в высших учебных заведениях каждый будущий учитель физической культуры развивал свой потенциал для решения проблем, связанных с предотвращением рисков, их локализацией, минимизацией и устранением


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    The ecological crisis on a global scale (melting glaciers, explosions at nuclear power plants, pollution of rivers, seas, deforestation, harmful emissions into the atmosphere) requires radical changes in the process of its elimination. Volitional actions related to the cleansing, restoration and preservation of the natural environment are not enough, much emphasis is placed on educating a humane, environmentally conscious population capable of establishing harmonious relations with the natural environment. That is why higher education institutions face an important task – to form the environmental competence of future primary school teachers, to prepare students for the organization of environmental activities in working with younger students as a basis for shaping their environmental worldview. The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the formation of environmental competence of future teachers, focuses on important summits, meetings, conferences, which rapidly and purposefully promote the preservation of the natural environment, stimulate the education of environmentally conscious younger generation. The aim of the article is to conduct an experimental study and establish the levels of formation of environmental competence of future teachers, based on its results to identify a model of formation of environmental competence of future teachers of higher education. In the course of the research we have singled out the main components (motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive) of the formation of ecological competence of future teachers, as well as the corresponding criteria and levels. We conducted an experimental study to establish the level of environmental competence of future teachers among the leading pedagogical institutions of Ukraine: Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University and T.N. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium". The study made it possible to complete the model of formation of environmental competence of future primary school teachers by means of environmental activities (stages of implementation, priorities, pedagogical conditions, tools, forms). The study outlined new areas for further work.