1,003 research outputs found

    Soils of the Mantinea Loop Ord River Valley East Kimberley Western Australia

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    A brief assessment of the soils of 1,186 hectares in the Mantinea Loop, and their suitability for irrigated agriculture, was conducted in June 1994. Four map units based on soil, landform and vegetation were identified. The soils are mainly calcareous brown fine sandy loams. The landform is an alluvial plain, with numerous small depressions and channels caused by the meandering and flooding of the Ord River

    Soils of the Knox Creek Plain East Kimberley Western Australia and Northern Territory

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    An assessment of the soils and landforms of approximately 12,000 ha in the Knox Creek Plain in Western Australia and the Northern Territory was conducted in May and June 1994. Seventeen map units were identified and their soils, landform and vegetation characteristics were described. Grey or brown cracking clays predominate on the plain, however variable red or brown soils on the coarser alluvium of remnant levees are common in the south and south-east

    Soils of the Ivanhoe West Bank East Kimberley Western Australia

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    A brief assessment of the soils of 2,064 ha of land on the Ivanhoe West Bank and their suitability for irrigated agriculture was conducted in May-June 1994. Sandy or loamy soils occur on broad levees adjacent to the Ord River, and areas of \u27black soil\u27 and \u27red soil\u27 plains occur behind these levees. Some areas of the red soil plain and levees are deeply dissected, and occasional active erosion is evident

    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, a measles complication, in an internationally adopted child.

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    A healthy 13-year-old boy who had spent the first 4.5 years of his life in an orphanage in Thailand before adoption by an American couple became ill with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and died several months later. The boy had most likely contracted wild-type measles in Thailand. Measles complications are a risk in international adoptions

    Genomic analysis of 48 paenibacillus larvae bacteriophages

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    IndexaciĆ³n: Scopus.Funding: Research at UNLV was funded by National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant GM103440 (NV INBRE), the UNLV School of Life Sciences, and the UNLV College of Sciences. E.C.-N. was funded by CONICYT-FONDECYT de iniciaciĆ³n en la investigaciĆ³n 11160905. Research at BYU was funded by the BYU Microbiology & Molecular Biology Department, and private donations through LDS Philanthropies.The antibiotic-resistant bacterium Paenibacillus larvae is the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB), currently the most destructive bacterial disease in honeybees. Phages that infect P. larvae were isolated as early as the 1950s, but it is only in recent years that P. larvae phage genomes have been sequenced and annotated. In this study we analyze the genomes of all 48 currently sequenced P. larvae phage genomes and classify them into four clusters and a singleton. The majority of P. larvae phage genomes are in the 38ā€“45 kbp range and use the cohesive ends (cos) DNA-packaging strategy, while a minority have genomes in the 50ā€“55 kbp range that use the direct terminal repeat (DTR) DNA-packaging strategy. The DTR phages form a distinct cluster, while the cos phages form three clusters and a singleton. Putative functions were identified for about half of all phage proteins. Structural and assembly proteins are located at the front of the genome and tend to be conserved within clusters, whereas regulatory and replication proteins are located in the middle and rear of the genome and are not conserved, even within clusters. All P. larvae phage genomes contain a conserved N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase that serves as an endolysin. Ā© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/10/7/37

    Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (Essential EAFM) training and TOT in Sri Lanka

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    This report presents presentations from representatives of 12 countries, key outcomes and recommendations for the future

    The influence of MRI scan position on patients with oropharyngeal cancer undergoing radical radiotherapy

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    <p>Background: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate how magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) patient position protocols influence registration quality in patients with oropharyngeal cancer undergoing radical radiotherapy and the consequences for gross tumour volume (GTV) definition and radiotherapy planning.</p> <p>Methods and materials: Twenty-two oropharyngeal patients underwent a computed tomography (CT), a diagnostic MRI (MRID) and an MRI in the radiotherapy position within an immobilization mask (MRIRT). Clinicians delineated the GTV on the CT viewing the MRID separately (GTVC); on the CT registered to MRID (GTVD) and on the CT registered to MRIRT (GTVRT). Planning target volumes (PTVs) were denoted similarly. Registration quality was assessed by measuring disparity between structures in the three set-ups. Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) radiotherapy planning was performed for PTVC, PTVD and PTVRT. To determine the dose received by the reference PTVRT, we optimized for PTVC and PTVD while calculating the dose to PTVRT. Statistical significance was determined using the two-tailed Mannā€“Whitney or two-tailed paired student t-tests.</p> <p>Results: A significant improvement in registration accuracy was found between CT and MRIRT versus the MRID measuring distances from the centre of structures (geometric mean error of 2.2Ā mm versus 6.6Ā mm). The mean GTVC (44.1Ā cm3) was significantly larger than GTVD (33.7Ā cm3, p valueā€‰=ā€‰0.027) or GTVRT (30.5Ā cm3, p valueā€‰=ā€‰0.014). When optimizing the VMAT plans for PTVC and investigating the mean dose to PTVRT neither the dose to 99% (58.8%) nor 95% of the PTV (84.7%) were found to meet the required clinical dose constraints of 90% and 95% respectively. Similarly, when optimizing for PTVD the mean dose to PTVRT did not meet clinical dose constraints for 99% (14.9%) nor 95% of the PTV (66.2%). Only by optimizing for PTVRT were all clinical dose constraints achieved.</p> <p>Conclusions: When oropharyngeal patients MRI scans are performed in the radiotherapy position there are significant improvements in CT-MR image registration, target definition and PTV dose coverage.</p&gt

    Fingerprint Identification: Potential Sources of Error and the Cause of Wrongful Convictions

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    Fingerprint identification has long been used by law enforcement to either identify or eliminate potential suspects in a case. It relies on friction ridges ā€“ the upraised skin that forms grooves on fingers ā€“ and friction ridge impressions, which form from natural secretions of sweat and other trace components. Latent prints, a common term for friction ridge impressions, have many benefits and advantages as a type of forensic evidence. However, they are not a perfect tool: wrongful convictions identified by post-conviction DNA testing and the re-evaluation of forensic evidence have spawned criticism and investigation into the scientific basis of this branch of forensics. This literature review examines literature in both the scientific and legal fields, and investigates three main themes: the principle of uniqueness assumed in individualization, the presence of cognitive bias and human error in analysis, and the changing role of expert testimony in court. There are arguments both for and against uniqueness, but it is still difficult to prove using statistical models and data analysis. Bias in examiners, on the other hand, undeniably exists in different ways, and should be actively guarded against in fingerprint analysis and expert testimony. Expert witness testimony that misleads, exaggerates, or is scientifically unsupportable has been linked to wrongful convictions in the past, highlighting the importance of careful regulation of how an expert witness is advised to testify. In addition to these topics, the techniques of collecting latent print evidence and the standard procedures of analysis have also been examined and evaluated for potential sources of error. Le maintien de lā€™ordre public utilise depuis longtemps les empreintes digitales pour identifier et eĢliminer des suspects dā€™une affaire criminelle. Les empreintes digitales se ent aux creĢ‚tes papillaires ā€” les creĢ‚tes et les creux qui formes des rainures sur les doigts ā€” et des empreintes des creĢ‚tes papillaires, ce qui se forme par les seĢcreĢtions naturelles de transpiration et autres composantes de traces. Les empreintes latentes, un terme courant pour les empreintes digitales, posseĢ€dent plusieurs avantages en tant quā€™eĢleĢment meĢdico-leĢgal de preuve. Toutefois, ce nā€™est pas une ressource able; des condamnations injustifieĢes identifieĢes par un test dā€™ADN post-condamnatoire et la reĢeĢvaluation de lā€™eĢvidence meĢdico-leĢgale ont frayeĢ des critiques et des enqueĢ‚tes de la base des sciences des empreintes digitales. Cette revue examine les textes dans les domaines scientifiques et meĢdico-leĢgaux, et examine trois theĢ€mes : le principe dā€™uniciteĢ assumeĢ par lā€™individualisation, la preĢsence dā€™un biais cognitif et lā€™erreur humaine dans lā€™analyse, et le roĢ‚le changeant de teĢmoignages experts devant la Cour. Il existe des arguments pour et contre lā€™uniciteĢ, mais lā€™uniciteĢ est tout de meĢ‚me difficile aĢ€ prouver en utilisant les modeĢ€les statistiques et lā€™analyse de donneĢes. Un preĢjugeĢ chez les examinateurs, dā€™autres parts, existe incontestablement, et devrait eĢ‚tre activement eĢviteĢ lors de lā€™analyse dā€™empreinte digitale et de teĢmoignages experts. Le teĢmoignage dā€™expert qui induit en erreur, qui est exageĢreĢ ou qui est scientifiquement faux a meneĢ aĢ€ des condamnations injusti eĢes dans le passeĢ, ce qui met en eĢvidence lā€™importance dā€™une leĢgislation prudente sur comment lā€™expert est conseilleĢ de teĢmoigner. En plus de ces theĢ€mes, les techniques de collecte des empreintes digitales latentes et les proceĢdures normales dā€™analyse ont aussi eĢteĢ examineĢs et eĢvalueĢs pour des sources dā€™erreurs potentielles.

    Masking Period Patterns and Forward Masking for Speech-Shaped Noise: Age-Related Effects

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    The purpose of this study was to assess age-related changes in temporal resolution in listeners with relatively normal audiograms. The hypothesis was that increased susceptibility to non-simultaneous masking contributes to the hearing difficulties experienced by older listeners in complex fluctuating backgrounds

    A study of the boundary flow in a rocket combustion chamber. Part 2 - Data analysis, correlation, and theoretical prediction Final report

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    Processing data on heat flux and chemical composition in rocket combustion chamber boundary flow - table
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