6 research outputs found

    Solid state switch based pulsers for the injection system of the collider VEPP-2000

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    We describe high voltage pulsers for supplying the kickers of the collider VEPP-2000 injection system. The high voltage pulse is formed as a result of a sharp break of a high current, accumulated previously in storage elements, by means of a SOS-diode The generator scheme is described too.Описано генератори високовольтних імпульсів для живлення кикеров системи інжекції коллайдера ВЕПП-2000 БИЯФ З РАНЕЙ. Формування імпульсів відбувається в результаті різкого обриву струму в індуктивному накопичувачі за допомогою зборки з напівпровідникових SOS-діодів, включеної паралельно навантаженню. Приведено схему генератора.Описаны генераторы высоковольтных импульсов для питания кикеров системы инжекции коллайдера ВЭПП-2000 БИЯФ СО РАН. Формирование импульсов происходит в результате резкого обрыва тока в индуктивном накопителе при помощи сборки из полупроводниковых SOS-диодов, включенной параллельно нагрузке. Приведена схема генератора

    ATF2 Proposal: v. 2

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    For achieving the high luminosity required at the International Linear Collider (ILC), it is critical to focus the beams to nanometer size with the ILC Beam Delivery System (BDS), and to maintain the beam collision with a nanometer-scale stability. To establish the technologies associated with this ultra-high precision beam handling, it has been proposed to implement an ILC-like final focus optics in an extension of the existing extraction beamline of ATF at KEK. The ATF is considered to be the best platform for this exercise, since it provides an adequate ultra-low emittance electron beam in a manner dedicated to the development of ILC. The two major goals for this facility, called ATF2, are : (A) Achievement of a 37 nm beam size, and (B) control of beam position down to 2 nm level. The scientific justification for the ATF2 project and its technical design have been described in Volume 1 of the ATF2 Proposal [1]. We present here Volume 2 of the ATF2 Proposal, in which we present specifics of the construction plans and the group organization to execute the research programs at ATF2. The sections in this report have been authored by relevant ATF2 subgroups within the International ATF Collaboration. The time line of the project is described in Section 2. Section 3 discuss the structure of the international collaboration. Sections 4 and 5 discuss budget considerations, which are presented as well as the design and construction tasks to be shared by the internationalcollaboration at ATF2. Concluding remarks have been contributed by Dr. Ewan Paterson, Chair of the International Collaboration Board of the ATF collaboration.The two major goals for this facility, called ATF2, are : (A) Achievement of a 37 nm beam size, and (B) control of beam position down to 2 nm level. The scientific justification for the ATF2 project and its technical design have been described in Volume 1 of the ATF2 Proposal. We present here Volume 2 of the ATF2 Proposal, in which we present specifics of the construction plans and the group organization to execute the research programs at ATF2

    ATF2 Proposal. Vol. 2

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    ATF2 GroupThe two major goals for this facility, called ATF2, are : (A) Achievement of a 37 nm beam size, and (B) control of beam position down to 2 nm level. The scientific justification for the ATF2 project and its technical design have been described in Volume 1 of the ATF2 Proposal. We present here Volume 2 of the ATF2 Proposal, in which we present specifics of the construction plans and the group organization to execute the research programs at ATF2