173 research outputs found

    Toward explorative space

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    Towards Explorative Space

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    We are at the start of the research group ‘Entrepreneurship in Transition’, which is an initiative of Hanze University of Applied Sciences and Alfa-college to conduct research and valorise knowledge about the relationship between entrepreneurship and education, entrepreneurial success factors, retail and succession. In the research group, students of vocational education (mbo), university of applied sciences (hbo), staffand other partners involved, study the dynamics of entrepreneurship in the northern region of the Netherlands. Our goal is to contribute to a sustainable social, cultural and economic healthy region through research and practises. An important parameter for the research group is the concept of explorative space. In short is this a space where people and organisations are encouraged and welcomed to explore their potentialities and find ways to actualise them

    Towards Explorative Space

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    An analysis of the development of home exchange organizations

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    Dit onderzoek draagt bij aan een beter begrip van het fenomeen woningruil, hierbij is gelet op de historische ontwikkeling van de woningruil, bemiddelingsprocessen, lidmaatschap profielen en de rol van media. Het internet heeft voor een interactiever proces gezorgd en vergemakkelijkt woningruil kernels die, door de manier waarop ze georganiseerd zijn, een zekere mate van zelf-organisatie toestaan. Processen van specialisatie en differentiatie veranderen het ‘Woningruil bemiddelings landschap’

    Contemporary Dutch Museums in a Post-Covid Era

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    During the current outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, museums around the world have been forced to close their doors. Yet, responding to Covid-19 is just one of the challenges they are currently facing. In the aftermath of unprecedented times, international museum leaders are facing numerous obstacles and innovations. The debate about their future has become increasingly heated (Herwitz, 2021; Szántó 2020). The aim of this research is to consider different developments in the museum world, with an emphasis on the developments in the Netherlands

    Toward explorative space

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