36 research outputs found

    Aetiology, prophylaxis and management of preeclampsia

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    Although preeclampsia affects approximately 3%–8% of pregnancies worldwide and is a major contributor to maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity, the aetiology of preeclampsia is still not fully understood. This review presents the current knowledge on the aetiology of preeclampsia, with a special emphasis on risk factors and their role, and describes recommendations for the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia

    Clinical Outcomes after Uncomplicated Cataract Surgery with Implantation of the Tecnis Toric Intraocular Lens

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    Purpose. To evaluate the clinical outcomes after uncomplicated cataract surgery with implantation of an aspheric toric intraocular lens (IOL) during a 6-month follow-up. Methods. Prospective study including 27 consecutive eyes of 18 patients (mean age: 66.1±11.4 years) with a visually significant cataract and corneal astigmatism ≥ 0.75 D and undergoing uncomplicated cataract surgery with implantation of the Tecnis ZCT toric IOL (Abbott Medical Optics). Visual, refractive, and keratometric outcomes as well as IOL rotation were evaluated during a 6-month follow-up. At the end of the follow-up, patient satisfaction and perception of optical/visual disturbances were also evaluated using a subjective questionnaire. Results. At 6 months after surgery, mean LogMAR uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) were 0.19±0.12 and 0.14±0.10, respectively. Postoperative UDVA of 20/40 or better was achieved in 92.6% of eyes. Mean refractive cylinder decreased significantly from −3.73±1.96 to −1.42±0.88 D (p<0.001), while keratometric cylinder did not change significantly (p=0.44). Mean absolute IOL rotation was 1.1±2.4°, with values of more than 5° in only 2 eyes (6.9%). Mean patient satisfaction score was 9.70±0.46, using a scale from 0 (not at all satisfied) to 10 (very satisfied). No postoperative optical/visual disturbances were reported. Conclusion. Cataract surgery with implantation of the Tecnis toric IOL is an effective method of refractive correction in eyes with corneal astigmatism due to the good IOL positional stability, providing high levels of patient’s satisfaction

    CBP/p300 Bromodomain Inhibitor–I–CBP112 Declines Transcription of the Key ABC Transporters and Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Chemotherapy Drugs

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    The high expression of some ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters is linked to multidrug resistance in cancer cells. We aimed to determine if I-CBP112, which is a CBP/p300 bromodomain inhibitor, altered the vulnerability of the MDA-MB-231 cell line to chemotherapy drugs, which are used in neoadjuvant therapy in patients with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). MDA-MB-231 cells represent TNBC, which is negative for the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and HER2 protein. An I-CBP112-induced decrease in the expression of all the studied ABCs in the breast, but also in the lung (A549), and hepatic (HepG2) cancer cell lines was associated with increased accumulation of doxorubicin, daunorubicin, and methotrexate inside the cells as well as with considerable cell sensitization to a wide range of chemotherapeutics. Gene promoters repressed by I-CBP112 in MDA-MB-231 cells, such as ABCC1 and ABCC10, were characterized by enhanced nucleosome acetylation and, simultaneously, by considerably lower trimethylation in the transcription-promoting form of H3K4me3. The CBP/p300 bromodomain inhibitor induced the recruitment of LSD1 to the gene promoters. The inhibition of this demethylase in the presence of I-CBP112 prevented the repression of ABCC1 and ABCC10 and, to a considerable extent, cancer cells’ sensitization to drugs. In conclusion, the CBP/p300 bromodomain inhibitor I-CBP112 can be considered as a potent anti-multidrug-resistance agent, capable of repressing key ABC transporters responsible for drug efflux in various cancer types.This research was funded by National Centre for Research and Development, grant number LIDER/22/0122/L-10/18/NCBR/2019

    Problems of Corneal Endothelial Image Binarization

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    In this paper we present two methods of binarization of corneal endothelial images. The binarization is a first step of advanced image analysis. Images of corneal endothelial obtained by the specular microscopy have a poor dynamic range and they are usually non-uniformly illuminated. The binarization endothelial images is not trivial. Two binarization algorithms are proposed. The output images are presented. The quality of algorithms is discussed

    Hemoglobina glikowana w diagnostyce cukrzycy w populacji polskiej po 45. roku życia – badanie wieloośrodkowe

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    Introduction: American Diabetes Association introduced in 2010 a new criterion for the diagnosis of diabetes - HbA1c level of ≥ 6,5%. Polish Society of Diabetology (PTD) up to now has not accepted this criterion. This study aimed to assess a concordance of this criterion with advised by the PTD glycemic criteria in the polish population. Methods: The study was performed in the frames of the screening action „Diabetes – let’s win together!” in 10 Polish cities in subjects older than 45 years, with no previously diagnosed diabetes but with existing diabetes risk factors. The assessment of HbA1c was performed using point of care device A1cNow+ (Bayer HealthCare). In subjects with HbA1c levels of &gt;5,6%, according to the protocol fasting plasma glucose was estimated and oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Results: The analysis comprised 1889 subjects in whom HbA1c was estimated. The group with HbA1c ≤ 5.6% comprised 1156 subjects (it has been assumed that no one from this group suffered from diabetes), group with HbA1c 5.7-6.4% - 609 subjects, and the group with HbA1c ≥ 6.5% - 124 subjects, However in only 168 and 89 from those subjects, respectively, the diagnosis of diabetes could be confirmed or excluded according to the glycemic criteria. Sensitivity, specifity, positive and negative predictive values for HbA1c=6.5% were 0.827; 0.982; 0.753 i 0.989, respectively, whereas for HbA1c=7.5% the respective values were 0.370; 0.997; 0.882 i 0.960. Conclusions: taking to the account only a criterion of concordance of the diagnosis (and not a criterion of possibility of development of diabetes complications) it seems that in the polish population the HbA1c threshold for the diagnosis of diabetes should be equal 7.5% rather than 6.5%Wstęp: Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne wprowadziło w roku 2010 nowe kryterium rozpoznania cukrzycy – wartość HbA1c ≥ 6,5%. Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne (PTD) jak do tej pory nie wprowadziło tego kryterium. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie jego zgodności z zalecanymi przez PTD kryteriami „glikemicznymi” w populacji polskiej. Metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w ramach akcji „Cukrzyca – wygrajmy razem!”, prowadzonej m.in. w 10 miastach Polski, u osób po 45 roku życia, bez rozpoznanej cukrzycy, ale ze współistniejącymi czynnikami ryzyka jej rozwoju. Oznaczenia hemoglobiny glikowanej wykonywano na miejscu przy pomocy aparatu A1cNow+ (Bayer HealthCare). U osób z wartościami HbA1c&gt;5,6% według protokołu badania wykonywano oznaczenie glikemii na czczo i doustny test tolerancji glukozy. Wyniki: Przeanalizowano łącznie 1889 osób u których oznaczono wartość HbA1c. Grupa z wartościami HbA1c ≤ 5,6% liczyła 1156 osób (założono, że żadna z tych osób nie miała cukrzycy), grupa z wartościami HbA1c 5,7-6,4% - 609 osób, a grupa z wartościami HbA1c ≥ 6,5% - 124, ale tylko odpowiednio u 168 i 89 z nich udało się ustalić rozpoznanie (lub wykluczenie) cukrzycy na podstawie kryteriów glikemicznych. Czułość, swoistość, dodatnia i ujemna wartość predykcyjna oznaczenia HbA1c w diagnostyce cukrzycy wynosiły dla wartości HbA1c=6,5% odpowiednio 0,827; 0,982; 0,753 i 0,989. Dla wartości HbA1c=7,5% natomiast 0,370; 0,997; 0,882 i 0,960. Wnioski: Biorąc pod uwagę jedynie kryterium zgodności rozpoznań, a nie kryterium możliwego rozwoju powikłań cukrzycy, wydaje się, że w populacji polskiej próg rozpoznania tej choroby dla wartości HbA1c powinien wynosić raczej 7,5%, niż 6,5%

    Role of Donor Activating KIR–HLA Ligand–Mediated NK Cell Education Status in Control of Malignancy in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients

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    AbstractSome cancers treated with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are sensitive to natural killer cell (NK) reactivity. NK function depends on activating and inhibitory receptors and is modified by NK education/licensing effect and mediated by coexpression of inhibitory killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and its corresponding HLA I ligand. We assessed activating KIR (aKIR)-based HLA I–dependent education capacity in donor NKs in 285 patients with hematological malignancies after HSCT from unrelated donors. We found significantly adverse progression-free survival (PFS) and time to progression (TTP) in patients who received transplant from donors with NKs educated by C1:KIR2DS2/3, C2:KIR2DS1, or Bw4:KIR3DS1 pairs (for PFS: hazard ratio [HR], 1.70; P = .0020, Pcorr = .0039; HR, 1.54; P = .020, Pcorr = .039; HR, 1.51; P = .020, Pcorr = .040; and for TTP: HR, 1.82; P = .049, Pcorr = .096; HR, 1.72; P = .096, Pcorr = .18; and HR, 1.65; P = .11, Pcorr = .20, respectively). Reduced PFS and TTP were significantly dependent on the number of aKIR-based education systems in donors (HR, 1.36; P = .00031, Pcorr = .00062; and HR, 1.43; P = .019, Pcorr = .038). Furthermore, the PFS and TTP were strongly adverse in patients with missing HLA ligand cognate with educating aKIR-HLA pair in donor (HR, 3.25; P = .00022, Pcorr = .00045; and HR, 3.82; P = .027, Pcorr = .054). Together, these data suggest important qualitative and quantitative role of donor NK education via aKIR-cognate HLA ligand pairs in the outcome of HSCT. Avoiding the selection of transplant donors with high numbers of aKIR-HLA-based education systems, especially for recipients with missing cognate ligand, is advisable

    Klaster energii - próba charakterystyki i definicji

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    Clusters are an organisational and economic phenomenon. This paper attempts to answer what an energy cluster actually is and whether it meets the requirements of a cluster in the classical approach of economic sciences. The Act of 20 February 2015 on renewable energy sources (Ustawa OZE 2015) introduced the concept of an ‘energy cluster’. It was aimed at, among others, increasing energy security and environmental protection through an efficient use of renewable energy sources. In the literature on the subject, there is no single universally applicable definition of a cluster, it can only be considered in its various aspects. The concept of a cluster has so many applications, associations and meanings that in many respects it has become a ‘chaotic idea’ due to flattening and equalising different types, processes and spatial scales of economic location within one universal concept. However, the main doubt concerns the very definition of a cluster. The paper considers the organisational attributes of clusters, based on the analysis of the following aspects: a) Cluster in historical terms. Overview of cluster and network definitions: i. Overview of cluster definitions ii. Overview of network structure definitions b) Energy cluster. Forms of interorganisational relations and the typology of energy clusters i. Forms of interorganisational relations in an energy cluster ii. Energy cluster against in relation to organisational network typology iii. Energy cluster as a form of company network – common features and differences c) An attempt in characterisation and definition of an energy clusterKlastry są organizacyjnym i gospodarczym fenomenem. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie czym właściwie jest klaster energii i czy spełnia on wymogi klastra w klasycznym ujęciu nauk ekonomicznych. Ustawą z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. o odnawialnych źródłach energii (Ustawa OZE, 2015) wprowadzono pojęcie „klastra energii”. Jej celem jest m.in. zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i ochrony środowiska, poprzez efektywne wykorzystanie odnawialnych źródeł energii. W literaturze przedmiotu nie istnieje jedna powszechnie obowiązująca definicja klastra, rozpatrywane są tylko różne jego aspekty. Koncepcja klastra uzyskała tak wiele zastosowań, skojarzeń i znaczeń, że pod wieloma względami stałą się „chaotyczną ideą” w sensie spłaszczenia i zrównania różnych rodzajów, procesów i przestrzennej skali lokalizacji gospodarczej w ramach jednej uniwersalnej koncepcji, natomiast głównym źródłem wątpliwości jest sama definicja klastra. W artykule rozważane są atrybuty organizacyjne klastrów, w oparciu o przeprowadzoną analizę następujących aspektów: a. Klaster w ujęciu historycznym. Przegląd definicji klastra i sieci: i. Przegląd definicji klastrów ii. Przegląd definicji struktury sieciowej b. Klaster energii. Formy relacji międzyorganizacyjnych oraz jego typologia i. Formy relacji międzyorganizacyjnych w klastrze energii ii. Klaster energii na tle typologii sieci organizacyjnych iii. Klaster energii jako forma sieci firm – cechy wspólne i różnice c. Próba charakterystyki i definicji klastra energii

    Modelowy klaster energii – specjalna strefa energetyczna realizująca zintegrowaną energetykę terytorialną

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    Clusters constitute an organizational and economic phenomenon. Today, they are created in nearly all sectors of the economy, including production industry, services, and high technology industries. Act of 20 February 2015 on Renewable Energy Sources (RES Act, 2015) introduced the term “energy cluster”. In the present article, we attempt to answer the question of how the energy cluster can pursue, on a local level, the goal of ensuring energy security, while respecting the requirements of environmental sustainability.Klastry są organizacyjnym i gospodarczym fenomenem i powstają one właściwie we wszystkich sektorach gospodarki m.in. w przemyśle, usługach, branżach zaawansowanych technologii. Ustawą z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. o odnawialnych źródłach energii (Ustawa OZE, 2015) wprowadzono pojęcie „klastra energii”. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie w jaki sposób klaster energii może realizować w skali lokalnej cel zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego, przy zachowaniu wymagań ochrony środowiska zgodnie z zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju

    New perspectives for utilizing renewable energy sources in Podhale Energy Cluster – Sun Power Station Tatry

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    Zgodnie ze Strategią na rzecz Odpowiedzialnego Rozwoju do roku 2020 (SOR 2017) wypracowanie długofalowej, stabilnej polityki energetycznej oraz zapewnienie równego i powszechnego dostępu do energii pochodzącej z różnych źródeł stanowi warunek dla m.in. poprawy efektywności energetycznej oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa dostaw energii. Przedstawiony w artykule projekt pn. Słoneczna Elektrownia Tatry jest próbą podjęcia lokalnych działań na rzecz dywersyfikacji źródeł energii poprzez rozwój rozproszonej energetyki OZE. Należy podkreślić, że artykuł, nie będąc opracowaniem technicznym, skupia się przede wszystkim na aspektach organizacyjnych, przedstawia ideę projektu i na tym tle jego podstawowe założenia realizacyjne. To one będą stanowić punkt wyjścia do konkretnych rozwiązań inżynierskich i prawno-organizacyjnych w formie feasibility study.Polish Responsible Development Plan and the new energy policy have resulted in the establishment of the Local Renewable Energy Action Plan in the form of the Energy Cluster „Zielone Podhale”, as well as the creation of the special purpose district „Tatra Energy Cluster” responsible for implementing the „Tatra Sun Power Station" project. The „Tatra Sun Power Station” will be a medium-scale photovoltaic system (PV system) designed for the supply of power to local users or into the electricity grid. This model of self-use within the region is also anticipated to stimulate inclusive regional economic growth and lead to further energy security. There is a not a technical article and focuses on organizational issues. Design premises shall constitute the starting point for engineering, legal and organizational solutions in the form of feasibility study

    Local renewable energy action plan tatra sun power station

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    The promotion of renewable energy is an essential part of EU energy policy, and it significantly contributes to the implementation of the Energy Union Framework strategy. With a 17% share in final energy consumption in 2015, the EU and the vast majority of Member States are well on track in terms of renewable energy deployment. The proposal for an energy cluster based policy, together with the energy clusters pilot packages, now under examination, aims to tackle the barriers limiting further local renewable energy growth