615 research outputs found

    Radon laboratory for secondary schools

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    The \u201cnuclear issue\u201d was a taboo for a long time in Italy. A way to radioactivity; radon indoor; approach this theme, to make the public more trusting of nuclear issues is to discuss radioactivity and ionizing radiation starting from young people. An experimental activity that involves secondary school students has been developed. The approach is to have students engaged in activities that will allow them to understand how natural radioactivity is a part of their everyday environment. This would include how radiation enters our lives in different ways, to demonstrate that natural radioactive sources found in soil, water and air contribute to our exposure to natural ionizing radiation and how this exposure affects human health. Another mark point is to develop a new technique for teaching physics which will enhance scientific interest of students in applications of nuclear physics in both environmental and physical sciences and to train their teachers on these subjects

    Indovina il radionuclide

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    Gioco di carte che si ispira a "Indovina chi?" per scoprire il radionuclide dell'avversario. Dall'iniziativa RadioLAB della CC3M dell'INF

    Steady Combustion Waves Driven by a Recombination Reaction in a Gas Mixture

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    Radionuclides for theranostic applications

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    High Specific Activity Radionuclides (HSARNs), obtained by either proton, deuteron or alpha cyclotron irradiation, followed by selective radiochemical separation from the irradiated target in No Carrier Added (NCA) form represent a powerful analytical tool in pure and applied sciences and technologicies. One of the main applications of HSARNs concern medical radiodiagnostics and metabolic radiotherapy in the relatively novel theranostic paradigm that involves individual \u201cdual-purpose\u201d radionuclides or radionuclide pairs with emissions suitable for both imaging and therapy in the contest of the age-long dream of personalized medicine. We present some examples of radionuclides produced by deuteron beams irradiation, suitable for theranostics applications

    Star Formation in the Northern Cloud Complex of NGC 2264

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    We have made continuum and spectral line observations of several outflow sources in the Mon OB1 dark cloud (NGC 2264) using the Heinrich Hertz Telescope (HHT) and ARO 12m millimeter-wave telescope. This study explores the kinematics and outflow energetics of the young stellar systems observed and assesses the impact star formation is having on the surrounding cloud environment. Our data set incorporates 12CO(3-2), 13CO(3-2), and 12CO(1-0) observations of outflows associated with the sources IRAS 06382+1017 and IRAS 06381+1039, known as IRAS 25 and 27, respectively, in the northern cloud complex. Complementary 870 micron continuum maps were made with the HHT 19 channel bolometer array. Our results indicate that there is a weak (approximately less than 0.5%) coupling between outflow kinetic energy and turbulent energy of the cloud. An analysis of the energy balance in the IRAS 25 and 27 cores suggests they are maintaining their dynamical integrity except where outflowing material directly interacts with the core, such as along the outflow axes.Comment: 28 pages including 6 figures, to be published in ApJ 01 July 2006, v645, 1 issu

    Analyzing the impact of demand response and reserves in islands energy planning

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    Small Islands usually rely on fossil fuels for their energy supply and face common challenges such as high energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions. For these reasons they represent interesting cases for analysing the transition towards a clean and secure energy system. Nevertheless, integrating non-dispatchable Renewable Energy Sources in the power grid causes stability issues and this is particularly true for island grids. Such issue is not fully considered in long-term energy planning; indeed, an important factor that should be considered in order to ensure the reliability of the grid are Reserves. There are different types of Reserves depending on the reactiveness/response time and the duration of the service. In this paper, primary and secondary reserves have been analysed in order to plan the long-term energy transition of the small island of Favignana, Italy by means of the new version of H2RES, a Linear Programming single-objective optimisation model able to provide a long-term capacity investment and dispatching optimisation. It has been found that biomass generators are favoured to both photovoltaic and wind turbines for their ability to provide reserves and also decrease the unpredictability of the supply. Batteries and Electrolysers are also used mostly for reserve provision

    Direct electrification of Rh/Al2O3 washcoated SiSiC foams for methane steam reforming: An experimental and modelling study

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    Electrified methane steam reforming (eMSR) is a promising concept for low-carbon hydrogen production. We investigate an innovative eMSR reactor where SiSiC foams, coated with Rh/Al2O3 catalyst, act as electrical resistances to generate the reaction heat via the Joule effect. The novel system was studied at different temperatures, space velocities, operating pressures and catalyst loadings. Thanks to efficient heating, active catalyst and optimal substrate geometry, complete methane conversions were observed even at a high space velocity of 200000 Nl/h/kgcat. A specific energy demand as low as 1.24 kWh/Nm3H2, with an unprecedented energy efficiency of 81%, was achieved on a washcoated foam with catalyst density of 86.3 g/L (GHSV = 150000 Nl/h/kgcat, S/C = 4.1, ambient pressure). A mathematical model was validated against measured performance indicators and used to design an intensified eMSR unit for small scale H2 production.(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting Model Using Hybrid Neural Networks and Wavelet Packet Decomposition

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    Wind speed is one of the most vital, imperative meteorological parameters, thus the prediction of which is of fundamental importance in the studies related to energy management, building construction, damages caused by strong winds, aquatic needs of power plants, the prevalence and spread of diseases, snowmelt, and air pollution. Due to the discrete and nonlinear structure of wind speed, wind speed forecasting at regular intervals is a crucial problem. In this regard, a wide variety of prediction methods have been applied. So far, many activities have been done in order to make optimal use of renewable energy sources such as wind, which have led to the present diverse types of wind speed and strength measuring methods in the various geographical locations. In this paper, a novel forecasting model based on hybrid neural networks (HNNs) and wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) processor has been proposed to predict wind speed. Considering this scenario, the accuracy of the proposed method is compared with other wind speed prediction methods to ensure performance improvement

    Warm-Dense Molecular Gas in the ISM of Starbursts, LIRGs and ULIRGs

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    The role of star formation in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies is a hotly debated issue: while it is clear that starbursts play a large role in powering the IR luminosity in these galaxies, the relative importance of possible enshrouded AGNs is unknown. It is therefore important to better understand the role of star forming gas in contributing to the infrared luminosity in IR-bright galaxies. The J=3 level of 12CO lies 33K above ground and has a critical density of ~1.5 X 10^4 cm^-3. The 12CO(J=3-2) line serves as an effective tracer for warm-dense molecular gas heated by active star formation. Here we report on 12CO (J=3-2) observations of 17 starburst spirals, LIRGs and ULIRGs which we obtained with the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope on Mt. Graham, Arizona. Our main results are the following: 1. We find a nearly linear relation between the infrared luminosity and warm-dense molecular gas such that the infrared luminosity increases as the warm-dense molecular gas to the power 0.92; We interpret this to be roughly consistent with the recent results of Gao & Solomon (2004a,b). 2. We find L_IR/M_H2 ratios ranging from ~10 to ~128 L_sun/M_sun using a standard CO-H2 conversion factor of 3 X 10^20 cm^-2 (K km s^-1)^-1. If this conversion factor is ~an order of magnitude less, as suggested in a recent statistical survey (Yao et al. 2003), then 2-3 of our objects may have significant contributions to the L_IR by dust-enshrouded AGNs.Comment: 15 Pages, 2 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap
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