174 research outputs found

    QSEM: Quick Scan Energy efficient Monument

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    The relation between executive functions and school performance in healthy adolescents

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    Boschloo, A., Krabbendam, L., De Groot, R., & Jolles, J. (2012, April). The relation between executive functions and school performance in healthy adolescents. Poster presented at the Development of executive functions workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands.How well do executive function tests and questionnaires predict school performance in healthy adolescents? This was investigated in 173 healthy adolescents aged 12-­18 years who study at pre-university education level (in Dutch: vwo). Executive functions were measured with the D-­KEFS subtests Sorting Test and Tower Test, and with the BRIEF-­SR. School performance was measured with end of term grades for Dutch, English and mathematics

    Moving beyond the numbers: a participatory evaluation of sustainability in Dutch agriculture

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    Environmental pollution, animal diseases, and food scandals have marked the agricultural sector in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the 1990s. The sector was high on the political and societal agenda and plans were developed to redesign the sector into a more sustainable direction. Generally, monitoring of the agricultural sector is done by means of quantitative indicators to measure social, ecological, and economic performance. To give more attention to the normative character of sustainable development, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality requested for a participatory approach to evaluate Dutch agriculture, which was characterized by stakeholder workshops, dialogue, and learning. This article describes and reflects on this approach, using the Fourth Generation Evaluation framework developed by Guba and Lincoln (Fourth generation evaluation, 1989). Although there are several improvements to be made, the evaluation approach was successful in the way that it gave insight into perceptions, visions, and ambitions of agricultural stakeholders with regard to sustainability. It also encouraged learning about ways to make the agricultural sector more sustainable. And it contributed to the development of a monitoring approach that is complementary to the quantitative, indicator-based, evaluation approach that is generally used and that can be used every few years to see how perceptions and ambitions of stakeholders have developed

    Academic motivation mediates the influence of temporal discounting on academic achievement during adolescence

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    Lee, N. C., Krabbendam, L., Dekker, S. J., Boschloo, A. M., De Groot, R. H. M., & Jolles, J. (2012). Academic motivation mediates the influence of temporal discounting on academic achievement during adolescence. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 1(1), 43-48.This study used a large sample (N=638) of 12-18 year old adolescents to investigate the relationship between academic achievement and temporal discounting, a behavioural measurement of delay of gratification abilities. Neuroscience studies have demonstrated development during adolescence of the areas of the brain involved in delaying immediate gratification in order to achieve long-term goals. This finding may have important consequences for educational practice, as students are frequently required to forsake attractive short-term rewards in favour of less attractive academic long-term alternatives. Results showed that adolescents with an increased ability to delay gratification achieved higher grades then those less able to delay gratification. This relationship was mediated by academic motivation, showing that the effect of delayed gratification abilities on grades was most effective when academic motivation was high. Our results show that the ability to delay gratification may be an individual difference variable that distinguishes high achieving students from their peers. It also highlights that understanding the development of neurocognitive processes can provide a valid contribution to understanding ways in which we can influence academic success

    Dominant Goal Orientations Predict Differences in Academic Achievement during Adolescence through Metacognitive Self-Regulation

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    This study investigated whether academic achievement was predicted by the goal which generally drives a student’s learning behaviour. Secondly, the role of metacognitive self-regulation was examined. The dominant goal orientation was assessed using a new method. 735 adolescents aged 10-19 years read vignettes of students that reflect four goal orientations. Participants indicated which student they resembled most, which revealed their dominant goal orientation. Age, sex and level of parental education were controlled for. Results showed that students with motivation goals of the mastery and performance-approach types obtained higher grades than students characterized by the performance-avoidance and work-avoidance goal type. A mediation analysis showed that goal orientations predicted achievement through the level of metacognitive self-regulation. Intrinsically motivated students showed the best metacognitive self-regulation skills of all students, whereas work-avoidant students had the lowest level of self-regulation skills. The scores of students with performance goals fell in-between. The research showed that the higher grades obtained by performance-approach students, compared to performance-avoidant and work-avoidant students, can partially be explained by their higher levels of metacognitive self-regulation. Thus, goal orientation predicted achievement differences through metacognitive self-regulation skills. This suggests that intrinsic motivation and self-regulation skills should ideally be supported in the classroom. Furthermore, it suggests that teachers could use vignettes to distinguish different types of students in order to identify students who are vulnerable to lower academic achievement

    Treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children is associated with a sustained effect on growth

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    INTRODUCTION: Growth failure is a common feature of children with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. Children who are treated with mono or dual nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) therapy show a temporary increase in weight gain and linear growth rate. In adults, protease-inhibitor-containing antiretroviral therapy is associated with a sustained weight gain and increased body mass index (BMI). Experience with protease inhibitors and growth in children is still limited. The data mainly deal with short-term effects on growth. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) on growth in children with HIV-1 infection. DESIGN AND METHODS: We analyzed selected growth parameters, clinical data, and laboratory results as part of a prospective, open, uncontrolled, multicenter study to evaluate the clinical, immunologic, and virologic response to HAART consisting of indinavir, zidovudine, and lamivudine in children with HIV-1 infection. Height and weight were measured at 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, and 96 weeks after initiation of HAART. Information about the children's growth before enrollment in the study was retrieved from the hospital medical records and/or the school doctor or health center. BMI was calculated. z Scores were used to express the standard deviation (SD) in SD units from the Dutch reference curves for age and gender. Viral loads and CD4+ T-cell counts were examined prospectively and related to these growth parameters. z Scores were also calculated for CD4+ T-cell counts to correct for age-related differences. A z score of 0 represents the P50, which is exactly the age/sex-appropriate median. A height z score of -1 indicates that a child's height is 1 SD below the age- and gender-specific median height for the normal population. Virologic responders were defined as those who either reached an undetectable viral load (1.5 log reduction in viral load compared with baseline at week 12 after the initiation of HAART, which was maintained during the follow-up period. RESULTS. PATIENTS: Twenty-four patients were included (age: 0.4-16.3 years at baseline), with a median HIV-1 RNA load of 105 925 copies/mL (5.03 log), a median CD4+ T-cell count of 0.586 x 10(9)/L (median z score: -2.28 SD), a median height z score of -1.22, a median weight z score of -0.74, and a median baseline BMI z score of -0.32. Eleven patients were naive to antiretroviral therapy, and 13 patients had received previous treatment with NRTI monotherapy. Twenty children used indinavir and 4 children used nelfinavir as part of HAART. VIROLOGIC AND IMMUNOLOGIC RESPONSES TO HAART: Seventeen children were virologic responders, and 7 children were virologic nonresponders. In patients naive to NRTIs, median baseline viral loads were significantly higher than in pretreated patients. However, at weeks 48 and 96, there was no significant difference between the viral loads of both groups. At baseline, there was no significant difference in CD4+a T-cell z scores between virologic responders and nonresponders or between naive and pretreated patients. During 96 weeks of HAART, the increase of CD4+ T-cell z score was significantly higher in responders than in nonresponders. The increase in CD4+ T-cell z score was not significantly different for naive and pretreated patients. HEIGHT, WEIGHT, AND BMI z SCORE CHANGES: We found that

    Potential mechanisms of the fatigue-reducing effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy in cancer survivors:Three randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: Fatigue is a common symptom among cancer survivors that can be successfully treated with cognitive‐behavioral therapy (CBT). Insights into the working mechanisms of CBT are currently limited. The aim of this study was to investigate whether improvements in targeted cognitive‐behavioral variables and reduced depressive symptoms mediate the fatigue‐reducing effect of CBT. METHODS: We pooled data from three randomized controlled trials that tested the efficacy of CBT to reduce severe fatigue. In all three trials, fatigue severity (checklist individual strength) decreased significantly following CBT. Assessments were conducted pre‐treatment and 6 months later. Classical mediation analysis testing a pre‐specified model was conducted and its results compared to those of causal discovery, an explorative data‐driven approach testing all possible causal associations and retaining the most likely model. RESULTS: Data from 250 cancer survivors (n = 129 CBT, n = 121 waitlist) were analyzed. Classical mediation analysis suggests that increased self‐efficacy and decreased fatigue catastrophizing, focusing on symptoms, perceived problems with activity and depressive symptoms mediate the reduction of fatigue brought by CBT. Conversely, causal discovery and post‐hoc analyses indicate that fatigue acts as mediator, not outcome, of changes in cognitions, sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitions, sleep disturbance and depressive symptoms improve during CBT. When assessed pre‐ and post‐treatment, fatigue acts as a mediator, not outcome, of these improvements. It seems likely that the working mechanism of CBT is not a one‐way causal effect but a dynamic reciprocal process. Trials integrating intermittent assessments are needed to shed light on these mechanisms and inform optimization of CBT

    Dominant Goal Orientations Predict Differences in Academic Achievement during Adolescence through Metacognitive Self-Regulation

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    Abstract This study investigated whether academic achievement was predicted by the goal which generally drives a student's learning behaviour. Secondly, the role of metacognitive self-regulation was examined. The dominant goal orientation was assessed using a new method. 735 adolescents aged 10-19 years read vignettes of students that reflect four goal orientations. Participants indicated which student they resembled most, which revealed their dominant goal orientation. Age, sex and level of parental education were controlled for. Results showed that students with motivation goals of the mastery and performance-approach types obtained higher grades than students characterized by the performance-avoidance and work-avoidance goal type. A mediation analysis showed that goal orientations predicted achievement through the level of metacognitive self-regulation. Intrinsically motivated students showed the best metacognitive self-regulation skills of all students, whereas work-avoidant students had the lowest level of self-regulation skills. The scores of students with performance goals fell in-between. The research showed that the higher grades obtained by performance-approach students, compared to performance-avoidant and work-avoidant students, can partially be explained by their higher levels of metacognitive self-regulation. Thus, goal orientation predicted achievement differences through metacognitive self-regulation skills. This suggests that intrinsic motivation and self-regulation skills should ideally be supported in the classroom. Furthermore, it suggests that teachers could use vignettes to distinguish different types of students in order to identify students who are vulnerable to lower academic achievement

    Persistent sterile leukocyturia is associated with impaired renal function in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children treated with indinavir

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    BACKGROUND: Prolonged administration of indinavir is associated with the occurrence of a variety of renal complications in adults. These well-documented side effects have restricted the use of this potent protease inhibitor in children. DESIGN: A prospective study to monitor indinavir-related nephrotoxicity in a cohort of 30 human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected children treated with indinavir. METHODS: Urinary pH, albumin, creatinine, the presence of erythrocytes, leukocytes, bacteria and crystals, and culture were analyzed every 3 months for 96 weeks. Serum creatinine levels were routinely determined at the same time points. Steady-