704 research outputs found

    Relic gravitational waves: latest revisions and preparations for new data

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    The forthcoming release of data from the Planck mission, and possibly from the next round of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations, make it necessary to revise the evaluations of relic gravitational waves in the existing data and, at the same time, to refine the assumptions and data analysis techniques in preparation for the arrival of new data. We reconsider with the help of the commonly used CosmoMC numerical package the previously found indications of relic gravitational waves in the 7-year (WMAP7) data. The CosmoMC approach reduces the confidence of these indications from approximately 2σ\sigma level to approximately 1σ\sigma level, but the indications do not disappear altogether. We critically analyze the assumptions that are currently used in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analyzes and outline the strategy that should help avoid the oversight of relic gravitational waves in the future CMB data. In particular, it is important to keep away from the unwarranted assumptions about density perturbations. The prospects of confident detection of relic gravitational waves by the Planck satellite have worsened, but they are still good. It appears that more effort will be required in order to mitigate the foreground contamination.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; v.3: improvements, published versio

    Separating E and B types of polarization on an incomplete sky

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    Detection of magnetic-type (BB-type) polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation plays a crucial role in probing the relic gravitational wave (RGW) background. In this paper, we propose a new method to deconstruct a polarization map on an incomplete sky in real space into purely electric and magnetic polarization type maps, E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}), respectively. The main properties of our approach are as follows: Firstly, the fields E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}) are constructed in real space with a minimal loss of information. This loss of information arises due to the removal of a narrow edge of the constructed map in order to remove various numerical errors, including those arising from finite pixel size. Secondly, this method is fast and can be efficiently applied to high resolution maps due to the use of the fast spherical harmonics transformation. Thirdly, the constructed fields, E(γ^){\mathcal{E}}(\hat{\gamma}) and B(γ^){\mathcal{B}}(\hat{\gamma}), are scalar fields. For this reason various techniques developed to deal with temperature anisotropy maps can be directly applied to analyze these fields. As a concrete example, we construct and analyze an unbiased estimator for the power spectrum of the BB-mode of polarization CBBC_{\ell}^{BB}. Basing our results on the performance of this estimator, we discuss the RGW detection ability of two future ground-based CMB experiments, QUIET and POLARBEAR.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, 1 table. The finial version, will appear in PR

    Quantum Effects In Cosmology

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    Contents: Introduction. The Present State of the Universe. What Can We Expect From a Complete Cosmological Theory? An Overview of Quantum Effects in Cosmology. Parametric (Superadiabatic) Amplification of Classical Waves. Graviton Creation in the Inflationary Universe. Quantum States of a Harmonic Oscillator. Squeezed Quantum States of Relic Gravitons and Primordial Density Perturbations. Quantum Cosmology, Minisuperspace Models and Inflation. From the Space of Classical Solutions to the Space of Wave Functions. On the Probability of Quantum Tunneling From "Nothing". Duration of InflationComment: (43 pages, to be published in "The Origin of Structure in the Universe", ed. P.Nardone

    Components of the gravitational force in the field of a gravitational wave

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    Gravitational waves bring about the relative motion of free test masses. The detailed knowledge of this motion is important conceptually and practically, because the mirrors of laser interferometric detectors of gravitational waves are essentially free test masses. There exists an analogy between the motion of free masses in the field of a gravitational wave and the motion of free charges in the field of an electromagnetic wave. In particular, a gravitational wave drives the masses in the plane of the wave-front and also, to a smaller extent, back and forth in the direction of the wave's propagation. To describe this motion, we introduce the notion of `electric' and `magnetic' components of the gravitational force. This analogy is not perfect, but it reflects some important features of the phenomenon. Using different methods, we demonstrate the presence and importance of what we call the `magnetic' component of motion of free masses. It contributes to the variation of distance between a pair of particles. We explicitely derive the full response function of a 2-arm laser interferometer to a gravitational wave of arbitrary polarization. We give a convenient description of the response function in terms of the spin-weighted spherical harmonics. We show that the previously ignored `magnetic' component may provide a correction of up to 10 %, or so, to the usual `electric' component of the response function. The `magnetic' contribution must be taken into account in the data analysis, if the parameters of the radiating system are not to be mis-estimated.Comment: prints to 29 pages including 9 figures, new title, additional explanations and references in response to referee's comments, to be published in Class. Quant. Gra

    New Primordial-Magnetic-Field Limit from The Latest LIGO S5 data

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    Since the energy momentum tensor of a magnetic field always contains a spin-2 component in its anisotropic stress, stochastic primordial magnetic field (PMF) in the early universe must generate stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background. This process will greatly affect the relic gravitational wave (RGW), which is one of major scientific goals of the laser interferometer GW detections. Recently, the fifth science (S5) run of laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory (LIGO) gave a latest upper limit ΩGW<6.9×106\Omega_{GW}<6.9\times10^{-6} on the RGW background. Utilizing this upper limit, we derive new PMF Limits: for a scale of galactic cluster λ=1\lambda=1 Mpc, the amplitude of PMF, that produced by the electroweak phase transition (EPT), has to be weaker than Bλ4×107B_{\lambda} \leq 4\times 10^{-7} Gauss; for a scale of supercluster λ=100\lambda=100 Mpc, the amplitude of PMF has to be weaker than Bλ9×1011B_{\lambda} \leq 9\times 10^{-11} Gauss. In this manner, GW observation has potential to make interesting contributions to the study of primordial magnetic field.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    On the observational determination of squeezing in relic gravitational waves and primordial density perturbations

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    We develop a theory in which relic gravitational waves and primordial density perturbations are generated by strong variable gravitational field of the early Universe. The generating mechanism is the superadiabatic (parametric) amplification of the zero-point quantum oscillations. The generated fields have specific statistical properties of squeezed vacuum quantum states. Macroscopically, squeezing manifests itself in a non-stationary character of variances and correlation functions of the fields, the periodic structures of the metric power spectra, and, as a consequence, in oscillatory behavior of the higher order multipoles C_l of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy. We start with the gravitational wave background and then apply the theory to primordial density perturbations. We derive an analytical formula for the positions of peaks and dips in the angular power spectrum l(l+1)C_l as a function of l. This formula shows that the values of l at the peak positions are ordered in the proportion 1:3:5:..., whereas at the dips they are ordered as 1:2:3:.... We compare the derived positions with the actually observed features, and find them to be in reasonably good agreement. It appears that the observed structure is better described by our analytical formula based on the (squeezed) metric perturbations associated with the primordial density perturbations, rather than by the acoustic peaks reflecting the existence of plasma sound waves at the last scattering surface. We formulate a forecast for other features in the angular power spectrum, that may be detected by the advanced observational missions, such as MAP and PLANCK. We tentatively conclude that the observed structure is a macroscopic manifestation of squeezing in the primordial metric perturbations.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. D66, 0435XX (2002); includes Note Added in Proofs: "The latest CBI observations (T.J.Pearson et al., astro-ph/0205388) have detected four peaks, at l ~ 550, 800, 1150, 1500, and four dips, at l ~ 400, 700, 1050, 1400. These positions are in a very good agreement with the theoretical formula (6.35) of the present paper. We interpret this data as confirmation of our conclusion that it is gravity, and not acoustics, that is responsible for the observed structure.

    Imprints of Relic Gravitational Waves in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

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    A strong variable gravitational field of the very early Universe inevitably generates relic gravitational waves by amplifying their zero-point quantum oscillations. We begin our discussion by contrasting the concepts of relic gravitational waves and inflationary `tensor modes'. We explain and summarize the properties of relic gravitational waves that are needed to derive their effects on CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. The radiation field is characterized by four invariants I, V, E, B. We reduce the radiative transfer equations to a single integral equation of Voltairre type and solve it analytically and numerically. We formulate the correlation functions C^{XX'}_{\ell} for X, X'= T, E, B and derive their amplitudes, shapes and oscillatory features. Although all of our main conclusions are supported by exact numerical calculations, we obtain them, in effect, analytically by developing and using accurate approximations. We show that the TE correlation at lower \ell's must be negative (i.e. an anticorrelation), if it is caused by gravitational waves, and positive if it is caused by density perturbations. This difference in TE correlation may be a signature more valuable observationally than the lack or presence of the BB correlation, since the TE signal is about 100 times stronger than the expected BB signal. We discuss the detection by WMAP of the TE anticorrelation at \ell \approx 30 and show that such an anticorrelation is possible only in the presence of a significant amount of relic gravitational waves (within the framework of all other common assumptions). We propose models containing considerable amounts of relic gravitational waves that are consistent with the measured TT, TE and EE correlations.Comment: 61 pages including 15 figures, v.2: additional references and clarifications, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Best Unbiased Estimates for the Microwave Background Anisotropies

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    It is likely that the observed distribution of the microwave background temperature over the sky is only one realization of the underlying random process associated with cosmological perturbations of quantum-mechanical origin. If so, one needs to derive the parameters of the random process, as accurately as possible, from the data of a single map. These parameters are of the utmost importance, since our knowledge of them would help us to reconstruct the dynamical evolution of the very early Universe. It appears that the lack of ergodicity of a random process on a 2-sphere does not allow us to do this with arbitrarily high accuracy. We are left with the problem of finding the best unbiased estimators of the participating parameters. A detailed solution to this problem is presented in this article. The theoretical error bars for the best unbiased estimates are derived and discussed.Comment: 26 pages, revtex; minor modifications, 8 new references, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Implications of the Microwave Background Anisotropies for Laser-Interferometer-Tested Gravitational Waves

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    The observed microwave background anisotropies in combination with the theory of quantum mechanically generated cosmological perturbations predict a well measurable amount of relic gravitational waves in the frequency intervals tested by LISA and ground-based laser interferometers.Comment: revised, corrected, and slightly expanded version to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravity; 22 pages, 1 Postscript figure, Latex; Based on a talk presented at the First Internationsl LISA Symposium, 9 - 12 July 1996, RAL, U