119 research outputs found

    Гігієнічні аспекти відновлення відкритих техногенних бедлендів із застосуванням осадів міських стічних вод

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    Зростання індивідуального водоспоживання у великих містах породжує проблему утворення і розміщення на території населених пунктів значної кількості осадів стічних вод. Часто вони представляють епідемічну небезпеку для людини і с джерелом потрапляння у довкілля техногенних хімічних речовин. На основі санітарно-гігієнічної оцінки осадів комунальних стічних вод м. Кривого Рогу розглядається можливість і даються рекомендації для її безпечного використання при створенні вторинних природних ландшафтів у місцях «місячних поверхонь» після відкритого видобутку залізної руди.Рост индивидуального водопотребления в крупных городах порождает проблему образования и размещения на территории населенных пунктов значительного количества осадков сточных вод. Часто они представляют эпидемическую опасность для человека и являются источником поступления в окружающую среду техногенных химических веществ. На основе санитарно-гигиенической оценки осадков коммунальных сточных вод г. Кривого Рога рассматривается возможность и даются рекомендации для их безопасного использования при создании вторичных природных ландшафтов в местах «лунных поверхностей» после открытой добычи железной руды.Growth of individual water consumption in large cities generates a problem of formation and placing of a considerable quantity of deposits of sewage. Often they represent epidemic danger to the person and are a receipt source in environment of technogenic chemical substances. On the basis of a sanitary-and-hygienic estimation of deposits of sewage in a city* of Krivoi Rig consider possibility and definition of the recommendation for safe use of deposits at creation of secondary natural landscapes in places of open-pit mining of iron ore

    Cancer related maternal mortality and delay in diagnosis and treatment: A case series on 26 cases

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    Background: Cancer during pregnancy is relatively rare but may lead to maternal mortality. We aimed to assess the incidence of cancer related maternal mortality and the neonatal outcome in these patients. Also, doctor- and patient-related delay in cancer diagnosis and therapy among patients with cancer related maternal mortality is assessed. Methods: Maternal mortality was defined as death during pregnancy or within 1 year after delivery. Data of the Dutch Maternal Mortality Committee was used to calculate the cancer related maternal mortality rate and to assess neonatal outcome in the Netherlands. Delay was scored by ten medical specialist based on case descriptions. Results: Cancer related maternal mortality rate was 1.23 per 100,000 live births. Delay in either diagnosis or treatment occurred in 65%. Delay in diagnosis was more frequent then delay in treatment, and was mainly caused by health care providers. Only 77% of pregnancies were ongoing, and 65% ended preterm of which 85% was induced. Conclusions: Avoiding delay in diagnosis and therapy in case of pregnancy related cancer could potentially improve maternal and neonatal outcome. It is therefore essential to increase awareness among health care providers about the occurrence and recurrence of cancer in pregnancy and the possibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in these women

    Low dose aspirin in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm labour - the APRIL study: A multicenter randomized placebo controlled trial

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    Background: Preterm birth (birth before 37 weeks of gestation) is a major problem in obstetrics and affects an estimated 15 million pregnancies worldwide annually. A history of previous preterm birth is the strongest risk factor for preterm birth, and recurrent spontaneous preterm birth affects more than 2.5 million pregnancies each year. A recent meta-analysis showed possible benefits of the use of low dose aspirin in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth. We will assess the (cost-)effectiveness of low dose aspirin in comparison with placebo in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth in a randomized clinical trial. Methods/design: Women with a singleton pregnancy and a history of spontaneous preterm birth in a singleton pregnancy (22-37 weeks of gestation) will be asked to participate in a multicenter, randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled trial. Women will be randomized to low dose aspirin (80 mg once daily) or placebo, initiated from 8 to 16 weeks up to maximal 36 weeks of gestation. The primary outcome measure will be preterm birth, defined as birth at a gestational age (GA) < 37 weeks. Secondary outcomes will be a composite of adverse neonatal outcome and maternal outcomes, including subgroups of prematurity, as well as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and costs from a healthcare perspective. Preterm birth will be analyzed as a group, as well as separately for spontaneous or indicated onset. Analysis will be performed by intention to treat. In total, 406 pregnant women have to be randomized to show a reduction of 35% in preterm birth from 36 to 23%. If aspirin is effective in preventing preterm birth, we expect that there will be cost savings, because of the low costs of aspirin. To evaluate this, a cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed comparing preventive treatment with aspirin with placebo. Discussion: This trial will provide evidence as to whether or not low dose aspirin is (cost-) effective in reducing recurrence of spontaneous preterm birth. Trial registration: Clinical trial registration number of the Dutch Trial Register: NTR 5675. EudraCT-registration number: 2015-003220-31