61 research outputs found

    Functionalization of Titanium surface with Chitosan via silanation: 3D CLSM imaging of cell biocompatibility behaviour

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    Introduction Biocompatibility ranks as one of the most important properties of dental materials. One of the criteria for biocompatibility is the absence of material toxicity to cells, according to the ISO 7405 and 10993 recommendations. Among numerous available methods for toxicity assessment; 3-dimensional Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (3D CLSM) imaging was chosen because it provides an accurate and sensitive index of living cell behavior in contact with chitosan coated tested implants. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro biocompatibility of functionalized titanium with chitosan via a silanation using sensitive and innovative 3D CLSM imaging as an investigation method for cytotoxicity assessment. Methods The biocompatibility of four samples (controls cells, TA6V, TA6V-TESBA and TA6V-TESBAChitosan) was compared in vitro after 24h of exposure. Confocal imaging was performed on cultured human gingival fibroblast (HGF1) like cells using Live/Dead® staining. Image series were obtained with a FV10i confocal biological inverted system and analyzed with FV10-ASW 3.1 Software (Olympus France). Results Image analysis showed no cytotoxicity in the presence of the three tested substrates after 24 h of contact. A slight decrease of cell viability was found in contact with TA6V-TESBA with and without chitosan compared to negative control cells. Conclusion Our findings highlighted the use of 3D CLSM confocal imaging as a sensitive method to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the biocompatibility behavior of functionalized titanium with chitosan via a silanation. The biocompatibility of the new functionalized coating to HGF1 cells is as good as the reference in biomedical device implantation TA6V

    Tissue Engineering for Periodontal Ligament Regeneration: Biomechanical Specifications

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    The periodontal biomechanical environment is very difficult to investigate. By the complex geometry and composition of the periodontal ligament, its mechanical behavior is very dependent on the type of loading (compressive vs. tensile loading; static vs. cyclic loading; uniaxial vs. multiaxial) and the location around the root (cervical, middle, or apical). These different aspects of the periodontal ligament make it difficult to develop a functional biomaterial to treat periodontal attachment due to periodontal diseases. This review aims to describe the structural and biomechanical properties of the periodontal ligament. Particular importance is placed in the close interrelationship that exists between structure and biomechanics: the periodontal ligament structural organization is specific to its biomechanical environment, and its biomechanical properties are specific to its structural arrangement. This balance between structure and biomechanics can be explained by a mechanosensitive periodontal cellular activity. These specifications have to be considered in the further tissue engineering strategies for the development of an efficient biomaterial for periodontal tissues regeneration

    Les essais de corrosion des biomatériaux : leurs usages, leurs limites, leurs fondements

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    Cet article présente les différents biomatériaux métalliques utilisés en orthopédie et en odontologie ainsi que les milieux biologiques. Puis, sont décrites les différentes méthodes d’études des phénomènes de corrosion, en insistant sur les indications et les limites de chacune d’entre elles. Quelques cas cliniques sont présentés, ce qui permet d’étayer notre argumentation. Des recommandations sont proposées afin de limiter les difficultés rencontrées par les praticiens. En dernier lieu, les biomatériaux non métalliques utilisés dans le domaine médical sont répertoriés bien que ces derniers soient moins ou pas concernés par les problèmes de corrosion

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    Résistance à la corrosion et biocompatibilité des fils orthodontiques

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    Différents matériaux sont actuellement utilisés pour réaliser des fils orthodontiques. Cet article propose une synthèse sur leur résistance à la corrosion et leur biocompatibilité. Dans une première partie, après quelques rappels succincts sur les mécanismes de corrosion, les auteurs développent les caractéristiques électrochimiques des trois grandes familles d'alliages utilisés en orthodontie. Ils étudient plus particulièrement la résistance à la corrosion des alliages en nickel-titane et, grâce à leurs résultats expérimentaux, ils démontrent que ce type d'alliages est sujet à la corrosion en milieu acide et fluoré. Dans une seconde partie, les auteurs abordent la biocompatibilité de ces alliages. Tout d'abord, ils évoquent la toxicité du nickel et l'allergie que peut engendrer cet élément. Puis, la biocompatibilité des alliages utilisés en orthodontie est évaluée d'après des études sur le relargage d'éléments métalliques à partir des fils orhodontiques et d'après les études de compatibilité cellulaire au contact de ces fils. L'état de surface des matériaux a une très grande influence sur leur biocompatibilité. Au total, bien que la majorité des travaux conduits jusqu'à ce jour montre un comportement biologique satisfaisant des fils orthodontiques, il faut reconnaître qu'il persiste encore de nombreuses questions à ce sujet : les performances in vivo à long terme de l'ensemble de ces matériaux ne sont pas encore exactement évaluées et, compte tenu de l'état actuel de nos connaissances. Il paraît, ainsi, indispensable d'entreprendre de nouvelles études

    Influence of autoclave sterilization on the surface parameters and mechanical properties of six orthodontic wires

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    International audienceOrthodontic wires are frequently packaged in individual sealed bags in order to avoid cross-contamination. The instructions on the wrapper generally advise autoclave sterilization of the package and its contents if additional protection is desired. However, sterilization can modify the surface parameters and the mechanical properties of many types of material. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of one of the most widely used sterilization processes, autoclaving (18 minutes at 134degreesC, as recommended by the French Ministry of Health), on the surface parameters and mechanical properties of six wires currently used in orthodontics (one stainless steel alloy: Tru-Chrome(R) RMO; two nickel-titanium shape memory alloys: Neo Sentalloy(R) and Neo Sentalloy with Ionguard(R) GAC; and three titanium-molybdenum alloys: TMA(R) and Low Friction TMA(R) Ormco and Resolve(R) GAC). The alloys were analysed on receipt and after sterilization, using surface structure observation techniques, including optical, scanning electron and atomic force microscopy and profilometry. The mechanical properties were assessed by three-point bending tests. The results showed that autoclave sterilization had no adverse effects on the surface parameters or on the selected mechanical properties. This supports the possibility for practitioners to systematically sterilize wires before placing them in the oral environment
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