32 research outputs found

    Formation and fluorimetric characterization of micelles in a micro-flow through system with static micro mixer

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    The formation and behaviour of micelles of sodium dodecylsulfate in water byuse of a static micro mixer were studied. Trisbipyridylruthenium(II) was applied asindicator dye, 9-methylanthracene was used for fluorescence quenching. All experimentswere carried out by a micro fluid arrangement with three syringe pumps, a 2 1 two-stepstatic micro mixer (IPHT Jena) and a on-line micro fluorimetry including a luminescencediode for excitation, a blue glass filter (BG 7, Linos), two edge filters (RG 630, Linos) anda photo counting module (MP 900, Perkin Elmer). It was possible to measure thefluorescence inside the PTFE tube (inner diameter 0.5 mm) directly. A linear dependenceof fluorescence intensity from dye concentration was observed in absence of quencher andsurfactant as expected. An aggregation number of about 62 was found in the flow raterange between 300 and 800 μL/min. The fluorescence intensity increases slightly, butsignificant with increasing flow rate, if no quencher is present. In the presence of quencher,the fluorescence intensity decreases with decreasing surfactant concentration and withenhanced flow rate. The strength of the flow rate effect on the fluorescence increases withdecreasing surfactant concentration. The size of micelles was determined in micro channelsby the micro fluorimetric method in analogy to the conventional system. The micellesextract the quencher from the solution and lower, this way, the quenching effect. The sizeof micelles was estimated and it could be shown, that the flow rate has only low effect onthe aggregation number at the investigated flow rates. The effect of flow rate andsurfactant concentration on the fluorescence in the presence of quencher was interpreted asa shift in the micelle concentration due to the shear forces. It is expected, that thefluorescence intensity is lowered, if more quencher molecules are molecular disperse distributed inside the solution. Obviously, the lowered fluorescence intensity at higher flow rates suggests a reduction of the micelle density causing an increase of quencher concentration outside the micelles

    Automated analysis of acetaminophen toxicity on 3D HepaRG cell culture in microbioreactor

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    Real-time monitoring of bioanalytes in organotypic cell cultivation devices is a major research challenge in establishing stand-alone diagnostic systems. Presently, no general technical facility is available that offers a plug-in system for bioanalytics in diversely available organotypic culture models. Therefore, each analytical device has to be tuned according to the microfluidic and interface environment of the 3D in vitro system. Herein, we report the design and function of a 3D automated culture and analysis device (3D-ACAD) which actively perfuses a custom-made 3D microbioreactor, samples the culture medium and simultaneously performs capillary-based flow ELISA. A microstructured MatriGrid ® has been explored as a 3D scaffold for culturing HepaRG cells, with albumin investigated as a bioanalytical marker using flow ELISA. We investigated the effect of acetaminophen (APAP) on the albumin secretion of HepaRG cells over 96 h and compared this with the albumin secretion of 2D monolayer HepaRG cultures. Automated on-line monitoring of albumin secretion in the 3D in vitro mode revealed that the application of hepatotoxic drug-like APAP results in decreased albumin secretion. Furthermore, a higher sensitivity of the HepaRG cell culture in the automated 3D-ACAD system to APAP was observed compared to HepaRG cells cultivated as a monolayer. The results support the use of the 3D-ACAD model as a stand-alone device, working in real time and capable of analyzing the condition of the cell culture by measuring a functional analyte. Information obtained from our system is compared with conventional cell culture and plate ELISA, the results of which are presented herein

    Consumer perceptions of co-branding alliances: Organizational dissimilarity signals and brand fit

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    This study explores how consumers evaluate co-branding alliances between dissimilar partner firms. Customers are well aware that different firms are behind a co-branded product and observe the partner firms’ characteristics. Drawing on signaling theory, we assert that consumers use organizational characteristics as signals in their assessment of brand fit and for their purchasing decisions. Some organizational signals are beyond the control of the co-branding partners or at least they cannot alter them on short notice. We use a quasi-experimental design and test how co-branding partner dissimilarity affects brand fit perception. The results show that co-branding partner dissimilarity in terms of firm size, industry scope, and country-of-origin image negatively affects brand fit perception. Firm age dissimilarity does not exert significant influence. Because brand fit generally fosters a benevolent consumer attitude towards a co-branding alliance, the findings suggest that high partner dissimilarity may reduce overall co-branding alliance performance

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Consensus Paper: Towards a Systems-Level View of Cerebellar Function: the Interplay Between Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and Cortex

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    The Eschenmoser coupling reaction under continuous-flow conditions

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    The Eschenmoser coupling is a useful carbon–carbon bond forming reaction which has been used in various different synthesis strategies. The reaction proceeds smoothly if S-alkylated ternary thioamides or thiolactames are used. In the case of S-alkylated secondary thioamides or thiolactames, the Eschenmoser coupling needs prolonged reaction times and elevated temperatures to deliver valuable yields. We have used a flow chemistry system to promote the Eschenmoser coupling under enhanced reaction conditions in order to convert the demanding precursors such as S-alkylated secondary thioamides and thiolactames in an efficient way. Under pressurized reaction conditions at about 220 °C, the desired Eschenmoser coupling products were obtained within 70 s residence time. The reaction kinetics was investigated and 15 examples of different building block combinations are given

    NMR and GPC Analysis of Alkyd Resins: Influence of Synthesis Method, Vegetable Oil and Polyol Content

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    Alkyd resins are oil-based polymers that have been widely used for generations in the surface coating industry and beyond. Characterization of these resins is of high importance to understand the influence of its components on its behavior, compatibility with other resins, and final quality to ensure high durability. Here, NMR spectroscopy and GPC were used for characterizing differences in the chemical structure, molecular distribution, and dispersity between oil-based and fatty acid-based alkyd polymers made from sacha inchi and linseed oils. Sancha inchi (Plukentia volubilis L.) is a fruit-bearing plant native to South America and the Caribbean, and has a rich unsaturated fatty acid content. The effect of vegetable oil and polyol selection on the synthesis of alkyd resins for coating applications was analyzed. The influence of two different synthesis methods, monoglyceride and fatty acid processes, was also compared. Important structural differences were observed using NMR: one-dimensional spectra revealed the degree of unsaturated fatty acid chains along the polyester backbone, whereas, 2D NMR experiments facilitated chemical shift assignments of all signals. GPC analysis suggested that alkyd resins with homogeneous and high molecular weights can be obtained with the fatty acid process, and that resins containing pentaerythritol may have uniform chain lengths

    Characterization of the planetary boundary layer during SAMUM-2 by means of lidar measurements

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    Measurements with two Raman-depolarization lidars of the Meteorological Institute of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, performed during SAMUM-2, were used to characterize the planetary boundary layer (PBL) over Praia, Cape Verde. A novel approach was used to determine the volume fraction of dust υd in the PBL. This approach primarily relies on accurate measurements of the linear depolarization ratio. Comparisons with independent in situ measurements showed the reliability of this approach. Based on our retrievals, two different phases could be distinguished within the measurement period of almost one month. The first (22-31 January 2008) was characterized by high aerosol optical depth (AOD) in the PBL and large υd > 95%. During the second phase, the AOD in the PBL was considerably lower and υd less than ~40%. These findings were in very good agreement with ground based in situ measurements, when ambient volume fractions are considered that were calculated from the actual measurements of the dry volume fraction. Only in cases when dust was not the dominating aerosol component (second phase), effects due to hygroscopic growth became important.Peer reviewe