27 research outputs found

    Norwegian Experience as a Promising Measure for the Russian Energy System Development

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    At the moment, Arctic is in the interest of many countries, and not only near the Arctic. A high degree of the region promising in the context of undiscovered oil and gas resources is the explanation for it. Russia possessing the most significant share of these reserves has a fairly low rate of investigation of the Arctic shelf. Arctic hydrocarbon resources occupy the important strategic place in the development of the fuel-energy complex of Russia, ensuring its energy security. Hence, the goal of this research is to identify effective model of the offshore fields development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The Norwegian model of formation of consortia for the development of the offshore fields is analyzed and it is examined in the context of the Russian Arctic. The effectiveness of the introduction of this model in Russia is proved. Keywords: consortium, energy system, Arctic shelf, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. JEL Classifications: Q43, Q48, R1

    Resource-based view as a perspective management model in Russian reality

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    Time after time, different economies, such as the world economy or a national economy, are exposed to diverse fluctuations of various origins. The reasons for this can be multifold. Thus, in the context of an economic crisis, staying ahead of competition is vital for any company’s survival. In addition, each year, the global competition becomes tougher. The fundamental question of modern management of an enterprise is how to achieve competitive advantage and hold it. Consequently, the effective management of an enterprise, based on a rational use of resources, comes to the fore. The goal of this research is to analyze one of the models of modern resource management – resource-based view and to relate this model of management to the current state of the Russian economy. Theoretical and practical aspects of the model are presented. Development of the resource-based view at the Russian retail chain – X5 Retail Group is separately allocated. It is the unique practical example of using above mentioned concept in Russia. The possibility of implementing the resource-based view is considered in the context of the current economic situation in the country. Summarizing, resource-based view can become a truly breakthrough strategy in the context of the Russian economic situatio

    Iodouracil-mediated photocrosslinking of DNA to EcoRII restriction endonuclease in catalytic conditions

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    We used a XeCl excimer laser with 50 ns pulses, a frequency of 0.3 Hz and a wavelength of 308 mn in appropriate conditions for the photocrosslinking of EcoRII restriction endonuclease to a 14-mer DNA duplex, containing a 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine residue (IdU). IdU replaced the thymidine residue within the EcoRII recognition sequence 5′-CCT/AGG. The binding of EcoRII endonuclease to the IdU-containing DNA duplex was analyzed by gel retardation assay in the presence of Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions. Photocrosslinking of EcoRII to the IdU-containing DNA duplex occurred in a pre-reactive complex formed in the presence of Ca2+ ions. Photocrosslinking yields as a function of time and UV-laser light intensity were studied.We thank Professor Alexander Yu. Borisov for valuable discussions and Robin Rycroft for assistance in preparation of the manuscript. We are grateful to Professor Ashok Bhagwat for providing us with the pR224 plasmid containing the ecoRII gene. This study was supported by the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Investigation (project no. 01–04–48637).Peer reviewe

    Functional Analysis of DNMT3A DNA Methyltransferase Mutations Reported in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    In mammals, DNA methylation is necessary for the maintenance of genomic stability, gene expression regulation, and other processes. During malignant diseases progression, changes in both DNA methylation patterns and DNA methyltransferase (MTase) genes are observed. Human de novo MTase DNMT3A is most frequently mutated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a striking prevalence of R882H mutation, which has been extensively studied. Here, we investigate the functional role of the missense mutations (S714C, R635W, R736H, R771L, P777R, and F752V) found in the catalytic domain of DNMT3A in AML patients. These were accordingly mutated in the murine Dnmt3a catalytic domain (S124C, R45W, R146H, R181L, P187R, and F162V) and in addition, one-site CpG-containing DNA substrates were used as a model system. The 3-15-fold decrease (S124C and P187R) or complete loss (F162V, R45W, and R146H) of Dnmt3a-CD methylation activity was observed. Remarkably, Pro 187 and Arg 146 are not located at or near the Dnmt3a functional motives. Regulatory protein Dnmt3L did not enhance the methylation activity of R45W, R146H, P187R, and F162V mutants. The key steps of the Dnmt3a-mediated methylation mechanism, including DNA binding and transient covalent intermediate formation, were examined. There was a complete loss of DNA-binding affinity for R45W located in the AdoMet binding region and for R146H. Dnmt3a mutants studied in vitro suggest functional impairment of DNMT3A during pathogenesis

    Lean construction as an effective organization model in Arctic

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    In recent time, due to the sharp climatic changes, the Arctic attracts an increased interest of the world powers as a strategically important object. In 2013, the development strategy of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and national security for the period up to 2020 was approved by the President. In this strategy, the socio-economic development of the region in terms of improving the quality of life, expressed in the implementation of housing and civil engineering is very important. The goal of the study is to identify effective organization model of construction in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Lean construction as a dynamically developing methodology abroad is analyzed. Characteristics of this organization model of construction meet the necessary requirements for the construction of various infrastructure objects in the Arctic. Therefore, the concept of lean construction can be an effective strategy of development of the Arctic regions of Russia as well as other Arctic countries

    Arctic shelf development as a driver of the progress of the Russian energy system

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    Today many countries are concerned about the Arctic, including ones which are rather distant from it. High prospectively of the region in the context of undiscovered oil and gas resources is the explanation of this interest. Russia possessing the most significant part of these reserves has a fairly low rate of exploration of the Arctic shelf. Arctic hydrocarbon resources play the important strategic role in the development of the fuel-energy complex of Russia, ensuring its energy security. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify effective model of development of the offshore fields in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The model of the creation of consortia for the development of the offshore fields is analyzed and it is considered in the context of the Russian Arctic. The conclusion about the efficiency of the application of this model is done