18 research outputs found

    A função de controle nos sistemas integrados de manufatura

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    Faz-se uma proposição de vários conceitos atinentes ao gerenciamento da produção, muitos dos quais são válidos também para os Sistemas de Manufatura Convencional, mas que estão aqui colocados dentro do contexto dos Sistemas Integrados de Manufatura (SIMs), que são os sistemas desenvolvidos sob a filosofia de fabricação CIM ('Computer Integrated Manufacturing = Manufatura Integrada por Computador). Mostra-se que a integração depende basicamente da função controle.<br>Manufacturing integration is reviewed and various concepts and definitions founded in literature are presented for conventional and automated manufacturing systems. The survey emphasizes information system management and control importance in order to improve manufacturing functions integration

    Genetics of physical wood properties and early growth in a tropical pine hybrid

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    Quantitative trait locus (QTL) detection was carried out for physical wood properties and early growth traits in an interspecific hybrid between Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelm. and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Senecl) Barr. et Golf. A pseudo-testcross QTL detection strategy was used to identify genome regions that influenced wood density, secondary growth, and dry wood mass index on each genetic map for the parents of a single F, family (n = 133). Traits were measured for annual ring and earlywood and latewood components and were based on both individual and average ring values from 1996 to 1999. A total of 12 significant putative QTLs were identified that clustered into four genomic regions in the P. elliottii var. elliottii parent and a single region in the P. caribaea var. hondurensis parent. The P. elliottii var. elliottii parent largely contributed putative QTLs for diameter growth and wood density, whereas the P caribaea var. hondurensis parent contributed a putative QTL for earlywood formed in 1997. Putative QTLs that influenced density and ring width did not colocate, suggesting independent inheritance of these characters. This was consistent with the lack of genetic correlation between wood density and diameter growth observed in quantitative studies in hybrid pines


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    Pinus is the most important genus within the Family Pinaceae and also within the gymnosperms by the number of species (109 species recognized by Farjon 2001) and by its contribution to forest ecosystems. All pine species are evergreen trees or shrubs. They are widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, from tropical areas to northern areas in America and Eurasia. Their natural range reaches the equator only in Southeast Asia. In Africa, natural occurrences are confined to the Mediterranean basin. Pines grow at various elevations from sea level (not usual in tropical areas) to highlands. Two main regions of diversity are recorded, the most important one in Central America (43 species found in Mexico) and a secondary one in China. Some species have a very wide natural range (e.g., P. ponderosa, P. sylvestris). Pines are adapted to a wide range of ecological conditions: from tropical (e.g., P. merkusii, P. kesiya, P. tropicalis), temperate (e.g., P. pungens, P. thunbergii), and subalpine (e.g., P. albicaulis, P. cembra) to boreal (e.g., P. pumila) climates (Richardson and Rundel 1998, Burdon 2002). They can grow in quite pure stands or in mixed forest with other conifers or broadleaved trees. Some species are especially adapted to forest fires, e.g., P. banksiana, in which fire is virtually essential for cone opening and seed dispersal. They can grow in arid conditions, on alluvial plain soils, on sandy soils, on rocky soils, or on marsh soils. Trees of some species can have a very long life as in P. longaeva (more than 3,000 years)