38 research outputs found
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Met hierdie rede word betoog dat die patroon van die studie van Grieks wat deur die Atheners vier tot vyf eeue v.C. daargestel is en deur die Alexandryne en Pergamon van drie eeue v.C. tot drie eeu n.C. verder gevorm is, deur die eeue nagevolg is, telkens met die oogmerke wat gepas het by die bepaalde tye, tot in die twintigste eeu. Volgens hierdie patroon is Attiese Grieks bestudeer. Die Attiese Grieks is die literêre taal, die skryftaal, van Athene in die vyfde en vierde eeue v.C. Hierdie tradisie is ook aan die P.U. vir C.H.O. nagevolg. Aan hierdie Universiteit is die studente van Grieks hoofsaaklik, indien nie uitsluitlik nie, voornemende teologiese studente
Selective ion uptake in the initial phase and root surface potentials.
A discussion with 28 references. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission
Rumen ciliate protozoa of the sable antelope Hippotragus niger
Of the 11 ciliate protozoa present in the rumen of the sable antelope, two are holotrichs and nine entodiniomorphs. One new species Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) sablei is described. The seven antelopes investigated gave an average total number of protozoa per cm3 rumen fluid of 1,79 ± 0,39 × 105, a relatively low figure typical of grazing wild ungulates.Van die 11 siliaat-protozoa teenwoordig in die rumen van die swartwitpens was twee holotriche en nege entodiniomorphe vorme. Een nuwe spesies Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) sablei word beskryf. Die sewe swartwitpense wat ondersoek is, het gemiddeld 1,79 ± 0,39 × 10* protozoa per cm3 rumenvloeistof gehad, 'n relatief lae syfer tipies van weiende wildsbokke
The use of physics engines in quantifying breakwater damage
The response of proposed breakwater packing strategies to incident waves is usually tested and evaluated in a model hall. There is currently also increasing interest in using
numerical simulations to model both the packing of a breakwater, and its response to storms. In this paper, we test the use of physics engine software, which provides fast
modelling of hundreds of units, as a means of gaining insight into damage quantification
and breakwater disorder.
Both dolosse and Antifer armour units are investigated. An order parameter P2 is proposed which is shown, using the numerical models, to be a useful measure of orientational order or disorder when the randomness of the packing is in question. A rootmean-square displacement parameter is proposed as a measure of the movement of armour units from their original positions under cyclic forces. Both parameters are easy to use in simulations, and the use of these parameters in model halls and in the field is discussed.This paper was transferred from the original CD ROM created for this conference. The material was published using Adobe Acrobat 10.1.0 Technology.
The original CD ROM was produced by Document Transformation Technologies Postal Address: PO Box 560 Irene 0062 South Africa. Tel.: +27 12 667 2074 Fax: +27 12 667 2766 E-mail: nigel@doctech URL: http://www.doctech.co.zaPaper presented at the 32nd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 8-11 July 2013 "Transport and Sustainable Infrastructure", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.mv201
Feeding behaviour of the caracal Felis caracal Schreber 1776 in the Mountain Zebra National Park
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