6 research outputs found

    Drone last mile delivery: An assessment of the viable market and security potential of drone delivery

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    Purpose: the paper includes a review of the literature in the field of drones, drone technology, possible implementation in the field of the last mile concept, legislation, suitability of technology in the field of security, weather conditions, social acceptance and later focuses on checking the possible implementation of drones according to the set parameters. Methodology: for the purposes of research and obtaining answers to the posed research question and hypotheses, we used the method of literature review in the selected field, panel data analysis, conducted interviews with experts in the field of delivery drones in the Republic of Slovenia, and conducted secondary research. Results: the results show an assessment of the possible implementation of drones based on the analysis of the obtained data and interviews. We determined a realistic assessment of the potential of delivery drones, in which we included several vital aspects necessary for implementation. Conclusion: it was found that the current technology is not yet fully adequate, and significant technological improvements are also needed. It is also necessary to plan integrated urban spatial solutions that will enable safe and efficient delivery in the supply chain. Namely, delivery with drones is currently ineffective due to flight safety, harmful sound emissions and the inability to fly in bad weather conditions. Based on a literature review and a survey among large logistics companies, it was found that there are still many barriers to implementation due to legal norms and regulations, which are currently very constructive. It is unlikely, however, that parcel delivery will take off in an urban environment soon, as there are still many unknowns. With proper planning and use of suburban consolidation centres, e-vans, e-cars and bicycles are currently economically viable for last mile delivery

    Mastery of Long-Term Cartographic Knowledge and Skills of New Entry Secondary Level Pupils

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    U radu je prikazano istraživanje inicijalnog vrednovanja učeničkih znanja i vještina iz kartografije na početku gimnazijskog obrazovanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je parcijalno utvrđivanje trajnih kartografskih znanja i vještina nakon osnovnoškolske razine obrazovanja. Osnovna hipoteza rada koja je provjeravana provedbom istraživanja proizlazi iz višegodišnjeg iskustva u praktičnom radu autora te glasi da je razina znanja i vještina učenika na početku gimnazijskog obrazovanja iz područja kartografije nedovoljna i otežava normalnu dinamiku savladavanja nastavnih sadržaja iz područja kartografije. U analizi rezultata istraživanja sumativno je utvrđena razina ovladanosti osnovnim kartografskim znanjima i vještinama. Diferencijalno su uspoređena postignuća razrednih odjela po smjerovima međusobno, provedena je kvantitativna analiza rezultata prema područjima testiranih znanja i vještina te pojedinačno po izdvojenim ispitnim zadacima. Osnovni rezultati testiranja načelno su potvrdili početne hipoteze autora te su pokazali zamjetne razlike u međusobno izdvojenim i uspoređivanim školama i smjerovima. Prosječna točnost riješenosti testa svih testiranih učenika iznosi 31,6%. Riješenost zadataka kojima su se provjeravala znanja iz kartografije iznosi 66,0%, dok udio točno riješenih zadataka iz područja kartografskih vještina iznosi 25,2%. Nužno je napomenuti da je obuhvat znanja i vještina testiranih u istraživanju bio vrlo uzak u odnosu na ukupnost geografskih sadržaja iz Nastavnog plana i programa geografije za osnovnu školu.The paper presents a study of the initial evaluation of pupils\u27 long-term knowledge and skills in cartography at the beginning of secondary level (high school) education. The aim of this study is the partial determination of their long-term cartographic knowledge and skills acquired through elementary education. The basic hypothesis of the paper, which has been verified through the research results of many years of practical experience and the work of the authors, claims that the level of knowledge and skills of pupils at the beginning of high school in the field of cartography is inadequate and hinders the normal dynamics of mastering teaching content in the field of cartography. The summative level of mastery of basic cartographic skills is defined in the analysis of results. The achievements of different types of school classes are compared differentially and a quantitative analysis of the results carried out according to the knowledge and skills tested, and individually by separate test tasks. The main test results generally confirmed the initial hypotheses and showed noticeable differences between schools and types of programmes (classes), whether individual or compared. The overall average test score of the pupils tested was 31.6%. The total score for tasks testing knowledge of cartography was 66.0%, while for correctly solved problems in the field of cartographic skills, it was 25.2%. It should be noted that the scope of knowledge and skills tested in the study was very limited in relation to the overall content of the elementary school geography curriculum

    Ovladanost trajnim kartografskim znanjima i vještinama gimnazijalaca nakon osnovne škole

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    The paper presents a study of the initial evaluation of pupils' long-term knowledge and skills in cartography at the beginning of secondary level (high school) education. The aim of this study is the partial determination of their long-term cartographic knowledge and skills acquired through elementary education. The basic hypothesis of the paper, which has been verified through the research results of many years of practical experience and the work of the authors, claims that the level of knowledge and skills of pupils at the beginning of high school in the field of cartography is inadequate and hinders the normal dynamics of mastering teaching content in the field of cartography. The summative level of mastery of basic cartographic skills is defined in the analysis of results. The achievements of different types of school classes are compared differentially and a quantitative analysis of the results carried out according to the knowledge and skills tested, and individually by separate test tasks. The main test results generally confirmed the initial hypotheses and showed noticeable differences between schools and types of programmes (classes), whether individual or compared. The overall average test score of the pupils tested was 31.6%. The total score for tasks testing knowledge of cartography was 66.0%, while for correctly solved problems in the field of cartographic skills, it was 25.2%. It should be noted that the scope of knowledge and skills tested in the study was very limited in relation to the overall content of the elementary school geography curriculum.U radu je prikazano istraživanje inicijalnog vrednovanja učeničkih znanja i vještina iz kartografije na početku gimnazijskog obrazovanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je parcijalno utvrđivanje trajnih kartografskih znanja i vještina nakon osnovnoškolske razine obrazovanja. Osnovna hipoteza rada koja je provjeravana provedbom istraživanja proizlazi iz višegodišnjeg iskustva u praktičnom radu autora te glasi da je razina znanja i vještina učenika na početku gimnazijskog obrazovanja iz područja kartografije nedovoljna i otežava normalnu dinamiku savladavanja nastavnih sadržaja iz područja kartografije. U analizi rezultata istraživanja sumativno je utvrđena razina ovladanosti osnovnim kartografskim znanjima i vještinama. Diferencijalno su uspoređena postignuća razrednih odjela po smjerovima međusobno, provedena je kvantitativna analiza rezultata prema područjima testiranih znanja i vještina te pojedinačno po izdvojenim ispitnim zadacima. Osnovni rezultati testiranja načelno su potvrdili početne hipoteze autora te su pokazali zamjetne razlike u međusobno izdvojenim i uspoređivanim školama i smjerovima. Prosječna točnost riješenosti testa svih testiranih učenika iznosi 31,6%. Riješenost zadataka kojima su se provjeravala znanja iz kartografije iznosi 66,0%, dok udio točno riješenih zadataka iz područja kartografskih vještina iznosi 25,2%. Nužno je napomenuti da je obuhvat znanja i vještina testiranih u istraživanju bio vrlo uzak u odnosu na ukupnost geografskih sadržaja iz Nastavnog plana i programa geografije za osnovnu školu

    Maturity of project management in large slovenian logistics companies

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    V današnjem času se organizacije zavedajo, da projektni način dela prinaša številne prednosti. S projektnim načinom dela so namreč organizacije prilagodljivejše ter se lažje in hitreje prilagajajo željam in potrebam potrošnikov. Hkrati pa krepijo in izboljšujejo svoj položaj na trgu. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil raziskati in določiti stopnjo zrelosti projektnega managementa v velikih slovenskih logističnih podjetjih. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobno proučili teorijo s področja projektov, projektnega managementa in izbranih zrelostnih modelov. Osredotočili smo se na dva modela zrelosti projektnega managementa, in sicer »Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3)« in »Project Management Maturity Model (ProMMM)«. Za namene empirične raziskave smo izdelali vprašalnik, ki je temeljil na izbranih in predstavljenih modelih, ter izvedli spletno anketo v velikih slovenskih logističnih podjetjih. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da anketirane organizacije v povprečju dosegajo srednje visoko stopnjo zrelosti projektnega managementa. Izračunana povprečna ocena po modelu P3M3 je namreč organizacije uvrstila v zrelostno raven 3, kar pomeni, da je v anketiranih organizacijah moč zaznati ustrezno opredeljen proces projektnega managementa. Povprečna ocena po modelu ProMMM pa anketirane organizacije v povprečju uvršča v raven »Novice«, kar pomeni, da so projekti v organizacijah sicer prisotni, vendar projektna kultura še ni zaživela v pravem pomenu. Glede na rezultate raziskave lahko trdimo, da se organizacije zavedajo pomena projektnega managementa, vendar pa še vedno obstaja prostor za izboljšave.Nowadays, organizations are aware that the project management has many advantages. With use of project-based management, organizations are more flexible and adaptable to the wishes and needs of the costumer. At the same time organizations can strength and improve their market position. The aim of the master\u27s thesis was to investigate and determinate level of maturity project management in large Slovenian logistics companies. In theoretical part, we studied the theory from the field of project, project management and theory of selected models of maturity. We focused on two models of project management maturity, namely "Portfolio, Program and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3)" and "Project Management Maturity Model (ProMMM)". For the purpose of empirical research, we created a questionnaire based on preselected models and carried out an online survey among large Slovenian logistics companies. The results of the survey showed us that the interviewed organizations have average level of maturity project management. Namely, the calculated average rating in organizations, according to the P3M3 model was assigned to the maturity level 3. That means that surveyed organizations can detect a properly defined project management process in their organizations. The average rating according to the ProMMM model was, on average, classified by the surveyed organizations to the level of “Novice”, which means that the projects are present in organizations, but the project culture has not yet come true in the right sense. According to the results of the survey, we can say that organizations are aware of the importance of project management, but there is still room for some improvements

    The expedience of using an electrical vehicle for food delivery services in the city of Celje

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    Diplomska naloga temelji na raziskavi uporabe klasičnega dostavnega vozila v piceriji Verona in smotrnosti njegove zamenjave z električnim vozilom. V nalogi smo predstavili električno vozilo, njegov razvoj, uporabo, lastnosti in prednosti v primerjavi s konvencionalnim vozilom. Opredelili smo trenutne razmere na področju razvoja in finančnih spodbud EU. S pomočjo GPS-sistema smo naredili posnetek trenutnega stanja in s primerjalno analizo ugotovili, da bi bila uporaba električnega vozila v piceriji Verona smotrna tako z okoljskega, ekonomskega in logističnega vidika. Raziskava je pokazala, da je po preteku treh let strošek električnega vozila bistveno nižji, ne glede na visoko ceno menjave iztrošene baterije in nakupa električnega avtomobila. Ugotovili smo, da električno vozilo ne proizvaja emisij CO2. Posredno se emisije proizvajajo le pri proizvodnji električne energije, s katero ga polnimo. Dejstvo je, da so slednje emisije bistveno nižje kot emisije, ki jih proizvede konvencionalno vozilo. Prav tako uporaba električnega vozila zadovolji logistične potrebe, med katere spadajo domet, hitrost in polnjenje vozila.This thesis is based on a survey of the use of a conventional delivery vehicle owned by the pizzeria Verona, and the efficiency of replacing it with an electric vehicle. It includes a presentation of an electric car along with its development, use, features and advantages in comparison to a conventional vehicle. We identified the latest status in the field of development and EU incentives. We took a record of the current situation by means of a GPS device and a made a comparative analysis. The results of this analysis proved that the replacement and the use of an electric vehicle at Verona\u27s would have been efficient in terms of ecology, economy and logistics. The study showed that costs of an electric vehicle are significantly lower after three years, regardless of the high purchase price of replacement batteries and electric car itself. We have established that the electric vehicle does not produce CO2 emissions. Indirectly, emissions are produced only in the production of electrical power for the vehicle. The fact is that emissions of this type are significantly lower than the emissions produced by a conventional vehicle. In addition, the use of electric vehicles meets logistic requirements including the vehicle\u27s driving distance, speed and power

    Patient Safety in the Aspect of Process and Procedures Connected with Medical Services

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    In the paper the risks to which the patient is exposed while receiving a medical service have been analyzed. All treatments related to blood collection from the patient deserve much attention. It consists of a number of principles and procedures regarding the patient's health safety as well as safety of a person providing this service. Prevention and preventive actions in the aspect of patient safety in the face of threats resulting from the nature of medical services provided are a priority. Due to preventive action it is possible to avoid the effects of exposure to biological hazards, including the possibility of becoming infected with HIV, HCV and HBV. In the paper the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in selected blood stations of the Śląskie Voivodeship have been presented. The questionnaire is able to collect the information about patient awareness on the risks of the medical service (blood collection)