110 research outputs found

    Acute kidney injury prediction in cardiac surgery patients by a urinary peptide pattern: a case-control validation study

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    Background Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a prominent problem in hospitalized patients and associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Clinical medicine is currently hampered by the lack of accurate and early biomarkers for diagnosis of AKI and the evaluation of the severity of the disease. In 2010, we established a multivariate peptide marker pattern consisting of 20 naturally occurring urinary peptides to screen patients for early signs of renal failure. The current study now aims to evaluate if, in a different study population and potentially various AKI causes, AKI can be detected early and accurately by proteome analysis. Methods Urine samples from 60 patients who developed AKI after cardiac surgery were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS). The obtained peptide profiles were screened by the AKI peptide marker panel for early signs of AKI. Accuracy of the proteomic model in this patient collective was compared to that based on urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) ELISA levels. Sixty patients who did not develop AKI served as negative controls. Results From the 120 patients, 110 were successfully analyzed by CE-MS (59 with AKI, 51 controls). Application of the AKI panel demonstrated an AUC in receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis of 0.81 (95 % confidence interval: 0.72–0.88). Compared to the proteomic model, ROC analysis revealed poorer classification accuracy of NGAL and KIM-1 with the respective AUC values being outside the statistical significant range (0.63 for NGAL and 0.57 for KIM-1)

    Image quality to estimate ventricular ejection fraction by last year medical students improves after short courses of training

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    Background: Transthoracic echocardiography is the primary imaging modality for diagnosing cardiac conditions but medical education in this field is limited. We tested the hypothesis that a structured theoretical and supervised practical course of training in focused echocardiography in last year medical students results in a more accurate assessment and more precise calculation of left ventricular ejection fraction after ten patient examinations. Methods: After a theoretical introduction course 25 last year medical students performed ten transthoracic echocardiographic examination blocks in postsurgical patients. Left ventricular function was evaluated both with an eye-balling method and with the calculated ejection fraction using diameter and area of left ventricles. Each examination block was controlled by a certified and blinded tutor. Bias and precision of measurements were assessed with Bland and Altman method. Results: Using the eye-balling method students agreed with the tutor’s findings both at the beginning (88%) but more at the end of the course (95.7%). The variation between student and tutor for calculation of area, diameter and ejection fraction, respectively, was significantly lower in examination block 10 than in examination block 1 (each p < 0.001). Students underestimated both the length and the area of the left ventricle at the outset, as complete imaging of the left heart in the ultrasound sector was initially unsuccessful. Conclusions: A structured theoretical and practical transthoracic echocardiography course of training for last year medical students provides a clear and measurable learning experience in assessing and measuring left ventricular function. At least 14 examination blocks are necessary to achieve 90% agreement of correct determination of the ejection fraction

    Sonographic Evaluation of Gastric Residual Volume during Enteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients Using a Miniaturized Ultrasound Device

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    Background: To assess the risk of aspiration, nutrient tolerance, and gastric emptying of patients in ICUs, gastric ultrasound can provide information about the gastric contents. Using established formulas, the gastric residual volume (GRV) can be calculated in a standardized way by measuring the gastric antrum. The purpose of this study was to determine the GRV in a cohort of enterally fed patients using a miniaturized ultrasound device to achieve knowledge about feasibility and the GRV over time during the ICU stay. The findings could contribute to the optimization of en teral nutrition (EN) therapy. Methods: A total of 217 ultrasound examinations with 3 measurements each (651 measurements in total) were performed twice daily (morning and evening) in a longitudinal observational study on 18 patients with EN in the interdisciplinary surgical ICU of Saarland Univer sity Medical Center. The measured values of the GRV were analyzed in relation to the clinical course, the nutrition, and other parameters. Results: Measurements could be performed without interrupting the flow of clinical care and without pausing EN. The GRV was significantly larger with sparsely auscultated bowel sounds than with normal and excited bowel sounds (p < 0.01). Furthermore, a significantly larger GRV was present when using a high-caloric/low-protein nutritional product compared to an isocaloric product (p = 0.02). The GRV at the morning and evening measurements showed no circadian rhythm. When comparing the first and last ultrasound examination of each patient, there was a tendency towards an increased GRV (p = 0.07). Conclusion: The GRV measured by miniaturized ultrasound devices can provide important information about ICU patients without restricting treatment procedures in the ICU. Measurements are possible while EN therapy is ongoing. Further studies are needed to establish gastric ultrasound as a management tool in nutrition therapy

    Washout and Awakening Times after Inhaled Sedation of Critically Ill Patients: Desflurane Versus Isoflurane

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    In recent years, inhaled sedation has been increasingly used in the intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this prospective, controlled trial was to compare washout and awakening times after long term sedation with desflurane and isoflurane both administered with the MIRUSℱ system (TIM GmbH, Koblenz, Germany). Twenty-one consecutive critically ill patients were alternately allocated to the two study groups, obtaining inhaled sedation with either desflurane or isoflurane. After 24 h study sedation, anesthetic washout curves were recorded, and a standardized wake-up test was performed. The primary outcome measure was the time required to decrease the endtidal concentration to 50% (T50%). Secondary outcome measures were T80% and awakening times (all extremities moved, RASS −2). Decrement times (min) (desflurane versus isoflurane, median (1st quartile—3rd quartile)) (T50%: 0.3 (0.3–0.4) vs. 1.3 (0.4–2.3), log-rank test P = 0.002; P80%: 2.5 (2–5.9) vs. 12.1 (5.1–20.2), P = 0.022) and awakening times (to RASS −2: 7.5 (5.5–8.8) vs. 41.0 (24.5–43.0), P = 0.007; all extremities moved: 5.0 (4.0–8.5) vs. 13.0 (8.0–41.25), P = 0.037) were significantly shorter after desflurane compared to isoflurane. The use of desflurane with the MIRUSℱ system significantly shortens the washout times and leads to faster awakening after sedation of critically ill patients

    Preoperative aortic root geometry and postoperative cusp configuration primarily determine long-term outcome after valve-preserving aortic root repair

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    ObjectiveTechnical controversies exist in valve-preserving aortic root replacement. We sought to determine predictors of long-term stability of the aortic valve.MethodsA total of 430 patients (aged 57 ± 15 years, 323 male) underwent valve-preserving aortic root surgery (remodeling in 401, reimplantation in 29) between 1995 and 2009 and were followed echocardiographically. Factors influencing late recurrence of aortic valve regurgitation grade II or greater (n = 45) or need for reoperation on the aortic valve (n = 25) were analyzed.ResultsEarly mortality was 2.8% (1.9% for elective cases), and actuarial survival at 10 years was 83.5% ± 2.4%. Ten-year freedom from aortic valve regurgitation grade II or greater was 85.0% ± 2.5%. Preoperative aortoventricular junction diameter greater than 28 mm and postoperative effective height of the aortic cusp less than 9 mm were identified as significant predictors for late aortic valve regurgitation grade II or greater in multivariate analysis (both P < .001). Ten-year freedom from reoperation on the aortic valve was 89.3% ± 2.5%. Preoperative aortoventricular junction diameter greater than 28 mm (P < .001), use of pericardial patch (P = .022), and effective height of the aortic cusp less than 9 mm (P = .049) were identified as significant predictors for reoperation in multivariate analysis. Operative technique (remodeling, reimplantation), Marfan syndrome, bicuspid valve anatomy, concomitant central cusp plication, size of prosthesis used, and acute dissection were not associated with an increased risk of late aortic valve regurgitation grade II or greater or reoperation. In patients with preoperative aortoventricular junction diameter greater than 28 mm (n = 94), the addition of central cusp plication significantly improved freedom from aortic valve regurgitation grade II or greater (P = .006) regardless of root procedures (remodeling, P = .011; reimplantation, P = .053).ConclusionsLong-term stability of valve-preserving aortic root replacement was influenced not by the technique of root repair but by the preoperative aortic root geometry and postoperative cusp configuration

    Drohnenbasierte dynamische quantitative Infrarotthermographie in der energetischen Analyse von GebÀuden

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    Der GebĂ€udesektor ist neben den Sektoren Energie und Verkehr fĂŒr 16 % der bundesweiten Treibhausgasemissionen verantwortlich. Es stellt eine Herausforderung dar, GebĂ€ude großflĂ€chig energetisch zu vermessen, um Schwachstellen und mögliche Sanierungsoptionen aufzuzeigen. Die in diesem Beitrag aufgezeigte drohnenbasierte berĂŒhrungslose Messung der energetischen Eigenschaften von GebĂ€uden bietet das Potenzial einer schnellen, großflĂ€chigen und automatisierbaren Bestandsaufnahme. Diese kann fĂŒr Entscheidungen im Zuge von Energieeffizienzverbesserungen und Sanierungen genutzt werden und auf diese Weise zu einer ressourceneffizienten Modernisierung des GebĂ€udebestands beitragen. Unser Beitrag stellt das Prinzip der drohnenbasierten dynamischen quantitativen Infrarotthermographie sowie deren praktische Anwendung an einem exemplarischen GebĂ€udekomplex vor. FĂŒr die Thermographieaufnahmen werden mehrere MessflĂŒge im Laufe einer Nacht durchgefĂŒhrt. Auf Basis einer automatisierten Texturierung der entstandenen Bildserien der GebĂ€udeaußenhĂŒllen auf ein zuvor erstelltes 3D-Modell des GebĂ€udekomplexes entsteht fĂŒr jede GebĂ€udeoberflĂ€che eine Zeitreihe der OberflĂ€chentemperatur. Aus diesen Zeitreihen werden die Parameter eines dynamischen thermischen Widerstands-KapazitĂ€ts-Modells (RC-Modells) der GebĂ€udehĂŒllenbauteile errechnet und somit die notwendigen Daten fĂŒr eine energetische Simulation dieser Bauteile generiert. Der GebĂ€udekomplex besteht aus vier BĂŒro- und LaborgebĂ€uden heterogener Alters- und Fassadenstruktur. Anhand der Ergebnisse dieser ersten großskaligen Anwendung möchten wir den Entwicklungsstand der unseres Wissens nach neuartigen Messmethode darstellen und weiteres Entwicklungspotenzial diskutieren

    Integration of Heat Flow through Borders between Adjacent Zones in AixLib's Reduced-Order Model

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    For dynamically simulating the thermal behavior of a building, the reduced-order model (ROM) implemented in the Modelica IBPSA and AixLib libraries provides a time-efficient calculation method based on the standard VDI 6007-1. Additionally, the Python package TEASER features a possilibity to fill the model parameters with automatically generated typical and/or enriched building data. So far, both have not been capable of modelling heat flow through borders between thermal zones. In this contribution, we present the integration of this feature into the open-source software combination. Additional new features include non-constant soil temperatures and a new approach to estimate interior building elements in cases without proper knowledge. Calculation results are presented for an exemplary application and show satisfactory agreement with measured values. The respective code (including the example presented here) is in the process of being published as part of the AixLib and TEASER open-source repositiories

    Real-Time Evaluation of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter (ONSD) in Awake, Spontaneously Breathing Patients

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    (1) Background: Reliable ultrasonographic measurements of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) to detect increased intracerebral pressure (ICP) has not been established in awake patients with continuous invasive ICP monitoring. Therefore, in this study, we included fully awake patients with and without raised ICP and correlated ONSD with continuously measured ICP values. (2) Methods: In a prospective study, intracranial pressure (ICP) was continuously measured in 25 patients with an intraparenchymatic P-tel probe. Ultrasonic measurements were carried out three times for each optic nerve in vertical and horizontal directions. ONSD measurements and ICP were correlated. Patients with ICP of 2.0–10.0 mmHg were compared with patients suffering from an ICP of 10.1–24.2 mmHg. (3) Results: In all patients, the ONSD vertical and horizontal measurement for both eyes correlated well with the ICP (Pearson R = 0.68–0.80). Both measurements yielded similar results (Bland-Altman: vertical bias: −0.09 mm, accuracy: ±0.66 mm; horizontal bias: −0.06 mm, accuracy: ±0.48 mm). For patients with an ICP of 2.0–10.0 mmHg compared to an ICP of 10.1–24.2, ROC (receiver operating characteristic) analyses showed that ONSD measurement accurately predicts elevated ICP (optimal cut-off value 5.05 mm, AUC of 0.91, sensitivity 92% and specificity 90%, p < 0.001). (4) Conclusions: Ultrasonographic measurement of ONSD in awake, spontaneously breathing patients provides a valuable method to evaluate patients with suspected increased ICP. Additionally, it provides a potential tool for rapid assessment of ICP at the bedside and to identify patients at risk for a poor neurological outcome
